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About Hamitho

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  1. To understand that right, you want to add weapons from mod A (weapon mod) to Actors of mod B (America Rising), correct? Have you set both mods as Master file? (Instruction how to do set multiple master files)
  2. Thank you AGreatWeight, much appreciated!
  3. Better late than never: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38171
  4. I know it's quite an old request, but here it is: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38171 Works for Games, Notes, Passwords.
  5. That is pure gold deadbeeftffn, thank you! First time I hear about a method that does not include an ancient 3dsmax version!
  6. Do you have any more info on this? I worked with Dev 7 for a while now and still haven't figured out (or even found a hint) how to create collisions. I'm not even able to display existing collisions.
  7. Hi again, I start feeling stupid because it doesn't want to work. I tried to add the perk via console command to make sure it is active but the console doesn't even find the ID. Is it normal that the console does not know custom assets or am I doing something completely wrong? The container itself shows up in the workshop menu so it can't be that wrong, can it? Initially I tried to add the perk to the player in the OnLoad event of the container, but I wasn't sure if it is added or not. Perk Property KeyRackActivate Auto Event OnLoad() if !AlreadyLoaded AlreadyLoaded = TRUE KeysInContainer = New Form[0] Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(KeyRackActivate) endif EndEvent
  8. Thank you DieFeM for the detailed Information. I tried to follow your instructions, but something seems to be missing still. This is my perk Setup so far: (the perk owner tab is emtpy) The function is the following: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment Scriptname Fragments:Perks:PRKF_KeyRackActivate Extends Perk Hidden Const ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Entry_01 Function Fragment_Entry_01(ObjectReference akTargetRef, Actor akActor) ;BEGIN CODE while (akActor.GetItemCount(KeyKeyword) >= 1) akActor.RemoveItem(KeyKeyword, 1, false, akTargetRef) endwhile ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Keyword Property KeyKeyword Auto Const It compiles and is also displayed in the Papyrus Fragments tab, so I guess the CK digested it correctly. I also made sure I have several keys with a KeyKeyword in inventory, but I still don't get a different activation button, just the usual container UI. Anything I missed?
  9. Hi gob2, I am pretty sure a lot of those 0-use leveled lists are actually not used, however I would guess script uses might not be recognized correctly as "use" by the CK. I don't see a real benefit in recycling old LLs so if you want to be on the save side it would be the easiest way to just make a duplicate. That would also potentially increase compatibility with other mods.
  10. Thank you for your answer DieFeM, I think I understood that you suggest to activate the container via an extra activator which executes the function above instead of calling the function directly in the container to avoid multiple execution. That makes sense to me, but I am puzzled why I need a perk for this and how to create such an activation button. Could you point me to an example in the vanilla scripts or, if such don't exist, give me some more information how to begin with?
  11. Hi again, same problem, different approach. I am trying to create a container that removes all keys from the player on activation and puts it into the container. Here is the part of the script, which is actually a modified copy of the Bobblehead stand auto STATE AllowActivate Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) GoToState("Busy") BlockActivation(TRUE) if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() MoveKeysToContainer() Utility.Wait(0.1) endif GoToState("AllowActivate") BlockActivation(FALSE) EndEvent EndSTATE STATE Busy ;Do Nothing EndSTATE Function MoveKeysToContainer() while (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(KeyKeyword) >= 1) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(KeyKeyword, 1, false, self) endwhile EndFunction It is working in general but with some flaws: 1) When a key in the container is grabbed from the "quick loot", the key is removed instantly from the player and put back into the container 2) When a key is transferred into the container on activation is is not instantly displayed in the inventory, player has to exit the container and activate it again So resulting questions: When is the OnActivate event triggered exactly and is there a way to distinguish between quick looting and entering the transfer menu? How can I force the container to update its inventory so the items are shown correctly? Sorry, I am still beginner, so anything that might help pointing me in the right direction is very welcome!
  12. Hi guys, I understood, that quest items are not droppable due to a flag in quest aliases, but I wonder how it works with keys. Are they hardcoded to be not droppable? Is there a way to change that?
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