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Everything posted by Anach
Works for NMM links, but with manual download I still get errors. Still, I really appreciate you taking the time to make a script. This situation is really annoying.
Well I've just started having this issue in the last 2 days also, and can no longer download anything in Firefox, Chrome, Edge or IE. I can't change the URL to HTTP, as the forum keeps defaulting back to HTTPS, in Chrome, FF, IE and edge. The link at the top of the forum for Nexusmods.com is also HTTPS, so I have to keep changing it manually once opening the site. If I change nexusmods to HTTP, I can't even login with Chrome or Edge, as it keeps telling me I'm not logged in, and FF just gives me an error redirecting page message when I try. So far, the only browser that works on Nexusmods.com in HTTP is Internet Explorer (yay). While FF and Chrome use HTTPS Everywhere, Edge and IE don't. Haviing HTTPS Everywhere disabled, simply results in the above errors. The site works properly with it enabled, but the downloads don't.
Hmm. Didn't get my email from this topic subscription. I have a stock ugrids and running realistic water 2. Something else I noticed is that I can sometimes, depending on weather, I see the end of the world as a well defined line.
Maybe a new button (red or orange) that lets users bypass the virus scan and rely on their own antivirus software. Or maybe enable downloads anyway, but pop-up a warning when files haven't yet been scanned.
I've been following tutorials for creating new NPC followers, but trying to apply it to existing NPCs. For this mod I wanted to turn Anska into a follower and Fjola into a hireling (and more NPCs later) once their quests have been completed, as I feel having them just stand around a cell for the rest of the game is such a waste of these interesting NPCs. However, both are FoxRace, and while I can change their race, traits, and factions as per the tutorials, they still wont give me the follower dialogue once I load up the game, I'm also a little confused over setting their relationship, as they don't show up in the list when creating a new relationship. What am I missing?
Is there a way to fix the square blocks of missing distant water textures? I've tried playing around with various ini settings but haven't had much luck. Here's an example of what I mean (not my screenshot) https://i.imgur.com/9ipQidd.jpg
I thought the same thing. A hireling would be great!
I came here to post the same thing, but found this thread. As well as Fallout, there was an Oblivion Mod named Helmet FOV http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/8991 I too would like something like this for Skyrim.
I saw a mod on the nexus the other day that removed the NPC ability to dodge arrows, but now I can't seem to find it. Does anyone know what it's called?
Is there a mod that adds all the unobtainable items such as armour and weapons to the game? I recall reading about something along those lines, but no idea where and nothing turned up in my searches.
Same problem here with Heljarchen, and I don't use the Distant Terrain Mod. I'll have to try the other two holds and see what happens. Ok found the problem for me at least. "SkyTest - Realistic Animals and predators" was the problem. Obviously something to do with the nearby spawns.
Seems there are a few mods that cause this bug and I managed to track down 3 of them. FoF was fixed, I got rid of Crimson Tide and replaced it with Enhanced Blood Textures, Bloody Faces was apparently fixed, but something else is also causing the issue, and I still have it even after disabling all those mods. Just a matter of tracking it down once again.
Well I use Crimson Tide and Convenient Horses, but I don't use Fight or Fly and no longer using IMCN. I have started a new game again and this time don't have the issue. I have disabled the Bloody Faces mod this time around though, as it was causing issues with the intro quest. I'm also sick of testing :P
Trying to click the correct option in Skyrims dialogue screen is a PITA. Would love to be able to bypass the dialogue for trading with companions via instant hotkey.
Well I reinstalled twice, the first time did the exact same thing, so I spent a couple days going through mods and eventually and started a new game, but this time without IMCN (was going crazy in papyrus) and without Bloody Facials (BF was causing character to get stuck during the walk to the chopping block), So far I haven't had the issue again. So I can't say if it was one of those mods, or a certain combination of installing stuff. Suffice to say, I have no idea unfortunately.
