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Everything posted by Scorch621
The hood looks like a retexture of the grey robes with the mantle...could be from EcthelionOtW's stuff, I'd say check there otherwise I'm not sure, sorry.
Wow, never knew that about the dragonborn... That there must be a dragonborn to defeat Alduin at every point he arises... kinda cool really, and it makes more sense considering Akatosh created the dragonborn, but also Alduin. In a way its a bit like Akatosh is testing mortal kind and seeing if they're worthy of not being swallowed hole by a dragon.
Isnt Karliah's mother the illegitimate child of Tiber Septim? Which makes her part Septim and therefore she has a claim to the Ruby Throne?
Just putting out a request for some better looking Penitus Oculatus armor, I mean these guys were supposed to replace the blades, and they look like a bad Roman dress up party in my opinion... I'm using Joos Praetorian mod which is pretty good actually, but I dont think it suits all occasions and events. I mean theres plenty of Imperial Armor mods out there, but none really touch the Penitus Oculatus (understandably so, there arent many of them) I was thinking somewhere along the lines of the praetorian look JOo was going for, but maybe with a mask of some kind, or the full Imperial helmet to add to the intimidation factor. The black armor works really well, with the crimson red and the symbol of course. and pants...they need pants or greaves or something to help survive the cold snow of Skyrim. Thank if anyone picks this up!
So why did Alduin decide to attack Helgen?
Scorch621 replied to stars2heaven's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
My view on this is that Alduin was just trying to kill the Dragonborn at Helgen, but when he gets there he see's all these people and isnt sure which one is the dragonborn and just basically says to himself, "screw it, I'll kill all of them!" But through divine luck (maybe a little help from akatosh himself, since he chose you to be of the dragon blood) you escaped. Alduin must have left because maybe he couldnt sense you or because he thought he had killed you. -
Elder Scrolls VI: Artaem? Just a thought... But yeah, The PC has to start off as a prisoner, following with Elder Scrolls tradition, so maybe a prisoner of war?
I dont think combining two provinces into a game is a good idea, namely because to cover that scale you need to remove alot of the detail and mechanics. Remember games are EXTREMELY hard to make, animating, texturing, voice acting, the coding not to mention all the bureaucratic crap Beth has to work through (release dates, marketing and PR, not to mention funding) So two provinces that are the same level of detail as skyrim would be almost impossible; without like Lachdonin said, diluting the game. Summerset isles would be fun to go to, fits with the theme of skyrim as well, its also a non-human area so it would be really alien to explore (much like morrowind was). Contrasting the isles with skyrim it would be a refreshing place to go to. plus its MUCH smaller than skyrim geographically and if Im not mistaken surrounded by ocean, so this leaves room for the possibility of ship based gameplay at different points, and a much more detailed world to explore. They could really do alot with the story as well, Skyrim was very much based around racism (elves and humans, nords and imperials, dragons and mortals) they could further that theme with the elves mistreating humans who were maybe living in Alinor before the great war (or maybe during the second one? as its very likely we'll be thrust into the second great war during the games intro). Like you could start out as a prisoner in some kind of Thalmor concentration camp? and the tutorial is based around an escape attempt? Could kinda be allegorical to the second world war or apartheid even. But regardless, we have fallout 4 to look forward to :D
What about the witcher?
Hi, I've recently run into a really weird bug where once I've completed "Taking Care of Business"(Mission where you need to persuade 3 residents of Riften to hand over their debts) just before joining the Thieves Guild. Once I return to Brynjolf in the Ragged Flaggon he asks me to follow him into the cistern, which I do then he simply stops/gets stuck behind a wheelbarrow there and after a minute everyone in the cistern/Thieves guild suddenly becomes hostile to me including Brynjolf. I've looked into the bug and found that a mod called 7k Whiterun under constructions was the cause behind the glitch but the thing is I've never used that mod so my guess is that its a mod with similar work to the scripting which has caused this, does anyone have any ideas on any other culprits? I've also tried using SetStage TG02 etc. but that doesnt work. I've also tried skipping the quest through the "Setstage" console command but this really isnt a great option as its skips an entire quest and in the end it wont allow me to do Vex's or Delvins quests as they still beleive I need to prove myself to Brynjolf. Thanks for any suggestions in advance.
Why Didn't More Survive Helgen?
