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Status Updates posted by Mondstein

  1. @kowalski99:

    Thank you for the 100th kudo. It was quite a surprise to read that.

  2. @Lucario:

    Yes, Dai should be finished but I don't have time at the moment and I didn't hear anything from EvenstarGW for almost half a year (and he is doing the important script work I am too dumb for). I am so sorry but I can't guarantee that I will ever finish this mod. The whole thing has gotten really complicated ... maybe too complicated and way too much work for one single person.

  3. I am a little bit late ... I guess but I took a break and well, I need more of that. My life is been turning upside down and well, you know.


    Of course, I give you permission.


    The same goes for you. Please translate all you want.

  4. Hi, it is not troubling me at all to answer questions ...
  5. I wish you Happy Holidays too!
  6. Sorry for the late response ... I was really busy ...

    Just try it ... it will take some time, but I think you will manage it.

    We don't have labor day ... but thanks ...

  7. Well, making companions takes a lot of time (min. half a year). Right now I am working on 2 companions. The first one is a male romance companion and I really don't know when he will be finished. And the second one is a female companion in a very early state. Every companion I create is unique and has his/her own additional scripts, appearance (I change the custom races I use) and storyline.
  8. I am also happy that you are on my friends list.

    Well, sometimes the brain needs a reset and what is better than a vacation ...

    Have a nice weekend too!

    And thanks for the compliment ...

  9. Thanks, Lexx666!
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