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Everything posted by Flobulon

  1. It probably depends on the texture, but the specular map in the alpha channel of the normal map is absolutely used. Black is matte, white shiny.
  2. Hey RabbitFly, It sounds to me like it's most likely a problem with your GDA's. Would you consider posting them or a screenshot of their contents?
  3. For Dragon Age, generate the normal maps like you would normally, but make sure you save the .dds as a DXT5_NM the first time you save your normal map, which will put the colour channels in the correct sequence. If you need to edit the map manually after that (e.g to blur an area), save it as a standard DXT5 so that Photoshop doesn't rejigger the channels again. Hope this helps.
  4. I'd be interested to see what effect (if any) this has on the rest of the game. Good work though, I hated that section, and may use this in my next playthrough.
  5. Hello, I've been searching the interwebs for some indication of this, but does anyone know how DAupdater.exe handles .dazips - I want to know whether it will merge all the contained .erf's with the ones existing on a user's system, or completely overwrite the .erf as a whole. Basically, I want to know whether I can release a .dazip which just overwrites a few existing files in a module without completely overwriting the .erf packages and all they contain. It would be alot easier if I didn't have to release a full .dazip every times I wanted my mod updating. Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:
  6. I've been trying to include reasonable stats in any items I release, with properties in line with BioWare items. But this issue is why I've been hesitant to download many third-party items.
  7. Beautiful flickone, I for one can't wait :)
  8. I love it. Don't really know what more I can say, except please keep up the fantastic work.
  9. I think this has just become my number 1 anticipated Fallout 3 mod... I can't wait!
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