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  1. I've seen those as well. I forget the exact mod, but I think those are female only, and only come in clear glass or pink currently.
  2. Honestly surprised nobody has already added these. Round sunglasses worn by Santiago Aldecaldo and a number of other characters throughout the game.
  3. I am encountering this bug with all 'Wall' spells, including the one added by Dawnguard Arsenal, "Holy Ground". The same bug affects the other concentration spells in Dawnguard Arsenal as well, wherein the visual effects that should be occurring on the target only occur once. I have dug through SSEEdit over and over again, but can't find anything that would affect these types of spells in such a way. It seems to be a general bug for 'Concentration' type spells.
  4. Thank you for the information. What I want to do is just edit an existing collision to remove hand rails from some stairs. The issue now is finding a download for Max 2013. Apparently they've retired old versions to the point that 2015 is as far back as they go on the Autodesk site.
  5. I've been looking everywhere, but can't seem to find any useful tutorials regarding editing collision for NIFs. Does anyone know of any tutorials that might help me with this? I am trying to create alternate stairs for the Barn and Warehouse building sets for Settlements which lack the railings, and have been able to successfully remove the rails in 3DS Max 2016, but their collision remains (and I can't seem to locate in within Max), as the rails are part of a singular collision mesh with the stairs. Being able to adjust the collision itself would be a massive help with this.
  6. With Skyrim the way it's done is you use a console command to create an NPC file on your computer that is a duplicate of your player character, and then from there you'd import it/them into the Creation Kit, and make them into character creation presets, and save it as an ESP file. (See: https://levelskip.com/rpgs/tut_charplugins) I was hoping it would be similar for Fallout 4, but I haven't been able to find any sort of similar command.
  7. Is there any console command to create an NPC like in the Skyrim method? Or would Face Ripper be the only way? Also would Face Ripper copy body shape as well, or just the face? (I can't seem to find any info regarding the body in anything I'm reading on Face Ripper)
  8. I'm looking to create character presets out of my existing characters without relying on existing mods, but rather through the creation kit. Example: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61182/?
  9. I've searched high and low to find any sort of tutorial/instructions for creating a custom character preset for Fallout 4 (without relying on saved games), but have been unsuccessful in locating any sort of information on accomplishing this, beyond using the Face Ripper mod, which from what I understand hasn't been updated in quite a while, and has numerous bugs. In Skyrim this process was rather simple, and allowed one to create a custom .ESP file containing whatever new presets one had been able to make with the in game character creation. (https://levelskip.com/rpgs/tut_charplugins) Is there a similar process for Fallout 4?
  10. Why is it that you can only make power attacks? And are you using scripts, or making behavior edits for all this to function? I'm very curious about how this works.
  11. I'm very interested in knowing how this works. Do you use script based instantaneous animation swapping, or is this legit new actor values? Or is it something else entirely?
  12. UPDATE: I've figured it out (mostly). All I had to do was change the attachment variable on both the 3rd and 1st person meshes. It didn't even require a readjustment of the sword's position. I renamed the one handed Equip, Unequip, and Locomotion animations to work with two handed swords, and they seem to work just fine. HOWEVER, the new problem is that the two handed sword mesh does not leave the hip when being drawn. The character is left swinging an invisible sword. Does anyone have a solution for this?
  13. For the past few days I've been trying to change the sheathed position of two handed swords from the character's back, to the hip. (The same position as one handed swords) The first plan I had was to change the position of the bone to reorient two handed swords to that position. I quickly abandoned this plan however due to the fact that two handed swords, axes, and hammers all share a single bone. The second plan I had was to change the attachment variable of each individual two handed sword from WeaponBack to WeaponSword in Nifskope, and then adjust the position of them to that of one handed swords in 3ds Max. This did not pan out however, because no matter the changes I made the sword stuck stubbornly to the back of the character. Does anyone have any solutions to my problem?
  14. There was one guy making a mod for it, but he only made a female skeleton with the adjusted position, and hasn't updated yet with a male skeleton. I think what he did was change the position of the bone for two-handed swords, and then used the one-handed sword draw/sheath animation. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47699/? I'd really like to see this completed. It would pair great with the Better Shaped Weapons mod.
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