Thanks for the reply! I went through the steps here: Basically, I cut out a part of the texture and saved the file as a DXT5 argb 8bpp interpolated alpha. I then added a transparency to the .nif and updated the material/bsgm. The alpha is set to 128 on the nif and 127 on the bgsm as per the tutorial. This all works great if that's all I want to do. For some reason, trying to add anything back over the sections that I've removed/erased doesn't work though. This is probably the wrong way to say this, but its as if the UV or something is permanently ignoring that section now because no matter what I put over that transparency it wont take, solid or not. I have to reload the texture from my saved backup to undo that. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out and see if there is anything I can glean form it. BTW if any of this isn't coming across clearly I can try to upload pictures if you'd think that would help.