Scorch621 replied to TheObstinateNoviceSmith's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Dunno if anyone else has mentioned but theres also an Imperial Guardsman who deserted after he survived Helgen in the Redwater Den from Dawnguard...he's a skooma addict now -
Very good points actually, especcially about Delphine, but what I'm wondering about is what Beth will make canon? I mean they have to make it accessible so that any choice could have been done but not necessarily make it obvious. I have a feeling they might do away with Delphine in the next Elder Scrolls game, then again the next elder scrolls will take place somewhere else in Tamriel so its unlikely she'll be seen in the next one, considering there seems to be a wide dislike for her character (which on the other hand is somewhat good if they decided to make her a villain, like if the Blades want to kill your character in the next game?) What will be very interesting is how they'll incorporate the blades is in the next game, its guaranteed they'll have a major role (running with the patterns that every game since Morrowind has had the Blades as a major organisation in the world and the fact your character starts out as a prisoner of some kind) Wouldnt it be cool if your character started in a prison with captured Blades on the Summerset Isles or in Valenwood? (Where I think the next games are gonna take place). Also, originally I sided with Paarthurnax because he seemed the less bloodthirsty but then I got the paarthurnax dilemma mod
A mod customizer type thing wouldnt be a bad idea actually, the latest splinter cell game has something similar I think with a "Perfectionist mode" where players dont get Radar, Sonar goggles or drones to help them out like in previous games, you only have access to gadgets which were in previous games etc. etc. (I havent played that mode yet) Along with the Spies Vs Mercs multiplayer mode, players have SvM Blacklist which has all the new features of the the game like Sonar etc. but Players can play SvM classic which is more about hiding in the dark than using your gadgets effectively or using your flashlight. So a game like the Elder Scrolls could benefit from a "realistic mode" or "Immersion mode" where players cant do everything (guild wise etc.) in one playthrough, need to eat and sleep and stuff like that. It could probably be kinda like Hardcore Mode in New Vegas. Whats I find interesting is how newer games have instant feedback due to the internet, and social media, I mean back 10 years this wasnt so easy Devs had to wait a really long time to figure out what was good or bad about their product, with all this instant feedback you get content patches and DLC in the first few days of release, with the devs doing their best to improve the product or appease an angry mob...
It improves your magical skills, dont know about any sacrifice, but the Ash is from Vvardenfell so the ash seems to affect it.
I have never done any of these things, but these are some very interesting rituals. I am curious, do you need a mod to accomplish the first or do you just drag them? Because I'm curious as to how long that process might take! Wow. Very cool. haha thanks, no I dont use any mods, I dont put their arms on their chest or anything like that, just drag them up so they're up against a tree/rock or drag them so they're lying flat on the ground instead of kneeling backwards or in the splits etc. so they look more "dignified" in their death. These days with my Ranger character I tend to set some dead bodies on fire(I use burn effects) or dissolve them using this one mod added spell, kinda like he's trying to prevent them coming back to life.
I always move some of the mangled (by mangled I mean in awkward death positions) dead bodies of Imperials and Stormcloaks into more peaceful positions, like put up against a tree or a rock or something like that, I usually do this regardless of whether I'm the opposite faction or not. If a follower dies I tend to look for blue mountain flowers (cos they're the ones that heal people) and leave it on or near their corpse. And alot of the time since I added this solid corpses mod I disintegrate dead bodies of enemies (sometimes Allies depends) so they dont come back as zombies (this character is slightly superstitious). I also tend to buy from the khajit caravans alot, they always have interesting stuff.
oh damn, no more DLC? Well that sucks, was looking forward to some more content...
I doubt beth would shut down after the success of Skyrim, so I think the Skyrim team must be moving on to Fallout 4 or whatever game their now making. They're probably done with Skyrim DLC, so we'll probably see a release soon! Just gotta wait for all the boxes and administrative work to go through I guess. Edit:A release of new skyrim DLC I mean, just to clarify
Will there be an Empire in (hypothetical) TES VI?
Scorch621 replied to Dovahkiin234's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I reckon it will be a new empire more or less, like mentioned... I reckon it will do away with emperors and the like and replace with something more bureaucratic, the East empire company is doing pretty well isnt it? I heavily doubt the Dragonborn of Skyrim will become emperor, its too specific and doesnt leave room for broad storytelling like if your Dragonborn was an assassin etc. etc. It would be cool to see the stormcloaks and the empire join forces in the next game into some sort of bigger rebellion against the elves.- 22 replies
Who is the Dragonborn's unidentified "friend".
Scorch621 replied to LordSarcasm's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Dovah-bear? -
you could try Immersive patrols, I use it, it has some smaller scale battles than warzones and it can be alot more random as well, with sometimes dawnguard soldiers and vampires duking it out, I couldnt run warzones but I can run Immersive patrols quite easily.
Much like how mead is harmful to most non-nords... *chuckles* But in all seriousness I liek this topic, mostly because this Weynon thing is bugging me...that and the bug jar thing is freaky...
Dragonborn joke: Player:Would you like to be steward of Tel Mithryn? Glave(sp?): You mean leave Geldris, Raven Rock and everyone else behind? Sure why not!! let me just pack my stuff, wait nevermind I can get new stuff!! excuse me I'm off to my new job! *Glave run out the door*
hmmm...deleting dovahkiins relax or realistic ragdolls and force seems to have fixed the problem... alas I have run into another, Miraak kills a dragon and is now somehow invincible, or ethereal as he's transparent...but nothing happens, he just stands there and I think he's supposed to absorb a dragon soul but he doesnt...
I dont even have a "characters" folder in my character folder...is this bad?