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About H3llfir3

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  1. I have no idea what is causing it. I haven't installed any mods lately. Old saves don't have the light under the character so I'm assuming it might be the game itself. The last quest I finished was "A Scroll For Anska". Here are some pictures of what I'm talking about. I've also tried player.dispelallspells and nothing seemed to have happened.
  2. As the title suggests, wouuld it be possible to set up the ENB presets to do that? I've tried with some of the latest enb's but msot of them end up messing with the overall look of the game. I was able to get Bokeh only from a mod that someone posted for the .102 version of the ENB, however god rays/later ENB version are not compatible with his presets. Would anyone know how to get this look, or know of any presets like this?
  3. Having a problem where dungeons/caves would occasionally have untextured edges. Shown here: This was found in one of the Dwemer caves, and another can be found in the dark brotherhood sanctuary near Falkreath. I've tried disabling some of my texture mods, but none have helped. Stuck on this one, so if anyone can figure out which mod it is or if it's just missing textures that I've accidentally deleted that would be greatly appreciated. Mod List:
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