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  1. Hello Nexus Community, I am currently trying to add a new female NPC with specific equipment to the Raiders Encounter List, but I am at a point, where I am clueless, what I am missing or have done wrong. Here is my problem: The NPC is set to female, but spawns as both male and female. What I did: I grabbed the Leveled List Injection Toolbox from the Nexus. I added a new NPC, based it on the EncRaider01Template, but only ticked "Use Script", "Use Factions", "Use AI Data", "Use AI Packages", "Use Def Pack List", Use Attack Data" and "Use Keywords". I filled out the rest myself, including the Traits Tab, where I set the NPC to female. I added a LeveledItem List and filled it with specific items just for this specific NPC. I then created the Outfit and added the LVLI to it and added the Outfit to the NPC. I created a quest based on the instructions from the Injection Toolbox mod (using the Script ActorLLInject) and add the NPC to the LCharRaider and LCharRaiderFemale list. (I also tried it with LCharRaiderFemale only). I took a look at other mods, which add female-only chars to other lists as well, like to Settlers or Gunners and I cannot find something I am missing (I am just purely blind on one eye) and yet the NPC spawns as both male and female raider. What am I doing wrong? I am sitting here for hours, trying to solve it :/ Any help would be highly appreciated.
  2. Posted this in another topic already, but will post it here, since I had the same issue. I checked all my mods using FNVEdit and found out, that FOOK replaced the original muzzleflash for the Shotgun. Vanilla file is: riflemuzzleflash01.nif FOOK wants to use: 25mm.nif This nif is completly missing in the current and newest FOOK release for Fallout: New Vegas. If you have FOOK installed, open up your Fallout - Meshes.bsa, search for riflemuzzleflash01.nif and extract it to: Meshes\effects\muzzleflashes (You might have to create the folder structure effects\muzzleflashes) then rename it to 25mm.nif. OR: Open all your mods using FNVEdit and modify the entry for the Buckshot Muzzleflash in the FOOK file from 25mm.nif to riflemuzzleflash01.nif (I haven't tested this method, but it should work as well, but go with the one above the "OR" to be sure, that everything works fine)
  3. A new reply, to bump topic and help OP to maybe figure out the problem. I checked all my mods using FNVEdit and found out, that FOOK replaced the original muzzleflash for the Shotgun. Vanilla file is: riflemuzzleflash01.nif FOOK wants to use: 25mm.nif This nif is completly missing in the current and newest FOOK release for Fallout: New Vegas. If you have FOOK installed, open up your Fallout - Meshes.bsa, search for riflemuzzleflash01.nif and extract it to: Meshes\effects\muzzleflashes (You might have to create the folder structure effects\muzzleflashes) then rename it to 25mm.nif. OR: Open all your mods using FNVEdit and modify the entry for the Buckshot Muzzleflash in the FOOK file from 25mm.nif to riflemuzzleflash01.nif (I haven't tested this method, but it should work as well, but go with the one above the "OR" to be sure, that everything works fine)
  4. Same here, I'm looking for a solution for some time now, but can't find any :( I'm not sure right now, if I have this problem, if I deactivate all my mods, but right now, with all mods activated, it remains, even after doing the same as PAULMCGREGOR did...extracting the vanilla nif and dds files from the muzzle flash.
  5. I checked the forums a bit more and read, that either re-saving all the mods with the new GECK OR! changing the "Date modified" info from the FalloutNV.esm back to October 2010 should fix the problems. But I think I'm going to do the harder way and re-save all the mods with the GECK. PS: Yea, I'm using the newest NVSE 1.10
  6. The last mods which I added was the latest FOOK Version. I don't know which of those mods have been created with GECK PowerUp and which might conflict with something else. I noticed tho, that for some reason, if I activate the mods, that certain Shotgun Types (20Gauge Shell ones) are missing the Muzzle Flash sprites. @ Tix Issence: Heyo, bro It randomly crashes when I browse the Wasteland or if I wander around in Caves n stuff.
  7. Heyo guys, I have constant CTDs since Obsidian decided to patch Fallout: NV like hell with the latest patch and I tried to pinpoint the mod/mods causing the CTDs. Here's my Load Order, hopefully someone can help me with this: Greetings, Maxunit
  8. The website will be online again asap. We were moving to a new server and the provider is having difficulties with moving the domain.
  9. Silent Hill + the Silent Hill Siren...that scares me the most...
  10. I have the whole model for 3ds max on my hdd including all textures...maybe I can come up with something with the help from maywire and someone who is more experienced with coding companions... PS: Tali is my most fav char as well in ME :P
  11. Thanks for the link. I will look into this mod :)
  12. I still think about using a script method, which forces the weapon to shoot 2 extra shots if you press the mouse button...maybe I can come across a solution, but I can't promise.
  13. I'm not really experienced with FOSE, since I never touched it, but if someone can help me out with the problem, then I would be very happy :) So far this is the main problem which keeps me busy with the porting and causes the release to take longer than I thought :/.
  14. Heyo there, I'm currently working on the Section 8 Ports and now I face a problem. One weapon in Section 8 has a mag with 24 bullets, but only shots 3 bullets per mouse click. Is it possible in Fallout 3 to make the same via a script or something? Would be nice, if someone can help me out. Greetings, Maxunit
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