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Everything posted by mixxa77

  1. Nothing in that list instinctively strikes me as problematic. Is the order you posted your modlist also your actual mod load order or is your load order different? You could also try the usual for testing: Disable all mods: See if problem persists. Then enable some mods: See if problem persists, and so on, working your way to the "problem" mod.
  2. As usual: Modlist? Do you use any performance improvement mods?
  3. This should help you: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Adding_Sellable_Items_To_Merchant_NPC
  4. After thinking about this a bit, I decided to copy my Oblivion and OSR ini settings to my profile page, if you want to compare them with yours: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/10186610 And I have to correct one of my statements earlier, I don't use tcmalloc, I use FastMM4 (Which is the one Skyranger sort-of recommends on OSR's mod page).
  5. I did new color retextures of the in-game middleclass and upperclass clothing: Colorful Clothing - Upperclass - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49093 Colorful Clothing - Middleclass - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49215 If you want these clothes randomly integrated into the game, I did that and included them in my following mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48681
  6. So a table would look something like this: CS - In-game 0 - 12am 1 - 1am 2 - 2am 3 - 3am 4 - 4am 5 - 5am 6 - 6am 7 - 7am 8 - 8am 9 - 9am 10 - 10am 11 - 11am 12 - 12pm 13 - 1pm 14 - 2pm 15 - 3pm 16 - 4pm 17 - 5pm 18 - 6pm 19 - 7pm 20 - 8pm 21 - 9pm 22 - 10pm 23 - 11pm
  7. Hi, the CS uses 24h format and the game uses am/pm, 6am is 06 in the CS , 6pm would be 18 in the CS. So, as you said, the Bruma Guard starts his watch at 6am in-game, does it for 13 hours and then ends it once 7pm hour starts. Not sure if there is a defined global hour for sunrise and sunset, extensive digging in the CS Wiki might yield an answer for that one: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
  8. Glad to have helped. Common sense when applying various tweaks and/or performance improvement mods is the best anyone can do. But to be more serious: I mostly got my game to it's current state by reading what other people say about tweaks and performance improvement mods and then simple trial and error of what I though could work, so I don't really feel confident to tell people what exactly to do to get a stable game.
  9. Alright. Here. Oblivion.ini sr_Oblivion_Stutter_Remover.ini It should be noted I'm using an OSR ini preset provided from this stability guide. You aren't using OSRs heap replacement (Which is the main reason people use it). bReplaceHeap is 0 in your OSR ini, 1 would be enabling it. I don't like the stability guide you linked, I disagree with quite a lot of things the author writes (But that doesn't mean that I am an expert, he could be right with what he says, I just don't agree with much of what he says because of my personal experience.). After enabling it you should see massive improvements to stability and performance. You might need to try other heap replacements (The "iHeapAlgorithm=" setting), as the game might not start with some of them. I use 8, tcmalloc. If that doesn't help, you could try and change some settings in your oblivion.ini. I will provide mine as a comparison as I have a very stable game. Though it is unlikely that these settings are causing the crashes, it might be worth the try. Pretty much all crashes in the game almost always come from mod conflicts: uInterior Cell Buffer=12 uExterior Cell Buffer=142 bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1
  10. Did you try the usual? (No mods activated? Only some mods activated?) Is it reproducable? (Different save? Different character?)
  11. I hope this helps: Quote: "Animations are stored as KF files. For the player's character and NPCs, 3rd person animations are located at meshes\characters\_male (despite the name, animations are gender-neutral). 1st person animations are located at meshes\characters\_1stperson. Animation files can be placed at meshes\characters\_male\specialanims and then assigned to individual actors to be used instead of the default 3rd person animations, such as Sheogorath's walking with a cane animation in Shivering Isles." Taken from the TES CS Wiki: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Animation_Tab Judging by what you write, it sounds like you want to take the animation from the linked mod, put it in meshes\characters\_male\specialanims folder and then load up the CS and assign that new animation to your actor of choice (and maybe disable their normal walking animation) in the NPC's "Animation" tab. This describes setting animations for individual actors, not sure if you can set different animations for entire races, never tried that myself. And if you are using Blockhead then it seems that you are in for a new type of trouble as someone in the linked mod's comment section mentions problems with the linked mod and Blockhead.