New issue since Dawnguard, even after a reinstall and new game. Something is causing my eating/drinking idle animations on NPCs to reset; they will bring the food/drink to their mouth from behind their back, then it will instantly reset and repeat; this causes all eating/drinking NPCs within the cell to become synchronized. It's very obvious and immersion breaking I have no idea what causes it and my attempts to track down the issue have failed. I noticed it also breaks the vampires eating at tables in Castle Volkihar. Any help is appreciated.
I have this recurring issue where I reach a certain point in the game, and suddenly I'll get a CTD during save. It has happened 3 times to me during the course of my game. If I relaunch and try to save, it will still crash. Now the really odd part. Even if I go back a few saves to an earlier point where it was working fine, it will still crash during save. No new mods were installed on any of these occasions. The first time this happened I was in a dungeon; I managed to get passed the Save CTD by going back a couple saves, waiting a couple in-game days (With autosave disabled), and changing cells. The second time it happened was after a few more levels, and again I was able to bypass the CTD by going back a couple saves, waiting a couple game days, and changing cells. However this time it's once again happened, and I can't seem to bypass it. I've been going through my mods trying to find the source of the issue without much luck, as I can't reproduce it manually and have to wait for it to randomly occur. Any suggestions or theories?
Are you suggesting that beta drivers are the cause or the fix? I was using the 12.7 beta drivers, but rolled back to 12.6, but still have the same issue. Have you any information on the issue? It's a known issue for some people with 12.7 (doesn't affect me). From what I've read rolling back may not be enough, I seem to remember someone saying they had to completely uninstall 12.7, then restart a couple of times before reinstalling 12.6 from scratch, could be wrong though. Ok found some more info after manually searching the depths of the forum. it's not specific to the 12.7 beta drivers. It can be fixed by changing 'iShadowMapResolution=' in skyrimPrefs.ini. My initial setting was 4096 (so if yours isn't that high, you may not see the issue). My UI was fixed by setting to 2048, or 8192. I have no idea why 4096 causes issue.
Also if you forget the menu before alt-tab suggestion, you can fix the double cursor by moving the windows cursor to the bottom of the first alt-tab black window (bordered window), wait for it to vanish, then alt-tab to full screen.
Are you suggesting that beta drivers are the cause or the fix? I was using the 12.7 beta drivers, but rolled back to 12.6, but still have the same issue. Have you any information on the issue?
I recall something like this for oblivion, where even custom quest items could be removed (gloves off) from inventories if desired. It was done via OBSE script without the need to edit each item like most of the current mods for Skyrim. On a side note, I wish Beth would do what other RPGs do, and make all quest items have their own inventory tab and zero weight, then it wouldn't be an issue.
I have this strange problem since getting back to Skyrim. The UI is messed up, but only in exterior cells. Interior cells the UI works fine. Health bars don't work, Stamina bar is off screen, compass icons go past the border of the compass (entire width of screen), and the shout timer is missing its graphics. I tried uninstalling all mods, deleting interface.bsa, as well as all loose files and folders, and repairing the install through steam. Still had the same problem. I have no idea what could cause it. Especially as it works fine inside. Any help appreciated.
Also would like to be able to see endorsements on the today and recent page list.
Would really like the option under premium settings to allow for remembering the preferred seach listing. For example, I always select to list my search results to "Last updated" and descending order. It would be nice to have that as a preferred default option.
Forgive the necro, but not sure where else to post this? While I have nothing against either OMOD or BAIN, it would be great if BAIN could also read OMOD packages and scripts for backwards compatibility, as it already supports the other 3 most common archive types. Then I'd change over to BAIN in a heartbeat. This would be a great way to get more widespread usage of BAIN as a standard. It would be nice not to have to keep swapping between the two mod managers every time I change something. Sure we can convert OMODs back to standard archives, however, with no script support, that isnt really enough reason to convince people to do so. OMODs have been around much longer, and to get people to start supporting BAIN, you need to entice them somehow.