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Nexus Mods Profile

About LaFate

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    United States
  1. Not sure but I'll try it ... this one states that you can't use any mods like other walk anims and that I know I was able to do.
  2. Hi guys, I had to format my hdd and am basically starting new, but now I am looking for a certain mod(s function) and I can't remember which mod it was part of. It allowed for being able to few the pc from any angle while walking, running etc ... you could rotate freely around the pc as well as zoom in & out normally. Any ideas which mod this is? It might have been part of another mod since I believe to recall clicking it as an option in another, possibly animation or clothing/armor, mod. Thanks for any help.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm having the following problems making an NPC. I created the body and face in-game using ECE & co and exported using the spf via console but when I load/import it in CK (and then game) the face takes a totally different form and the features change completely. What am I doing wrong?
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