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About Oatmealplz

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  1. I'm doing a realism playtrough and I would love a mod that lets you equip, but not store weapons beside a sidearm. IE all weapons besides sidearms behave like heavy machine guns, getting dropped as you equip something else. I like going in to a mission with only a pistol, and having to scavenge weapons from the enemies I kill. Also without any ammo in my inventory, making each weapon I pick up having only one mag in them, forcing me to keep picking up new guns. This makes the firefights very dynamic and varied, and you get to experience a multitude of firearms instead of just the one you have come across atm with the best stats. This playstyle would be enhanced even more if you actually couldn't store firearms in your inventory, so no option but to use the ones you find. Also forcing you to leave it behind after the mission as you would scare civilians in the street if you walked around with a rifle in your hands. If anyone can think of a way to mod this, it would be awesome!
  2. Yeah I hear you but I still have a compulsion that if there is loot to pick up, I will pick it up. I actually would like to try a playtrough with disabled loot alltogether. Just quest items. This way you have to actually visit stores everytime you need a new weapon, ammo, healthpack or armor. Don't know how difficult that would be to implement though.
  3. As with alot of games these days I find I'm getting overwhelmed with loot. Especially weapons in Cyberpunk. It feels like with every enemy encounter, you end up with about a dozen new weapons in your inventory. You sort trough them and if one has better stats then your equiped weapon, you exchange them, and sell the rest. Repeat on the next encounter. I feel this breaks the flow of the game and keeps you from getting attached to a specifik weapon as you change them every 2 to 3 missions. If there was a way too disable killed enemies from dropping especially weapons, it would mean that when you actually aquire a new weapon, such as those found in special crates or that you receive from story missions, you get a more satisfying experience of actually aquiring a new rare item. Also because the time between finding new weapons gets bigger, the jump in stats will be much greater aswell, making it feel lika it actually has an impact on your progress. I would love to have a playtrough this way. So any talented modders out there who can think of a way to disable enemy weapon drops? :smile:
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