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  1. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38762/? Could it be possible for someone to do a remake of that mod for FO4? I would really enjoy seeing that Mieze 8.8 Gun into Fallout 4! :D
  2. I've been wondering if its possible to get a Mod that add Wasteland 2 Music to Fallout New Vegas done! It would be awesome, if the mod can't be published then i'd like to know if anyone know a good tutorial to make a music mod so i can try out and make it with my own Tutorial! Thank you!
  3. Because the Shoulders Plates of the T-51b is also one of the Signature parts of the Armor.
  4. Personally i believe Fallout New Vegas would be great with a little multiplayer mod since the game is well balanced and show how much Fallout 3 was broken. I believe it would be possible with a well balanced Spawning system like 1 player - 5 mobs 2 players - 10 mobs 3 players - 15 mobs 4 players - 20 mobs Why so many?.... Because we all love Wasteland Battles and it would require tactic and wisdom to overcome the odds in battle! Numbers of mobs spawned per group would varies from the Server Difficulty OR from the type of mobs your fighting? I know it would be insane to go against a group of 20 Deathclaws unless we have deathwishes. Just to say that Fallout New Vegas would be a game stable enough to handle a 4 Players Multiplayer , more then that would make the game extremely unstable Personally i believe it to be possible to make a light multiplayer game from Fallout New Vegas and give in a Fallout Tactic-ish experience to the game. With enough hearts and effort it might be do-able. Respawn System? Well if you die you reappear in front of the house of Dr. Mitchell and your body turn into a "Wastelander" Body with all your stuff on it, and once looted it dissapear.
  5. Theres 2 Vertibird in the Mojave Wasteland one well hidden into a Bunker the other one Crashed. Make the crashed one Repairable could work ^^ and there are many vehicules in New Vegas that could be good to work on!
  6. I was wondering if someone skilled enough in armor modelling could possibly bring back the Appearance of the Metals Armor from Fallout 2! The famous Simple Breastplate with a Smooth shoulder plate and a spiked one! Thank you! Metal Armor MKI http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20050502005859/fallout/images/6/62/MTLARMOR.gif Metal Armor MKII http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20050502004323/fallout/images/7/78/MTLARMR2.gif Tesla Armor http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20050502005446/fallout/images/4/41/TESLA.gif Appearance in Fallout 1 and 2 http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060523222921/fallout/images/7/77/Metalguy.gifhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060523222944/fallout/images/8/8c/Metalgirl.gifhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060523223020/fallout/images/a/a5/Metalghetto.gifhttp://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060523223004/fallout/images/6/64/Metalgirl2.gif Sorry if my English is poor im a French Canadian.
  7. I just found out that New Vegas have the same console issue as in fallout 3! when you play with the biggest Resolution the console dissapear in the Corner and for some reason they don't allow me to modify the file to fix this! iConsoleTextXPos=30 to iConsoleTextXPos=200 Sorry for my poor english i live in Canada.
  8. If someone could reproduce the Advanced Power Armor MK II from Fallout 2 into Fallout 3. It would be a great addon! Even making the Enclave more worthy to fight! And This is how the APA MKII look like There's a shocking difference between it and the one in the Classic Advanced Power Armor mod that you may get on Flalout 3 Nexus.
  9. The Secret Vault under the City of Los was exploded by a Nuclear Failsafe detonation at the end of the game Brotherhood of Steel: Fallout on Xbox Classic and PS2 the game was using the same motor as Bladur's Gate Dark Alliance 1,2 A mod like this would be great thougth since none was related hidden.....in ... DC! >.>.... <.<
  10. I found this art work while googling, if we can make the current brotherhood of Steel power armor look simillar to this and larger and not 'Taller' it would look great! Or it could be a Armor that appear in Broken Steel as an upgrade for the brotherhood since the Enclave get the Hellfire Power Armor. This is just and idea i have, and i believe it might be possible to make it!
  11. Point Lookout just hitted the market today as the fourth DLC.... and about the Fifth DLC.... ALIENS.... come on Bethesda! i would rather like a Robot takeover like in Fallout Tactic then some damn Aliens comming right out of Space to kidnap the player!
  12. Well to remind people of Fallout Tactic why not setting a random encounter with a bunch of BoS soldier from Chicago wearing them. :3 Also! an Harpoon Gun would be awesome .
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