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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by ZuluFoxtrot

  1. I'm sorry but I have to say it... please, don't go with some ultra-modern, JavaScript-heavy, XMLHTTP-based, chromium design... I'm just saying this because I've seen many sites go from a fairly dull, but functional and comfortable layout, to a layout like I described above, just to seem more "high-tech, modern and professional".


    To be fair, it's one of the reasons I don't really visit the Beth forums that much anymore... the new design/layout/software is just terrible (though I respect it, because it was apparently decided to move due to some security flaw with the old software).


    Also... filtering comments from most endorsed to bottom? It seems a little... well, just look at YouTube. It seems like that's all this is going to achieve - "Thumbs up if..." and such. It seems pointless in all, and sort of seems like it would cause many new comments to go un-noticed.


    Anyway, I have high hopes for this update, and thank you all for maintaining this site (seems like a huge task, to be honest). Thanks.


    P.S. Remove thumbs down D:

  2. @Herculine: I never said anything about leaving downloaders with no way to give negative feedback. Send a private message to the author, or make a comment. But negative endorsements don't give helpful feedback. If it doesn't fit your personal tastes or beliefs, don't download it, no big deal. There's no need to put a massive, red symbol on the file page screaming "SOMEONE DIDN'T LIKE THIS". It's obvious, everyone has different tastes. If it genuinely has an issue, then negative endorsements are still not helpful. Leaving a comment or contacting the author makes it much more likely for the problem to be resolved, where as the negative endorsement does not give any information about the problem at all. It's completely useless, and completely ugly.


    @David Brasher: The positive endorsment system is great because it allows for the ranking of mods. I probably couldn't live without the Top 100 lists, or the ability to organise search results by endorsements. You say that there are a lot of mods with problems that deserve negative endorsements because they need to be "debugged" and such. Read above. Sure, it's a good system in theory, if everyone was sensible and gave reasons for their endorsements, as well as removed them when the issue was fixed. But right now it's abusable, and abused often. Not your sort of file? Thumbs-down, no explanation, possibilty of never logging on again. Broken file? No effort to inform the author of the issue, just a thumbs-down alongside a randomly selected, vague reason. That said, there is no need for this feature. Without this feature, people would actually comment and contact the author about issues, which is how it is meant to be. People can still see if a file has issues simply by reading the comments. And people who do not like the file in particular, due to their tastes, would be forced to just move on, as they should do.


    @Yamcakes: Positive endorsements are very useful, I'd say, as they contribute to the site rankings (Top 100 lists, for example). Also, whilst just as useless in the sense of sitting there on the file page, they can at least be worn proudly.

  3. I think that the site could be better if negative endorsements were removed. I don't see how the feature is helpful. Many people give negative endorsements because they couldn't install the mod properly, and didn't even bother asking for help. They don't provide valid feedback because the descriptions are so vague, and oftentimes people just click one at random (or the one that is selected by default, I can't remember if there is one). I mean, really? "The file did not fit in to the user's personal tastes or beliefs, etc."? If you don't like it, don't download it. That said, all they really serve as is a blemish to any mod. If there's a big problem that people need to be aware of when about to download the mod, they'll find out in the comments, I would say.


    Anyone agree?




  4. Hey,


    I find it extremely frustrating when I spend a large amount of time filling out the fields when creating a file and then I submit it only to find that I have to retype absolutely everything because I wasn't allowed a certain symbol in one of those fields.


    I think instead of denying the request, these forbidden symbols should just be deleted from the strings and the user should be notified.




  5. Hey,


    I'd love to be able to enable and disable modules on the index page. For example, I'm not really into the image portal so I'd disable the "latest images" module and maybe replace with the "latest file updates" module (it's not there currently but I've seen it before). Right now, I'd just love to have the index page as my own little personalised paradise. I actually think (don't hold me to this, I may be being naive) that implementing this feature could save you a bit of bandwidth as people who such as myself (I'm sure there are many) who would rather not display certain modules would disable them and they would not be loaded. P.S. Change the "Welcome" to "Welcome back, insert username here" please. I'd love that. :P


    On the files control panel, it'd be cool just to have a small box above the actual list of files that tells you the combined statistics of your files (combined total downloads, unique downloads, endorsements, etc) and it'd also be nice to be notified when one of your files enters a Top 100 list. This isn't urgent, I just thought it'd be an interesting little feature.


    I'd like it if premium members were able to endorse a fil after a shorter period of time from downloading it. Maybe instead of 3 hours, for premium members it is 1 hour, or perhaps even less. Usually, I can give a mod a good go and see if it works or not in just under an hour.


