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About ryanjp89

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  1. I have no idea why, but I can't equip a rifle on my back weapon slot. I could earlier in the game, but for some reason only my bows appear in the back weapon slot. I am on my horse and have all the rifles in my inventory, but they are only in the shoulder slot, even when on my horse.
  2. I asked what SCR file uses it, just waiting on his reply. I'll try to get it working also, if he lets me know where to find it.
  3. Has anyone been able to mod the normal flashlight? Like the brightness/range, etc. I can't seem to find the settings for it anywhere.
  4. I've been trying to find the settings for the flashlight. I'm not sure what script file its located in, and unfortunately it's not in the same file as Dying Light 1. If anyone knows where to find the settings for the non UV flashlight, i'd definitely make a mod for it.
  5. TYVM for posting this. It fixed it for me right away. I was going through my mods one by one, trying to find out the culprit, so glad I came across this. XD
  6. You can open Darker Nights mod into FO4edit, and see how it's done. You can check the weather settings in the darker nights esp, and see how it's done.
  7. Does it work like that with BSEffectShaderProperty? It doesn't work for BSEffectShaderProperty, unfortunately. :sad:
  8. It doesn't use BSLightingShaderProperty, it only has BSEffectShaderProperty
  9. How can I add a glow map to a model that doesn't use a bgsm material? the nif file uses dds textures, and uses BSEffectShaderProperty and can't figure out where to add the glow map texture.
  10. Sounds awesome, TY for the great opportunity =D
  11. I normally use 3ds max to sometimes model, or crate smoke/fire textures using FumeFX. I very rarely use it for rendering anything else. My laptop is running on 6 gigs of RAM, and surprisingly it isn't that bad when I work on high-res textures, but if I run any other programs it definitely has a hard time, and will freeze often. I do however render images often in Terragen. I use it often to create cloud textures/skyboxes for games, and it looks very close to actual photos, but requires quite a while to render sometimes. Hopefully I can put together something that is within my budget, that will at least run Fallout 4 without using any extreme graphic/texture mods.
  12. Thank you very much, everyone. I was able to learn a lot from what everyone posted, and will definitely act as guidelines for my build. I will most likely use PC Part Picker website to see what I can come up with. I unfortunately don't have a huge budget, but hopefully I can put together a build that will at least be able to run some graphics mods, but if my budget is too low I will just go with a build that will run Fallout 4 with regular mods, without using any graphics mods, and upgrade in the future. I most likely will spend a lot of time creating mods, and often focusing on community mod requests, including mod requests for consoles. I know how frustrating it can be for players who use a console to play FO4 on. (Especially PS4 users) I bought Fallout 4 about a year later on PC just to create mods for my PS4 version. I was really mad at Sony's external assets restrictions. They pretty much ruined mods on the PS4. Also my current laptop won't even start Fallout 4, so to test the mods I created for ps4 required me to upload any mods I was working on, then download it on PS4 to make sure it worked. It is quite a long trial and error process whenever I came across any bugs. I am very grateful for everyone's advice, I am quite behind on hardware these days so it really helps me a lot. Thank you again, everyone. :happy:
  13. Hello. I am currently looking around to buy a new system, mainly to play Fallout 4 using any graphic mods, or high res textures. I am not sure what the minimum specs that is required to run FO4 using any of the graphics mods, texture mods, etc. I would be playing on a 1080p resolution, and want to make sure the system I get is capable of doing so. P.S. I also will need it to be able to run my art programs like Photoshop, 3ds Max, Substance Painter, Sound Forge Audio Studio and a few others. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and any other advice on buying a PC as well. :happy: Thank you. (Hopefully I am posting this in the correct forum. If I am not, I apologize.) :ohmy:
  14. I am creating a new weather mod for PS4, and need help figuring out which lighting setting controls the brightness of night time in creation kit. I need to know which setting it is under within the weather settings. Like is it "stars" or "moon glare"? I tried looking at the darker nights mod for PC but couldn't narrow it down to which light exactly is for the night brightness.
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