  12. Don't know that mod, but have you used the CS before? Should be as easy as loading the mod and it's masters (I'm guessing it's only gonna be Oblivion.esm) up and then placing the item where you want it.
  13. That sounds very likely to be the cause. The lock/unlock doors is only applied to the cell the NPC is in at the time of lock/unlock. You could try and use travel packages specifically meant to lock/unlock the "main" cell or even all cells by using once per day flags on packages created specifically for that purpose (LockRoom1, LockRoom2, etc.), say lock/unlock when at location and set as location a marker in the cell or the cell itself that you want locked/unlocked, which would theoretically make the NPC cycle through the cells locking and unlocking them. Maybe it's also just the UI not updating. I have had it happen that the UI displays the door as locked but when activating it, I was able to go through as usual.
  14. Did you follow the tutorial/instructions for creating new birthsigns here?: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Birthsigns
  15. That is probably due to the weapon becoming a new unique dynamic ID/item (ffxxxxxx = stored in save game) once it gets enchanted. GetEquipmentSlot is probably not the function you are looking for, it does something else than I think you want it to do. I think what you wanted is GetEquippedObject. But GetEquippedObject wouldn't help you here anyway because it only returns the base object, which is probably useless if you want to modify the enchanted item (Due to how it changes mentioned above). If you don't yet, use the TES CS Wiki to look up OBSE functions, many of them are explained there in more detail than on OBSEs Command Documentation page. (Old links from OBSEs documentation page are broken, you need to search for the commands manually.) Maybe you can move the stat manager code to the object script and not have it CTD if you try and adjust the stats/run the stat manager code within a while loop: [...] set ThisSword to GetSelf [...] while (ThisSword) apply stat changes loop [...]
  16. Sounds very much possible. A good way would probably be creating an enchantment using the CSE and then using OBSE commands to add/remove effects to this enchantment and/or change their magnitudes. There's many functions for this under the Magic section of the OBSE commands, with functions like AddFullEffectItem, SetNthEffectItemMagnitude, etc. https://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html That script would likely need to be always running, I don't think the scripted changes to the enchantment would be saved to the savegame, but the empty enchantment (which the script modifies) itself will be if it is created using the CSE, though it should be possible to create a new dynamic enchantment using OBSE itself, but that just sounds like unnecessary extra work. That you would need to test though, I'm not sure about that.
  17. Difficult, dividing them into combat and non-combat tracks makes it a little bit easier: Favourite combat track: March of the Marauders. Favourite non-combat track: Harvest Dawn.
  18. There are many ways to do that. You can edit the NPCs inventory, you could edit some leveled lists or you could add it via script, etc. If you've never modded before look here: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Category:Getting_Started
  19. I'm not sure if you can refresh a container menu while open, but maybe OBSE's "CloseAllMenus" could be helpful: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=CloseAllMenus and then immediatly after that "player.activate whateverref" to bring back your container menu could work (or maybe GetActiveMenuRef https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=GetActiveMenuRef before closing the menu to save the ref first).
  20. For anyone interested who might find this thread, additionally to what Maskar and QQuix said, I found two things that help me: 1) Not sure if it is a thing in the standard CS, but in the CSE there is the option to show "light radius" in the "View" tab. So making a light with, for example, radius 2048 will then show a circle with the radius 2048 around that light. 2) The "Visual X-Marker radius for CS" mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44063
  21. Thank you both! :smile:
  22. Hello, if I set an AI package with a radius of, for example, 3000, is there any way to see what area that covers in the game or in the Construction Set? I know that the measurement for these radius options is inches: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=AI_Package But without somehow seeing which area that covers in the CS or game, it is only guesswork if the radius I set was large enough for what I want the NPC to do. Is there an option that enables some sort of overlay or just anything else that would somehow show or tell how "far" an inch goes ingame/the CS? Edit: s***, I just noticed I put this in the wrong subforum. Can I move this topic to there (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3945-oblivion-construction-set-and-modders/) somehow?
  23. There never really formed a proper modding community for this game, lergely due to how "difficult" it is to mod and have compatibility between them. I don't think anyone even knows this forum here exists, apart from us obviously. Your best chance may even be to ask on the steam forums of the game. That's where most mod authors and players of the game seem to be around.
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