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  1. Not a way to adjust this from the save file, as the applicable light data isn't in there. It's in the SCENE file for the object. MODELS\PLANETS\BIOMES\COMMON\BUILDINGS\PARTS\BUILDABLEPARTS\DECORATION\PLANETSYSTEMHOLOGRAM.SCENE.MBIN. You'd have to make a mod .pak with an edited copy of the above file with the changes you need, probably just dialing down the INTENSITY settings for the Orangelite, which by default is 3000
  2. The sort-o-matic is the solution. There is no way for a mod to do this within the framework of NMS. The inventory is only in the save files. Mods can only change static game data files and cannot directly access save file data.
  3. Still is, on a roll your own basis. Get this: nms-amumss-lua-mod-script-collection/other-authors/EISS.lua at main ยท MetaIdea/nms-amumss-lua-mod-script-collection (github.com) To download, click the RAW button, right-click on the page and choose save as, save with extension .lua. Now you can process through AMUMSS to generate an updated .pak for the mod. How to use AMUMSS at No Man's Sky Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  4. No there is not. The Modding community spent time creating tooling to be able to make mod .paks for the mac format, but Hello Games has mods completely disabled for Macs in the game executable.
  5. Not really a matter of willing. It's not possible. With NMS modding there is no API, only static game file edits. So we cannot change base game mechanics or logic, unless HelloGames provides settings in the files to change something. In this case, there's no game settings to allow for it, the .exe would not recognize it and crash, and there's no data place available in the game files for this. Triple whammy.
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