    Lastly, I'd like to be able to clear my download history. On Fallout3Nexus for example, since I signed up I have downloaded 563 or something files. Because I don't have the time (and probably will never have the time) to go back and endorse all of those files on top of the files I am downloading every day, I'd like to be able to clear my download history and start fresh, so to speak. Another reason I'd like this is so I can make use of the endorsement reminder which I currently have disabled; when I first sign up for a Nexus site, I usually can't help but act like a kid in a sweet shop, downloading everything that looks cool. But now I want to be calmer about what I download and make use the endorsement reminder without it keep reminding me to do the time consuming task of endorsing 500-odd files. Also, of course, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like this feature, so you could potentially save a fair bit of server load/database space.




    My cents,

    Foxtrot :)

  6. My first suggestion is the ability to set a default method of organisation of search results. For example, I prefer to list my search results from the most endorsed to the least endorsed and it gets a pain (particularly since I my internet is rather slow at times) when I have to do this manually with every search.


    My second suggestion is that the New Vegas Nexus and Fallout 3 Nexus recieve more file categories. 'Recipes', 'Perks', 'Immersion', 'Weather' and things like that, just like the Elder Scrolls Nexus has (I like that a lot).


    My third suggestion is the ability to make file "drafts" - so that you can set your description and such, upload some images, upload the files BEFORE any other users on the site can know that the file exists. Once it is released, it appears on the "Recently uploaded files" list as normal. Whilst the "hide this file from public viewing" feature can make your file inaccessible, I would actually like to make my file invisible, but still have it treated as a new file when I do decide to make it public.


    My fourth suggestion is the ability to disable informational notifications (those ones that appear in bright red/pink). I understand why they are there, but like the adult content filter, I feel users should be able to disable them. They are very helpful but after actually reading, they have no more use and they just appear out of place, are annoying and ruin the look of the site.


    My fifth suggestion is that we should be able to organise search results by "endorsement/download ratio". The formula is: unique downloads / endorsements. There should also be a Top 100 list for endorsement/download ratio (the lower the ratio the better). When I'm looking for quality mods, sometimes endorsements just don't cut it. I can tell that a mod with 10,000 unique downloads and 100 endorsements is at least more appreciated by it's users than a mod with 100,000 unique downloads and 500 endorsements.


    Thanks for your time Dark0ne, I hope you like these ideas and I would really appreciate them.


    -- Foxtrot

  7. About a week ago, I logged into the Fallout 3 Nexus to download some files, and it said my premium credit was 0. I was sure that I had paid for premium credit all the way up until November 1st, and as you can see HERE, I have. I assumed it was server maintenace, upgrades to premium features or something like that. But here I am a week later and still I have 0 premium credit - and thus, I don't have access to the premium file servers, and all other premium features are gone. I really don't understand what is going on. :confused:








  8. Everytime I try to delete my mod's readme, it says: "You do not have the proper permissions to delete this file". I'm logged in and everything, and I've kept trying but it doesn't work.

    It returns no error if I simply upload a new readme, but the old readme is still there (and I tried clearing my cache - the new readme simply hasn't been uploaded).

    Could anyone help me with this?

  9. I say remove negative endorsements.


    - "I couldn't get the file to work" ninety percent of the time means "I didn't read the readme"/"I'm new to mods and put it in my Documents/My Games/Fallout 3 folder".


    - "The file didn't do what the description implied" usually relates to "This file didn't do what I wanted".


    - "There were important files missing (animations, textures, etc.) that meant the file didn't work properly" is pretty pointless anyway - it just means that the file gets a negative endorsement before being able to fix the problem. A PM/comment would do just fine. It also usually means again "I didn't read the readme"/"I'm new to mods and put it in my Documents/My Games/Fallout 3 folder".


    - "The file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files" means "The file caused conflicts with my other 200 mods in my effed up load order".


    - "The file did not meet my high quality standards" usually pertains to "It didn't have NUDEZ CHICKZ in it/THIS AUTHOR SAID SOMETHING BAD ABOUT MY MOD".


    And the flagship of all "reasons"...

    - "After playing the file it doesn't fit in to my personal tastes or beliefs, etc." usually means "I DON'T LIKE THIS AUTHOR/THIS FILE HAS HUNDREDS OF ENDORSEMENTS AND MINE HAS NONE/NOT ENOUGH NUDEZ WOOMENZ/ANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER".

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