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About djkovrik

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  1. Same here, tried different browsers, relogin etc.
  2. There is a mod called AutoLoot which also has radius-loot feature (called by a hotkey), just find the version which is compatible with the latest patch
  3. - you must install Unification Patch at the beginning, not at the end - Custom Localizations Fix not as needed as you thought + it causes a tons of conflicts
  4. Dialogue lines are there, you have to extract all w3strings from every content* folder to find what you need
  5. As a start you can merge XMLs with script merger and then merge that mods with mod merger. You will get Script Merger merged pack (with XMLs merged) and Mod Merger pack (where XMLs overwrite each other) and the first one by default will have higher priority LOL :D
  6. Just play the game without mods for your first time unless you wanna spend a bunch of hours installing, tweaking and merging mods (this game is not modding friendly for newcomers)
  7. 1. You can merge such mods but you will lose changes from that files which lost the conflict 2. You can try to experiment but you must understand what are you doing, There was some info on cdpr forums about that
  8. I prefer GM because I like tweaked and improved vanilla rather than more drastic w3ee changes :) But u can try both and choose what you like
  9. Nope, they give you completely different experience Btw mid-game global mod changing pretty sure screw up your game balance
  10. Guess you should also check modFriendlyHUDConfig.ws config script in modFriendlyHUD\content\scripts\fhudconfig\
  11. FriendlyHUD shows UI elements, not hides them. So if you wanna hide something from the screen you must turn it off via original game menu settings
  12. You should have started your search from here :) https://forums.cdprojektred.com/forum/en/the-witcher-series/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt/mod-discussions/61645-the-tutorial-compendium And btw do not expect that you'll find a lot of tutorials and stuff, this game is not modding friendly
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