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About drovage

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  1. There is already a mod of that kind, Muliple Marriage Only I want to go a different path So how is it coming along ? :turned: Anything interesting?
  2. I don't know i'll trust in the guys who we have working right now to make something more stable and the point is not to use the console :confused: So i'll stick loyally to my request until there is a straight answer like: We're not doing it/ We did it :ohdear:
  3. Don't worry they're still working on it :thumbsup: Am I really the first to make this request? and I never thought it'd be SO desired lol
  4. What do you mean by "Flirting"? :ohdear:
  5. I'm pretty damn sure I outlived my usefulness after my first post but maybe if you make it ignore the end phase of the quest? What I mean is if the quest doesn't end (or reach the stage of completion) there's no need to reset it for a new spouse? since the quest is still active in the stage of marriage :wacko:
  6. no idea, most amusing person I met was Senna. Though I heard the werewolves are popular. Personally i like Camila she opens a shop so it's very comfortable that you can sell your junk right in your house and get gold daily :thumbsup: Although it gets annoying to hear about that damn claw all the time :confused:
  7. there are more male marriage choices you know Well any good husbands out there you'd like to suggest? haha
  8. Ah a fellow collec...i mean female admirer :rolleyes:
  9. heard you the first time. best bet end of the week Hahaha I guess i'm not the only one here :happy: Don't rush it lol i'm sure we wont die from lack of lovers lol :laugh:
  10. I don't really have any experience in this , all i'm accustomed with is the console :psyduck: What i know is:The Spouse(Wife/Husband) faction is 000c6472 I tried manually adding npcs to this faction (marriageable) yet it doesn't seem to work for some reason :wallbash: The Courting Faction(the one that likes you and wants to marry with you) seems to work fine if you add someone to it What i'm trying to get at is wouldn't it be easier to fix the problem with adding npc's to the Spouse faction? and then work from there? or do i have the whole thing mixed up somehow :unsure:
  11. Well the title says it all basically But I do believe I should make my self clearer I did some research and I could not find anyway to marry a few people at once :down: example:Camilla Valerius and Aela the Huntress So I'd like to make a request for a mod: A mod that allows you to marry a few people at once I was thinking something like this: After you merry people that like you ,will still like you and would be a possibility to marry to them also Since i'm a very greedy person if the number of spouses would be unlimited it'd make me a very happy nord :wub: Thanks in advance :turned:
  12. So I finished the DLC (Mother ship Zeta), and I liked the idea of being able to just hot key the Epoxy and repair my weapon when I needed it. :thumbsup: So this leads me to my request can anyone please make a Epoxy that can repair armor? :rolleyes: I think it would be nice with a mod that shows your armors condition on the HUD. So if you could make an Armor Epoxy/Alien Armor Epoxy or something alike. :) I would be very great full ! Thanks in advance you actually going to make it. :thanks: :thanks:
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