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Posts posted by Mondstein

  1. It is me again and it is again about the pics above one of my mods. Today I reuploaded all of them in the hope that the first 3 uploaded pics where then shown above but ... no.

    It is a race mod with several quests and I have uploaded pics from locations etc. These location pics are shown now again and not the race pics - like I wanted it to be. I want - as a uploader and author - at least to choose the 3 pics that are shown first. For me it is inpredictable which pics are shown ... this has to change.

  2. I personally liked some features of the old design better.


    For example:


    The hot files of the last 21 days (immo it is a lot better than just 7 days).


    Access the comment section for the uploader via the comment tracking function (this does not work at the moment ... I am using Firefox).


    The display of the pics of a mod. Now there are three pics shown above a mod. If you are a modder and upload a bunch of pics you don't know which will be shown there. I personally would appreciate it, if a modder could choose the images that will be displayed first above the mod. In my case one mod shows interiors but it is a race mod and many people will not download a file that doesn't show for example the race pics (the only solution for me right now is to upload all my pics again).


    The "more from uploader" section of a mod shows (in my case) only really old files with only few endorsements and this is what I can see at all of my mods. For me it is clear ... I have to delete my old mods to be not shown anymore in this section but really ... I don't want this.


    I hope this helps ...

  3. well, rather than looking for an entirely new group to make an entirely new creature, take a look at these two mods:





    I'm not sure if the underdark mod has one, but I am absolutely certain that Dune does. A lizard mount, that is


    I have looked at those mods and the Underdark Mod has no lizard mount, as far as I know. I have even tried the Dune mounts in game (as every other lizard or dragon I could find), but they didn't fit perfectly to my companion. It took me a lot of time to find the perfect mount, but there was none.

  4. I could do this for you (face/armor/new race), if you want. Just tell me what you want exactly.

    I am currently working on a male romance companion mod based on Sulterics "Stoker Wolff" so I have experiance with this kind of mod.

    You can PM me, if you are interested.

    And if you are 18 or above, I could give you the URL of my female romance companion mod "Tamira Moonglow"(she is gorgeous).


    Here a pic of Tamira:



  5. I am currently working on my second romance companion mod (the first one is not released yet, due to various reasons, but it is finished and works flawlessly).



    Here a few pics of the male romance companion:







    He is a Drow and according to the lore they have lizard mounts. I tried every lizard I could find on Nexus and other sites, but it never fits my tastes. So I searched the web and found this:




    It would just be perfect with a black texture and red glowing eyes.


    Now I am searching for someone, who can create such a mount (a fitting saddle, rein and bridle would be nice too) in Blender and do the textures (credits are for sure). I think the cat skeleton will work just fine with this creature.


    I will ask the artist, who created the mount, for permission.


    I am in contact with "Wizards of the Coast", because I want to use copyrighted material for this mod. I don't have an answer yet (if they give me green light, I will publish this mod on Nexus; if I get no answer, I will publish it until someone says I have to take the mod down; if they say "No" it will be a private release).


    If someone could help me with this mount, I would be really happy.  Please ...

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