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  1. NOW THIS :( Possible relevant objects (4){ [ 55] TESNPC(Name: `Dwarven Worm`, FormId: FF00199E) [ 55] Character(FormId: 76671ED1, File: `AKSkyrimUnderground.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Dwarven Worm`, FormId: FF00199E)) [ 82] TESNPC(Name: `Elite Knight Shadow`, FormId: CE31540F, File: `Darkend.esp`) [ 82] Character(FormId: CE1FDA5F, File: `Darkend.esp`, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Elite Knight Shadow`, FormId: CE31540F, File: `Darkend.esp`))} Probable callstack{ [0] 0x7FF70B3BC32A (SkyrimSE.exe+C0C32A) unk_C0C320+A [1] 0x7FF70B3BCDD2 (SkyrimSE.exe+C0CDD2) BSSmallBlockAllocator::unk_C0CD60+72 [2] 0x7FF70B3B2352 (SkyrimSE.exe+C02352) Memory::Allocate_C02260+F2 [3] 0x7FF70B8AF09A (SkyrimSE.exe+10FF09A) MovementControllerAI::Func3_10FEFF0+AA [4] 0x7FF70B872543 (SkyrimSE.exe+10C2543) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C24A0+A3 [5] 0x7FF70B871CAB (SkyrimSE.exe+10C1CAB) MovementPathManagerArbiter::unk_10C1C30+7B [6] 0x7FFCBD94459A (FPSFixPlugin.dll+459A) [7] 0x7FFCBD94459A (FPSFixPlugin.dll+459A) [8] 0x7FF70B8AEECB (SkyrimSE.exe+10FEECB) MovementControllerAI::Func8_10FEE20+AB [9] 0x7FF70AD8840D (SkyrimSE.exe+5D840D) Character::unk_5D8330+DD [10] 0x7FF70AD9398E (SkyrimSE.exe+5E398E) Character::unk_5E3970+1E [11] 0x7FF70AD86B16 (SkyrimSE.exe+5D6B16) Character::unk_5D6840+2D6 [12] 0x7FF70AE84A31 (SkyrimSE.exe+6D4A31) unk_6D4880+1B1 [13] 0x7FFCE0831E93 (KERNELBASE.dll+41E93) [14] 0x7FF70AAF85C3 (SkyrimSE.exe+3485C3) BGSScene::unk_348490+133 [15] 0x7FF70AE84B5A (SkyrimSE.exe+6D4B5A) unk_6D4AF0+6A [16] 0x7FF70B3E4C48 (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48) BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318 [17] 0x7FF70B3BD6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [18] 0x7FFCE14F7C24 (KERNEL32.DLL+17C24) [19] 0x7FFCE2C8D4D1 (ntdll.dll+6D4D1) } what is going on here ?
  2. What is going on here ? I get this in NetScriptFramework crashes every time i crash. Instant crash to desktop randomly, either after 10-15 mins, 1 hour or 2, doing random stuff or noghing, fighting or sight seeing... Possible relevant objects (6){ [ 0] BSMasterParticleSystem(Name: `mpsfireboltimpact01.nif`) [ 14] BSValueNode(Name: `AddOnNode99`) [ 30] NiParticleSystem(Name: `pFireSparks`) [ 58] NiNode(Name: `pFireSparks-Emitter`) [ 62] NiNode(Name: `MPSFireBoltImpact01`) [ 99] BSParticleSystemManager(Name: null)} Probable callstack{ [0] 0x7FF70B50E527 (SkyrimSE.exe+D5E527) BSMasterParticleSystem::unk_D5E430+F7 [1] 0x7FF70B5086FC (SkyrimSE.exe+D586FC) BSPSysMultiTargetEmitterCtlr::unk_D58520+1DC [2] 0x7FF70B5084AE (SkyrimSE.exe+D584AE) BSPSysMultiTargetEmitterCtlr::Update_D582F0+1BE [3] 0x7FF70B4217AF (SkyrimSE.exe+C717AF) BSGeometry::UpdateWorldBound_C715C0+1EF [4] 0x7FF70B411C77 (SkyrimSE.exe+C61C77) NiAVObject::RecalculateWorldTransform_C61B60+117 [5] 0x7FF70B406D8F (SkyrimSE.exe+C56D8F) NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass_C56D50+3F [6] 0x7FF70B4213E5 (SkyrimSE.exe+C713E5) BSGeometry::UpdateDownwardPass_C713D0+15 [7] 0x7FF70B408582 (SkyrimSE.exe+C58582) NiNode::UpdateDownwardPass_C584C0+C2 [8] 0x7FF70B50663E (SkyrimSE.exe+D5663E) BSMultiBoundNode::UpdateUpwardPass_D56630+E [9] 0x7FF70B408602 (SkyrimSE.exe+C58602) NiNode::UpdateDownwardPass_C584C0+142 [10] 0x7FF70B408582 (SkyrimSE.exe+C58582) NiNode::UpdateDownwardPass_C584C0+C2 [11] 0x7FF70B50E162 (SkyrimSE.exe+D5E162) BSMasterParticleSystem::UpdateDownwardPass_D5E0C0+A2 [12] 0x7FF70AA2CE6D (SkyrimSE.exe+27CE6D) NiAVObject::unk_27CDD0+9D [13] 0x7FF70B503043 (SkyrimSE.exe+D53043) BSParticleSystemManager::unk_D52FC0+83 [14] 0x7FF70AA21F5E (SkyrimSE.exe+271F5E) UpdateParticleSystemManagerJob_271F30+2E [15] 0x7FF70B3E2EE1 (SkyrimSE.exe+C32EE1) BSJobs__JobThread::unk_C32CB0+231 [16] 0x7FF70B3E2929 (SkyrimSE.exe+C32929) JobList::Finish_impl_C32890+99 [17] 0x7FF70ADF0B07 (SkyrimSE.exe+640B07) Job_Particles_640AB0+57 [18] 0x7FF70B3E4C48 (SkyrimSE.exe+C34C48) BSJobs::JobThread::Func1_C34930+318 [19] 0x7FF70B3BD6BD (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD) StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D [20] 0x7FFCE14F7C24 (KERNEL32.DLL+17C24) [21] 0x7FFCE2C8D4D1 (ntdll.dll+6D4D1) Someone pls help !
  3. Do the marked as light actually do good ? Should i make Wyre Bash patch ? Also is this good/normal ? i just found this section lol............
