How about a script that would just lower the rating of the weapon or armor after combat? if your sword is rated (fine) damage of say 30pts. then after combat the rating of (fine) could be removed and damage go down to 25. all you would have to do is go to a grindstone and re-fine your weapon back. the damage value goes up when your skill increases, why couldn't it go down when your striking with it? it seems plausible, smithing skills could make weapons/armor ratings last longer. they wouldnt need to break, just loose their effectiveness over time and then repair would be a normal procedure at the grindstone or workbench. i dont know jack about scripting though, so i could be way off the mark. thanks Is it possible to add more conditions to a weapon sort of like the fine, epic, legendary stats on a modified armor and weapons? If so, then you could just have so, they automatically go through the various stages with use. ....I probably just spouted something that's impossible. :psyduck: basically, if your sword is "fine" over a period of battles, it could reset back to original status and if you keep using it, the status would go to "dull" with minimal hit point value. i am reading up on papyrus. degradation does not seem like a hot topic, so maybe i can work on it myself. im getting board with making custom homes anyway.