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  1. I made an activator that can be moved around by the player. It gets pulled in from a holding cell, then it gets moved around via script(using TranslateToRef), then returns to the holding cell when done. It works perfectly in exteriors, but unfortunately its practically unusable in interiors. When brought into an interior it will work initially, but I've found that it immediately binds itself to whichever room bound marker it was called into (using MoveTo). This means that as soon as the player (or more specifically, the camera) leaves that room, the activator becomes invisible. Even if the activator is sent back to its holding cell and called again, it will still be bound to the original room. The behavior seems to reset if I leave the cell and come back. I can summon it in a new room, but now it will be bound to that room. This brings me to my question, does anybody know if there's any way to completely exempt an object from room bounds? Or some other way to get around this? I've already tried resetting the activator, and I've tried various different object types (you can carry misc items from room to room, so I figured that would work. It didn't.)
  2. Do you have a Patreon I can download your Adept - Magic of Ash mod from? I'd be happy too pay for a monthly subscription.
  3. So I'm finding that some script functions (SKSE ones) don't work correctly on items originating from a mod with compacted form IDs. Specifically the SetItemMaxCharge(), SetEnchantmentValue(), and the charges portion of SetEnchantment() do not work on items from an ESL mod that have a charge specified already. The item always keeps its default charge value. Checking the charge value with a script will return the value it was supposed to be set to, but when used the charges are at the default value. Example: An item has 500 charge as it's default value. The script is used to increase that to 3000. When checked with GetItemMaxCharge() it will return 3000, but when you equip it and check "GetAv RightItemCharge" via the console it will still return 500. I've found this to be the case with all items added by ESL flagged mods. My questions are: Does anyone know a direct way around this? Is there maybe a way to force the item to remove its default charge value with a script (other than those above)? Does anyone know a way that a script can at least identify that an item originates from an ESL mod? This way I could at least make a workaround. Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Found the problem, nothing to see here folks!
  5. Nevermind, I found it! https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetHeadingAngle_-_ObjectReference
  6. I'm trying to figure out how to check whether or not an actor is within about 120o of the front of the player. The check has to be instant, so I can't use a cone spell or anything. Does anyone know a way to script this? Really as long as I can check that they are to some extent in front, not behind or directly to either side, that would work.
  7. I'm trying to make a weapon that animates on draw/sheathe and on equip. I've tried using the script commands PlayAnimation on the weapon itself, and PlaySubGraphAnimation on the user. Neither one seems to work. I know "SubGraph" scripts work on shields (such as Auriel's Shield), do weapons not count as "SubGraph" objects? Here's the script I've been trying to use (I'm using "Open" and "Close" as the animation names for now, though I'd probably change those later to avoid clashing with something else): Scriptname AnimatedWeaponScript extends ObjectReference Actor Property SelfRef Auto Hidden Event OnEquipped(Actor AkActor) SelfRef = AkActor RegisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "WeaponDraw") RegisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "WeaponSheathe") SelfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation("Close") Debug.Notification("Equipped") EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference AkSource, string AsEventName) if(akSource == SelfRef) if (AsEventName == "WeaponDraw") SelfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation("Open") Debug.Notification("Drawn") Elseif (AsEventName == "WeaponSheathe") SelfRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation("Close") Debug.Notification("Sheathed") EndIf EndIf EndEventThe animations don't play at any point. Does anybody have any ideas on how I could get this to work (Without doing something like taking up an armor slot, or using enchant art)?
  8. That was just added for testing purposes, it still doesn't work in game with or without it
  9. I'm trying to use this function to control time between uses of a scripted item. For some reason it just won't work at all. Here's a shortened version of the script: Event OnEquipped(Actor AkActor) If(Waiting == False) Game.DisablePlayerControls(false, false, False, false, false, True, false, False) ;Doing Stuff Waiting = true Game.EnablePlayerControls() If(RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(1.0)) Debug.Notification("Update Should Be Registered") Else Debug.Notification("Update Did Not Register!") EndIf Else Debug.Notification("You have already used this today") EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() Waiting = False Debug.Notification("Update Completed") EndEventWhenever I test it it shows that it did not register, meaning that the issue is with the function not the event. Does anyone know why? I cant figure out what I could be doing wrong :wallbash:
  10. The script archetype is fine. It doesn't mean that there has to be a script, it just means that the effect itself doesn't actively do anything.
  11. No, I mean as part of the conditions on the magic effect (it may not be 100% necessary, since spells usually dispel on their own after death, but abilities may be different. Either way it wont hurt.) https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Magic_Effect https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Condition_Functions You use your shader as the hit shader, check FX Persist, then use it as part of an ability spell. No scripting required. If you use this method it may also fix your issue of the shader not reapplying. As far as I recall shaders from active spells reappear after overriding shaders wear off (Such as being hit by a fire spell while you have an armor spell active, the armor spell shader will return afterwards). If you wanted to use the scripting method, you would use either: If(AutomatonRef.IsDead() == 0) or If(AutomatonRef.IsDead() != 1) (same thing, different syntax. There are several other ways to phrase it, but I find that these are the best for knowing what the code was when you look back later) Again, I recommend at least trying the ability method first, especially if you're unfamiliar with scripting. With shaders in particular you can risk lagging the game if you get something wrong. Doing it as part of a spell effect means that all of the hard work is done for you.
  12. I'm going to answer question 2 first, because I'm a rebel like that. Unfortunately, there's no reliable way that I know of to fix that problem (I could be wrong). The membrane shader from the spell effect is overriding the one you've applied. A "solution" might be to make the glow look less solid and more magical, then it may look less odd when other shaders suppress it. As far as question 1 I have have two options for you: You could make the shader be applied by an ability spell instead, then give it the condition GetDead != 1 (this is probably the simpler option, with your actor script just adding the spell or even giving it directly to the race's ability) or you could have the script apply the shader OnCellAttach with an If statement to check that they are not dead already, then make the script remove it either OnDying or OnDeath (It would probably be best to also remove the shader OnCellDetach as well).
  13. Yeah, you don't want to pack any assets you didn't actually add yourself. Meaning that if you didn't use any new textures you don't even need a bsa for textures. You'll also want to comb through your meshes bsa. The CK's auto packer is notorious for just grabbing any loose files that are associated with anything you've touched in the mod. It often picks up assets that may be from someone else's mod (such as texture/mesh replacers).
  14. The other option is to cheat it. If you make your new mesh the right shape you can equip it as armor and have it completely cover the original mesh. I've done this with the mining animation, and it worked reasonably well. Though it does require you to make your new item in the correct footprint to cover up the old mesh, so I don't know it that will work for your design. Animations are hard, faking it is easier :thumbsup:
  15. So I made a new worldspace, smaller than Solstheim larger than a dungeon. It's surrounded by water and has a very tall tower that the player can stand on top of. The problem is that while on the tower you can see hard cell edges out in the water, and it looks horrible. Does anybody know if there is any way to make the water seem to go on forever, or at least fade out gradually? I'm using xLODGen. The rest of the LOD is fine, its just he weirdness with the hard cell edges. I'm willing to partially blind the player with clouds or something, but even then you can see that something is off because its so obvious.
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