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  1. This is the problem with putting large cooldowns on shouts. I downloaded a mod that rebalanced shout timers, so I use them fairly often now.
  2. Spears are rumored to be a future DLC addition as they were seen in a bethesda released video.
  3. Entering talk would disrupt combat and possibly kill you if multiple enemies are around.
  4. I'm crashing to desktop too.. constantly. Skyrim has become 100% unplayable for me, its very frustrating. I haven't changed anything since I last played it in late December.. but now its just completely unplayable. I didn't install any new mods and this just started happening. I have tried setting shadows to low and it hasn't resolved the issue.
  5. Wish I could help since my game has gone to crashing every 5 minutes making the game unplayable but no matter where I look none of the resolutions to the random quit to desktop worked.
  6. On a semi related note, I find it utterly silly that all the children are super clean and all the adults are filthy dirty. Kinda the opposite of RL.
  7. I love the male ones: not fond of the feather hair though (unless they're artificial decorations, i don't want my argonians evolving into birds over the course of a few hundred years) I don't like the female ones though. They blatantly skipped effort on them: they use the female human body and have BREASTS.. urgh. Their heads look like they don't even belong on the body.
  8. No it is not, the entire historical basis of dual wielding was for blocking with one weapon and striking with the other. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Companion_weapon The idea of swinging both weapons in combat for primarily striking 'dps' is an anime/video game derived trope.
  9. I went dual wield dagger rogue as my first character also. Since going sword + shield on a new character, my character feels about 10x more powerful than his first incarnation. Shield + block perk focus truly is king in this game or so it feels. Nothing I have played (dual wield assassination rogue + armored mage) feels remotely comparable. All the old enemies I used to fear from mages to trolls have become cakewalks after I learned the almighty skill of smashing them in the face with my shield and then sticking my sword in their faces. Dual wield really needs to be able to block, block truly is king of this game in my experience. It can slow time which is something one of the best dragon shouts can do. Honestly dual wielding should allow the RMB to block while allowing LMB to attack with both daggers in turn with increased attack speed.
  10. After marrying Shahvee and not owning my own home, my Argonian moved into the Argonian Assembley with the other Argonians. However the trouble? Theres no fast travel point nearby: I have to run all the way through windhelm and a loading screen and then all the way down to the docks and then another loading screen to get at my stash. A fast travel point to windhelm docks would be appreciated.
  11. There was only one moment that made me jump in this game. I wasn't paying attention and heard a thump behind me, I turn around to an open dragon maw covering my first person vision. I never really got to play Oblivion much.. how that game was released in its release state is beyond me. Half the game design decisions were borked requiring mods, and then the game crashes every 5-15 minutes.. *shakes head*
  12. Honestly I felt cheated on my Khajiit for this reason, and un-immersed on all my other characters. All dungeons, even ancient sealed tomb's.. are fully bright with lit candles and torches every 10ft, its ridiculous. Hoping for a proper dungeon darkness overhaul mod! [edit] Will try out that enhanced shaders mod.
  13. You'll find variations on a few different armor sets. I remember finding and using that one. Steel has a few versions too, I found a set of steel plate with fur under padding.
  14. Since all 3 basic offensive bonuses are taken, how about making it the opposite: a defensive bonus? Spears are all about keeping your enemy back and unable to strike you before you strike them. This could be done a few ways: 1, you could add a chance of a small stagger back on a hit with a larger chance on a power attack. 2, You could forgo this and just add a damage reduction perk to represent keeping the enemy far enough back to strike a solid blow.
  15. I like it. If you read the Khajiit books in game, their culture is very.. open.. about physical things, so it makes sense without being sexualised. One suggestion if you're worried about it seeming like some kind of Tardis envirnment is to show a few 'cracks around the edges' if you will, some cracked blocks around the cave entrance and a little bit of snow drifting in with a tent-wall like barrier keeping it out as best it can. Perhaps several red glowing magic crystals around the edges, one with a fire mage tending to it who grumbles about the losing battle to keep the cave warm enough for everyones tastes.
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