Hey, i find it really weird that i can´t pick a lock thats above my skill it should be incredibly hard, but it still should be possible, like the picking system in skyrim
Hey, I have been looking for a mod that gives Alchemists the ability to create grenade-like weapons like Alchemist fire (essentially a molotov) or flasks of acid or similar substances pretty easy concept: ingedients/poison/venom + throwing flsk= flask of acid/poison (various strengths) fires salt/wine/ingredients= molotov/alchemsit fire frost salt/ice wraith essence/ingredients= freeze potion or even paralityc potions the only problem would probably be the throw-animation if anyone knows a similar mod or would like to mod this thank you!
Well i really love thoe look of the Armor of the Chaos Warriors and i think they´d really fit into Skyrim (especially with the fur as seen here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nupcQjieU9o/TMNfRpxICpI/AAAAAAAAADM/uEfXl_2uHn4/s1600/ChaosWarrior2.jpg or here:
perhaps even somthing tzeentchian? or even demons
How about building it in the air? like on a huge metal framework drilled into the cliff so it sorta hangs in the airand the building runways, Houses, a market place etc. on it
doable, but very difficult, at least the way i picture it right now definetly has to wait until Creation Kit, and even then i´m not really sure if any modder will do this, though its a good idea
SPOILER! what about Odaahving? he´s .... well not good but he bows to you. also i would never kill a Dragon unless it attacks me especially not one of the most powerful ones (he was Alduins 2nd man ....or dragon)