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Posts posted by MrsTaewa

  1. For anyone looking to create a Dark Fantasy Skyrim, these are the Mods I have found in my searches to create such, I hope it's helpful for you :smile:




    Authentic Mountains and Rocks

    Bells of Skyrim (plays nice with JK's Towns and Cities)

    Beyond Reach

    Dark Anchor Ruins and Dolmens

    Dark Forests of Skyrim (there is also a patch for Beyond Reach)

    Dark Skyrim Overhaul - Bleak Falls Barrow

    Dolmen Ruins

    Draugr True Decay (I would have preferred something wetter looking, but it's not available)

    Enhanced Blood Textures

    Flying Crows

    Gallows of Skyrim

    Improved Water Performance (light weight water Mod)


    Lanterns of Skyrim II

    Mundus Stones

    Mythical Tundra

    No Vanilla Trees (leave the Marshlands vanilla for a truly claustrophobic feeling if using The Marshlands Mod also)

    Nordic Ruins

    Northern Grass

    Oblivion Gates

    Oblivion Gates Remade

    Obsidian Weathers and Seasons

    Poison Blooms (they're deadly, recently watched one kill a Werewolf)

    Public Executions

    Sadistic Silver Hands

    Sami Hut (not really dark, but rugged enough for this kind of play through)

    Shreks Swamp House (don't knock it until you see it :smile: ...and where it sits, is cruel to get to if you don't fast travel and use The Marshlands Mod)

    Skyrim Battle Aftermath

    Skyrim Unhinged

    Skyrims Dead

    Storm Lightening (set it to deadly to give you something else to worry about :smile:...)

    Supreme and Volumetric Fog

    Technicolor Alchemy Overhaul

    The Marshlands

    True Storms

    Unique Dragon Priest Masks

    Windy Grass




    Bow Before the Dead Remastered

    Dormant Gargoyle Sounds Remastered

    Falmer Sounds Remastered

    Fantasy Soundtrack

    Hypertrichosis Werewolf Sounds Remastered

    Immersive Dragon Sounds Remastered



    Anything MiHail (I use a number of them)


    Player Character Options as dark as the world around him/her:


    Clean Up Your Corpses

    Dirt and Blood

    Heart Breaker Killmove

    Maximum Carnage

    Sneak Tools




    I RP a born Werewolf who only eats Humanoid Flesh as Wolf or Man, both raw and cooked:


    Bosmeri Cuisine

    Fluffy Werewolf Retexure

    Hunterborn Forbidden Prey (there is also Forbidden Luxury if you don't want to use Hunterborn)

    Start Game Monsters

    Underworld Werewolf (let Fluffy Werewolf overwrite)



    Ominous ENB

  2. Personally I like Isran, though I certainly understand your perspective, he is everything you say he is. I have never been a Vamp fan, when it comes to beasties I'm Werewolf all the way, as such I haven't had to deal with Isran's disparity in regards to his behaviour towards DovaVamps, thus he doesn't gall me as he would do Vamp fans. But yes the whole of the Dawnguard DLC is a railroading very poorly put together addition, an extremely poor offering for a supposed RPG. Serana is the burr in my side in the Dawnguard DLC, the Whining Waifu you have to apparently befriend and immediately trust with no good reason, then babysit through most of the DLC, no matter your Role Play or side you choose. Though I do think it's a little unfair to single Isran out in regards to his lack of interest in any other going's on in Skyrim/Tamriel, as that is pretty much every NPC in Skyrim, unless they are directly involved in a particular Quest Line there is very little if any reference to anything else happening in Skyrim/Tamriel.


    You have nailed why I do not join any of the Gulids, or the College (I get my Lycanthropy from Mods). Modder's have been able to fix a few Guild issues, like 'Pentitus Oculatus', 'Destroy the Thieves Guild' and 'Enter the College of Winterhold without Joining', all of which I use for a better Game play, I think there's also one that doesn't force you to become a Werewolf with the Companions... but yes, vanilla game wise, they all have the same problems and Modder's can only do so much and there are just way too many problems with Dawnguard I think for the talented Modders to be be able to fix much at all.

  3. I've seen mods that make NPCs more expressive and realistic, but I don't think I've seen any to make creatures more expressive. But what I'd love to see is one that'd make the coolest race more expressive, that being the dragons. Currently the dragons have very little expressions and the expressions they have aren't even that great. I really want to know if there is a mod that makes them show more emotion and expression to make them feel more alive and like an actual intelligent race rather than wild creatures. If there are any mods on Nexus or even LoversLab that do this please let me know, if not are there any that are planned or being developed.

    Would this help? Talkative Dragons ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26955 )

  4. I really wish I had the time and desire to learn to mod. I know almost exactly what I want, but I'll be damned if I'm going to learn all that just for a crappy little cave dwelling :tongue:

    I have tried time and time again to Mod, but my attempts keep going south on me, I'm a failure at modding :P ...I got lucky with the little house I use though, I have the Mod Wintersun also, it's an Aedra/Daedra worship Mod (not bad benefits) and the god my Dovah worships happens to have had it's Alter right next to my Dovah's little house, so I can't complain :)

  5. H


    You are very welcome! I hope you never get shoved off a cliff or a bridge ever again!

    Hahaha ...yes, that has happened on occasion lol... though my Dovah has found a way to repay her kindness, I use Ordinator and so my Dovah drops tripwires behind himself, I can't count how many times Serana has hit those tripwires and gone flying down cliff sides, off ledges, etc... :D

  6. Dude what´s your obsession with slaping Kids?

    Saw your Post allready on another site. Just download a mod that increases the greeting radius and they won't talk to you if you not aproach them directly..

    Beats the hell out of killing them, that being the only Mod available apparently... I recently got hit twice in two small cell areas with them, too small for expanded radius to work and the thought struck me that I'd love to give those brats a good clip under the ear.

  7. I really like the very first room of this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8285?tab=description but it's way too elaborate and huge once you reveal the true palace behind the hidden wall. Does anyone know of a very simple player house that's like a thief's den. A cave, the bottom of a well, a hidey-hole, whatever. Thanks!

    It all depends on how small and simple you want to go? I personally use Tristan's Shack ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22585 ) and Sami Hut ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30005 )


    Also love this one, though I can't use it due to other Mods I have, don't laugh at the name, check it out first :) ...Shrek's Swamp House ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18382 )


    And then there is Hidden Hideouts, I don't know it very well, just noticed it on my Mod hunts ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2625 )

  8. Hello, is there a Mod that stops Serana from bumping the Dovahkin around the place when his not moving or in dialog with an NPC? Also one that stops her idle behavior, just have her stand still like every other follower?

  9. Hello, does it annoy you as much as me the children's dialog in game? Rude, horrible little creatures. I would love nothing more than to be able to put these brats in their place, a Gibbs Slap would be epic, or at the very least a chiding, with these kids reacting contritely to either and from then on shutting up and staying away from your Dovah. Would that be possible please?

  10. If I'm reading "the tone" of that output correctly, it's some sort of debug statement the mod author put in while checking a value-test operation, and then accidentally forgot to remove or comment it out before publishing.


    contact the mod author

    Thank you Anjenthedog :) ...I have since posting this worked it out and have contacted the Author, as soon as I discovered what it is, I knew immediately which Mod it came from lol :)

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