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About MadMann135

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  1. Actually I like the idea. but considering that the subject is a werewolf the armor could just be basic armor, IE torso peace, grieves and gauntlets.
  2. I read the manga Claymore, the armor is impractical for anyone in Skyrim but it does look nice. http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w169/natalie280/Claymore.jpg If possible omit the insignia on the chest.
  3. Skyrim is an x32bit game and to exceed 4gigs of ram you will have to modify the launcher/game to a x64bit version. It can be done but with Bthesda's track record of listing to people after the game has launched and not wanting to have "multiple" games I doubt an x64bit version of Skyrim will be released from Bethesda. The modding community may have a harder time modifying the game to be an x64bit game... In short for the time being Skyrim on PC is limited to 4gigs maximum.
  4. I agree in hind sight (this is what you get for making a post when your 1/2 asleep). There are various 'laser beams' that are 200% science fiction in nature in the fallout series (Protectron head lasers is another example). Still the the hand held laser weapons are what I am after. I do agree that in the desert that there should be particles in the air but to have a highly visible laser beam namely vanilla would be in my mind excessive in the special effects department. Lets not talk about how the plasma weapons are, that is a whole different story
  5. What I am asking is for a mod that changes the opacity of the laser weapons beams to, I am guessing, around 10% (maybe higher). The effect I am looking for is a little more realism as laser weapons would be invisible to the naked eye unless it impacts with particles in the air then you get reflections and refractions which can be visible to the naked eye. The vanilla laser weapons though highly visible are very unrealistic but fit in the science fiction genera.
  6. True but for those who are one-hit-killing zombies a zombie invasion feels like a walk in the park with moving targets.
  7. After playing the official DLC Dead money and the mod Zombie Apocalypse it got me wondering, why are the zombies so easy to kill? According to much zombie lure head shots are the only way to kill zombies, so I am asking is there a way to apply at best head-shot only dismemberment kill to Zombie Apocalypse? I would like to see the dead money Ghost people dismemberment kill applied to the zombies. Side not I am working on figuring this out but I can't rely on my success rate.
  8. you are not the only one wanting this in game. Though the idea is great implementing it would be tricky on numerous fronts. Primary front: how to calculate the percentage of penetration. This would vary between caliber and target surface, I mean it would be unreasonable that a .22lr would penetrate the same as a .50 BMG on the same surface. In addition looking through the GECK I could not find anything that would properly enable this suggested mod to be used as it should. Meaning a mod that would add this to the game would at worst have to modify all surfaces and as a result be overly large. Yes I want this in game but putting it in game would be tricky at best.
  9. As the title suggest I am looking for someone to make a mesh of the .45 Auto pistol but with a longer barrel and slide. Examples are as followed New Vegas long slide 9mm Real life Long slide pistol
  10. The whole story is this. Tired of Bethesda seemingly lack of notice of the laser rifle beam slitter not working properly I am trying to fix it with little success. What I am trying to do is de-nerf the laser rifle beam splitter. What I need is a way to add damage to a weapon that uses a mod. I am having little success as a result I am open to suggestions.
  11. Yes that is what I mean. For me pre mod damage and post mod damage add up to the same. For me with the beam spreader attached it does the base damage divided by the number of beams. Now against un armored targets (no DT) this is not a problem but against armored targets all beams are reduced. Damage resistance is 6. Base damage is 22. Ammunition DT = (-2) Example Damage beam splitter 22/3 = 7.3x3 + (-2DT). 7.3 - (6-2)= 3.3. 3.3*3 = 9.9 damage [NERFED] Example Damage no-beam splitter = 22 + (-2DT). 22 - (6-2) = 18 damage Example of what it is described as it should be 22*1.3 = 28.6. 28.6/2 = 14.3*2. 14.3 - (6-2) = 10.3. 10.3*2 = 20.6 Example of what it would be with the fix 22*1.3 = 28.6. 28.6/ 3= 9.53*3. 9.53 - (6-2) = 5.53. 5.53*3 = 16.59 {Still nerfed but not as much] In short Total Damage Base = 18 Modified = 9.9 Intended = 20.6
  12. I don't know if this is a priority but I was wondering if it is possible to fix the laser rifle beam splitter effect where it is suppose to add 30% damage. The current mod seriously nerfs the laser rifle and I can not think of a way to fix it.
  13. There is a mod out there that does this. I can not find the origonal file and therefore the link but the mod in the data folder is titled Adventurers_New_Vegas-gameplay-and-combat-V02 It changes the Damage threshold and weapons, making armor more efficient and weapons more deadly. If a weapon is defeated by Damage threshold the recipient does not receive 20% damage, they receive 0% damage. Found this out personally when I was hacking apart a laser turret with a sword. The lasers were completely defeated by my armor and I suffered no damage.
  14. I want Ebony and Ivory, preferably in 12.7mm with massive damage and a custom muzzle flash.
  15. you can take the practical yet boring approach. I focus on Guns as my primary attack, melee weapons as my secondary attack, Repair to make caps, Medicine to live, and sneak to get in those critical hits (you need a suppressed weapon to use sneak properly, my recommendation the sniper rifle and learn to snipe from a great distance. FYI if you hit a surface the enemies will investigate where the bullet hit, great for getting them out of cover.) Boone is an all around and very dangerous companion, he decapitates enemies very easily with his rifle. Guns skill is one of the most practical skills. Conventional firearms are prevalent, efficient and in the end cheap.
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