  4. Went back in, loaded game right before spider....killed spider...crash again... I go back in again same point, i chance wepon, kill spider...no problem, play 10min more i kill 3 zombies out of 4.....when i swing to hit the 4th...but not hit it....crash.... THIS GAME IS CURSED !
  5. Now it crashed after 1hr and 10mins of gameplay, since listening to gerdur talk about the dragon up until i was in the bleakfalls barrow half way in fighting a spider with a sowrd.....until then i thought all before, killed all, used magic, they did also, shouts also....no clue to what can be doing this at random points....even sitting outside whiterun and leaving the game to circle around the char....after 15min it crashed....practicly not touching the keyboard and mouse.... can i be sure this is someting on the game's side and not on my pc's side ? at least is there a way to find this out for sure....cause the game working now except the crashes :(....managed to make dyndolod textures work also and game looks amazing... or what are things that people do when they have crashes....besided taking 1 by 1 mod and playing 1 hoursor more after to be sure u dont get a cras....cause u might get it like me now after 1houre...or maybe after 5 hours....imagina that when testing :|
  6. Just want to point out that i crashed right after the dragon attacked and saved my head at start of story, then i crashed after entering tower whil ulfric was talking, then i crashed in the cave figthing the spiders, then i crashed after exiting cave and after the dragon went over my head and out of view.... so im guessing its something on my side, my char ? or something global that can happen anywhere....again how to test ? :|
  7. Papyrus.0 most of the lof is either error or warning...and seeing how many....this game is actually cursed.................:|||||||||||||||||
  8. Water is also doing some wierd reflection thing : https://streamable.com/k8ys18
  9. W How about answering questions that are asked such as HOW MANY ESPS DO YOU HAVE? Are you looking for help or just doing a "Stream of Consciousness" thing, because you don't seem to even be reading any posts other than your own. Well i figured it doesnt matter if the problem is not there anymore, i have 505 plugins, of which 490 esp and 16 esm .... flagged as light overall are 257
  10. Well it's fixed for now - never would have come to this ideea but...had to GO OFFLINE in STEAM while playing....and as of now no more shadow glitch....and i have no ideea why this would have to do anything with it..but i do hope it fixes it permanently. Now i have this....well i already had it...but this i know what it is...but dunno how to fix it....Ambient occulsion at the edges of the screen acts very wierd....appears dissapear or gets replaced by illuminatin or something...but if i disable it ofc i get rid of it totally....but game looks dull without it....what can be done about this ? https://streamable.com/bil4tq
  11. NO, the game is NOT cursed, the problem is that you are not listening to any advice people are giving you, and you are causing your own problems in the game. You need to uninstall all your mods and start over SLOWLY, as you were told a long time ago. You can't install hundreds of mods and expect to track down some obscure lighting problem that you're having (That I've only seen for the very first time in your video) Start over, and start ONE AT A TIME. Also, way back on the first page or so you said "I have ALL Plugins Clean" Your problem (along with everything else) could be that you cleaned plugins that you weren't supposed to. Some plugins you are NOT supposed to clean. Not gonna take 555 mods one by one....oh wait...i did....2 times, once 10 by 10 mods, then 1-3 mods at a time.... Don't get me wrong i thank you and rest for responding and giving advice...but i was expecting maybe anything else then what anyone would do when they dont have a real method....meaning doing one by one...WHICH I DID....and again the bug is random....it shows up when it wants....i disabled all mods, enabled again, disabled, uninstalled....nohthing.....and nothing i do seems to affect it....i disabled all light mods, even torch mods, eveyrthing...but nothing seems to affect it... If im not suppose to clean a file then the author should write it in 72 size text