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Juha pekka

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  1. I've have been trying everything,your helps here and everywhere.,no help.This game is broken . Why is my fault suddenly,when game is updated from its dev,and we players have to find where is broken. It's not mods'because before this game is working fine. I dont unterstand why anybody in game developers dont react anyhow iin anywhere in this problem I start new game,everytime when i try to get in Whiterun to speak to Jarl,gage crash
  2. Hi I dont know how to int. my mod list here ,because in Modmanager dont have that option to import/export mod list like in Fomm,what i have used in FO3,or Fonw . I only wonder why so many is complaining that game is unplayable after 1.8patch. I have uptaded my mods,started new game ,but no help
  3. Hello all Playing skyrim in spring and summer about 150 hours,version i don't remember.Mods i have about 60,and no problems. Now when game is version 1.8 something, All mods ,same as earlier uptodate,and some new ones,CTD all to time. In summer,i could put any mod in game and no problems. Why here dont anybody complains their games,do you all have working game with mods? And in Official Beth forum,no any dev or moderator dont take any comments why the game is broken after 1.8 patch :(
  4. Hi all. Thanks for your post,i did not had to do myself this . I've got same problem,no mods and when Dawnguard is enabled my character is doing attack like this= when i press attack 2 seconds ,it is one large hit straight forward and stamina goes to zero. When disabled Dawnguard,everything in attack is normal
  5. I was thinking that unlocking those three computers,as i did, was only disable those robots in that area.That door in upstairs reguired always key ?
  6. Have anybody found that key that matches to that upperfloor door? Somebody in FO3 wiki is asking same question,but i din't find that question here http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Vault-Tec_Headquarters I wanna find everything ,so this key is my obsession now :wallbash:
  7. Excelent fix for that bug. Same happens to me,just few steps from sacred bog door and CTD.Disabled MMM mod, and game continued :thanks:
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