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  1. [MOD REQUEST] Floating quest markers only with scanner
  2. NPC tethering bug when above 60 FPS (will frequently result in lost or stuck companions - not participating in combat. Same goes for enemies, by the way - they can get stuck and not engage for similar reasons): Floating NPCs when above 60 FPS:
  3. This also happens with scoped weapons. Seems related to some kind of asset loading when zoom effects are in place. Maybe it's FPS related - because of the zoom animations being tested largely for 30 FPS (Xbox). Most of the UI is locked to 30 FPS - which is why you'll see jerky UI animations in space (when running at higher frame rates) - unless you download high FPS UI mods. Most amusingly (not) - the AI pathing also breaks down at above 60 FPS - which is why your companions will constantly get stuck - or enemies will start dancing/floating or do weird stuff near objects. You can "fix" it by lowering FPS to 60 using a limiter. Again, most likely the game wasn't tested very thoroughly at higher frame rates.
  4. Is there an ini tweak to limit engine FPS? Since Frame Generation is out - and AI/pathing breaks at above 60 FPS - an ini-based FPS limit should allow FG to boost FPS and still retain proper AI behavior/pathing.
  5. Did a whole lot of testing. The more I play, the more I realize that it's not just pathing and physics - it's the entire AI system that's broken above 60 FPS. Companions don't participate or follow correctly when playing at high frame rates. Maybe it's because of pathing in general - but the game is essentially partially broken unless you run it at 60 or below. Enemies will similarly get stuck on minor objects and start floating or doing weird stuff - effectively rendering them incapable of resisting. I wonder how many people realize this is happening. Maybe people aren't noticing how often companions and enemies do weird s#*!?
  6. Just tested this for pathing as well. There's a spot in Cydonia (just past the Bounty Hunter woman) where NPCs will try to enter the door with the sign "STAIRS". If you're running at above 60 FPS - they will go crazy jittering and take a long time getting through that door. If you apply 60 or below FPS limit - they will still jitter slightly, but MUCH quicker get through the door. Obviously, this game has primarily been tested for Xbox S/X 30 FPS limits.
  7. [MOD REQUEST] FIX NPC AI/Physics being tied to FPS Above 60 FPS = Floating NPCs in cities and, I suspect, a lot of other physics related bugs, like getting stuck. You can easily "fix" it by lowering FPS to 60. Test it by using a frame limiter. If you see an NPC floating up in the air, just enable the limiter (60 or below) and the NPC will stop floating immediately. I bet it's the old HAVOK problem again.
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