on his mod page....not somewhere in the middle of a comment in the posts section, cause so far i havent read anywhere DONT CLEAN MY MOD, in the mods i have downloaded....or at least i didnt see it cause it wasnt evident enought. What mods dont need cleaning usually ? can u give an example ? or at least a category ? Ofc if i disable all, it will be gone right ? then ill do the same thing again....and because its a random bug....i cant even know how to test it...what if i enable half of mods, and it doesnt show up....then what ? do it again ? This is not a method to do things ? its just time wasting. I see people talking about this AstroGrep + Papyrus Logging will look into that....cause this 1950 method is absooulte trash... Cant believe after so many years of people creating so many mods for the game no one has made a program to tell u which mod is bad....i would pay for that program alone as much as the special edition without hesitation...
  12. The light issue is back, again random upon starting/restarting game.... this game is cursed
  13. Probably a case of "simply overmodded". You can't install all those big and complex mods with new NPCs, Civil War Overhauls, new lands, changes to combat and so on and expect the game to work without issues. IMHO, what you have installed now is simply too much. Always keep in mind: Although SE was ported to 64bit, it's essentially still a 11 years old game, that also has its own flaws and bugs. Almost all mods are made by enthusiasts, who create mods in their spare time, not professional software developers. So, mods can - and often will - contain bugs. What you're doing with an extra large load order like yours is combinining an old game engine with lots of (partly) suboptimal code. This could work - or not... And the problem is: A single line of code or a single damaged or messed up file can make the whole thing end up in a CTD... So, keep it simple - especially if you're still rather new to modding Skyrim. I'd suggest working on a "base setup" first. Build your world: Towns and villages, player homes, landscape changes, texture mods, basic mesh replacers like SMIM, weather and lighting, water. Test and make sure everything works. I'd recommend making a separate profile in Vortex for this basic setup so you could get back to it if you need. Then start with more complex mods. Install the ones you deem absolutely necessary first. Again: Test, test, test. Maybe make a second profile and a third. If your game still works, proceed to other mods. Only add a few mods at a time. Modding is a slow process. Start smaller. Take your time. A strategy that worked well for me in the past is to choose certain "core mods" I want to focus on for a playthrough: E.g. if I want to explore Bruma or play Legacy of the Dragonborn, I take these as my "main mods" and build the rest of my load order around them. If I wanted to do a Civil War playthrough, I'd focus on mods enhancing the war experience. But I don't install large new land mods on top this time. An approach like this saves a lot of modding time and gives a better and much more stable gameplay experience. Thank you for ur response, but i really dont want to take out mods....maybe i will some NPC mods, but not all, skyrim is very dead without a lot of mods....also if u check there u can see a lot ar 1 weapon or 2/3 stand alone mods, with patch and/or fix for it, also 100 if not more are patches and fixes for other mods i have...the ideea is i want to know why my game is crashing....and testing the game with 10 mods at one time is what ive done so far...and now i just stood 20 mins to wach 25 ebony warriors fight 5 dragon priests and 50 imperial archer/mages fighting 2 elder dragons, at night...it only crashed when i spawned 45 dragons, but 1 min after spawning, 10 of them or so still got up into the air....so dunno what to say....why would it crash walking in the forest but not in a war like i just spawned....ofc i expect it to crash at some point when to much is processed...its expeted...but still 20 mins of spells and magic and light show on screen....what gives ? and i was also fighting at some points with magic and axe....
  14. LOOT page 2 - and thats it - nothing more in loot...pretty much all are ok from this point of view... What is wrong with my game ? :sad:
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