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  1. I'm not sure what you mean by 'checked off' the value for SF_SHADOW_MAP wasn't checked, so I checked it, but it didn't seem to make a difference. I checked the properties of my model alongside two other models that I know work and couldn't find any differences, i'll keep looking for anything, but if anyone thinks of anything let me know! EDIT: found one difference, under the block "NiNode" (BSFadeNode on my model) only has one difference under the entry "Num Extra Data List" is set to 1 on the model I'm referencing and 0 on my model. I changed this but it didn't appear to have any effect.
  2. You will need to setup Nifskope to your gaming directories. I forgot how to do it, but google it. Theres a tutorial. Your paths should never be absolute the way you have them setup. Your referecing the C drive. The paths need to be relative. Especially if you ever plan on someone else using your work. Looks something like "textures\blah\blah\blah.dds" and that comes from setting up Nifskope properly. I tried both these tips (I needed to do both anyway) but after setting my texture path and renaming that node, it still does not show up in game. The weirdness in GECK is gone, and I know the cell is updating because I deleted several objects on a table to place the new model and they were deleted in game, but my model didn't show up. Does anyone have a tutorial that includes how to add a collision mesh? I think that might be the issue.
  3. well dang. its showing up fine in geck now, but it behaves kinda strangely (its impossible to select in the 3d view and impossible to move around) and doesn't show up in game. is this because I don't have a collision mesh? If so, how do I add one, I haven't found a tutorial that covers that.
  4. I don't know if it shows up in game, but it doesn't show up in the model preview. i'll try it in game here in a bit.
  5. I'm not sure because like i said the texture shows up in the texture set, but the path is as follows: Diffuse: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Textures\cooler\cooler_d01_1024.dds Normal: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Textures\cooler\cooler_n01_512.dds if there's an 'in game' directory structure (like idtech does) I'm not sure what it is, if you know how to look it up I'll list it
  6. I'm having trouble getting my texture to show up on my custom model, the model shows up fine and other game textures will wrap on it properly, but the texture I made for it won't show up. in the texture set appears to be set up identical to other textures, but for some reason its not working. any tips or tutorials would be great, I made the model with Blender and the texture with GIMP, I've tried the textures saved as a dds BC2/DTX3 and BC3/DTX5.
  7. do you know of any good tutorials on object scripting? mostly all i've done so far in the GECK is world building, so this is fairly new to me. i'm slowly learning how poorly this stuff is documented... Here's what i've got so far ScriptName SwizzPoisonedWater Begin OnAdd (Refrence? Container? I'm not sure what to call a target NPCs inventory) (not sure how to add an AI package, there's almost no documentation on how to add these or run them through scripts that I can find) End Any help would be great guys
  8. do you know of any good tutorials on object scripting? mostly all i've done so far in the GECK is world building, so this is fairly new to me.
  9. Hi. I'm working on an Item that is considered a food item, but on consumption "poisons" the victim and kills them quickly. I'm developing it as a quieter alternative to reverse-pickpocketing grenades. I've got the poison done, and it works (tested it myself!) but the problem is getting the NPC to drink it. Any Ideas?
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