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About cptnjarhead

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  1. Maybe i will have to wait for the CK when it comes out, but time is something i have little of. I think it would be easy though, the swap items menu already exists, maybe some simple toggles in the CK. Any idea when it will be out?
  2. Taking the core out seems to keep people out, but you cannot store anything other than power armor that will be outfitted on the exoskeleton
  3. I see the power armor as a Truck/tank. Something you should be able to store gear in, and LOCK up when you exit. Then you can pick only the gear you want for a specific mission, but still have other gear and ammo close encase things get nasty. Then you could sneak around exploring and bring all your loot back and throw it in your truck/tank. thanks
  4. " I use the AI Suite(thermal radar) that comes with the driver disk for the mobo and have set the case fans and CPU fan to "Turbo" setting, also yesterday I grabbed a new heatsink/fan for the CPU and idle at 40'C and maxs at 52'C, I have a light OC on my Vid card but OC or not the game crashes still the same. " Well, guess that rules that out.
  5. Are you OC'ing the 1100t? How are you reading your CPU temp, what software are you using? Mine never gets over 43-48'c after hours of skyrim. (AMD overdirve reading) 65'C is getting close to the high side for that proc. what are your idle temps?
  6. hmmm, that makes total sense. thank you
  7. How about a script that would just lower the rating of the weapon or armor after combat? if your sword is rated (fine) damage of say 30pts. then after combat the rating of (fine) could be removed and damage go down to 25. all you would have to do is go to a grindstone and re-fine your weapon back. the damage value goes up when your skill increases, why couldn't it go down when your striking with it? it seems plausible, smithing skills could make weapons/armor ratings last longer. they wouldnt need to break, just loose their effectiveness over time and then repair would be a normal procedure at the grindstone or workbench. i dont know jack about scripting though, so i could be way off the mark. thanks Is it possible to add more conditions to a weapon sort of like the fine, epic, legendary stats on a modified armor and weapons? If so, then you could just have so, they automatically go through the various stages with use. ....I probably just spouted something that's impossible. :psyduck: basically, if your sword is "fine" over a period of battles, it could reset back to original status and if you keep using it, the status would go to "dull" with minimal hit point value. i am reading up on papyrus. degradation does not seem like a hot topic, so maybe i can work on it myself. im getting board with making custom homes anyway.
  8. How about a script that would just lower the rating of the weapon or armor after combat? if your sword is rated (fine) damage of say 30pts. then after combat the rating of (fine) could be removed and damage go down to 25. all you would have to do is go to a grindstone and re-fine your weapon back. the damage value goes up when your skill increases, why couldn't it go down when your striking with it? it seems plausible, smithing skills could make weapons/armor ratings last longer. they wouldnt need to break, just loose their effectiveness over time and then repair would be a normal procedure at the grindstone or workbench. i dont know jack about scripting though, so i could be way off the mark. thanks
  9. I think i fixed it. Re-unpacked mods. Re-installed mods and set load order. After resting .. AP was all restored and stayed that way. Hope it stays that way.. very annoying issue.
  10. Thanks for the reply i searched topic but did not see anyone else having issues. i am referring to action point in vats yes. I will try loading an earlier saved game without institute mod.. and see what happens. thanks again.
  11. I have searched forums for my issue and cannot seem to find any like it. My problem is: Even after sleeping for 24hrs my action points will not stay full. I tried resting for 4 days strait and it doesn't change. My AP bar will show full after resting but then it goes back down to less than a quarter. prompted by: "You are no longer well rested." i have many mods installed and i haven't had any issues until i installed the institute mod.. the mod works fine but after a few days of running around my ap's start to drop. Is anyone else having this issue.. or is this something in the game itself? thanks
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