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  1. If you want some custom 3D models made I can do that for you(ONLY THE MODEL). Preferably something simple.
  2. I am using the Hold The City Overhaul mod and it seems the LOD terrain is intersecting with the inside of the city meaning doors are underground and archways are too short to walk under. I put the Holds mod last in my load order so I don't understand why this is happening, Also MO isn't notifying me of any conflicts between mods.
  3. Lol, I meant gay looking ENB. As is high saturation and contrast.
  4. Can you suggest any gay AF ENB's for SE?
  5. I used the download for SSE Tetrachromatic ENB not for skyrim. this one. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73848/?tab=3&selected_game=110&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D73848%26user%3D1%26gid%3D110 I assume this is the re shade version you are talking about?
  6. I am trying to use the Tetra ENB for SSE but every time I move the files into my skyrim directory and start the game it gives me these errors and then when I re open the game the second time I get even more errors, I did exactly as the installation said except when installing the ENB series I followed a differant guide because the instructions for Tetra ENB where telling me to move D3D9.dll into the skyrim folder but I had D3D11.dll in my ENB series archive folder. It also told me to move another file that ENB series didn't even have so I guessed it was for an outdated version of ENB series. I'f anyone has installed Tetra ENB could you please tell me what I did wrong.
  7. When using the mod manager in the menu everything in the menu has a [$modname] and then the page after it. For example in the Campfire setting there is a page that reads "$CampfireGameplayPage" and another that reads "$CampfireInstinctsPage" and this if breaking the entire menu as I can't see anything, also i'm not sure if anyone can help with this too but when I try using the eating animations for iNeed it doesn't do anything, also I can't change the key bindings in the menu, I'm having a lot of issues with my game when it comes to mods. i'm playing SSE.
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