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Everything posted by teylix

  1. This is what I fear. A very popular mod gets downloaded a lot. Valve puts a price tag on it. Modder does not get anything in return, or modder does not want to have a price on it. Since the mod is now pay to download - it would be illegal to distribute on other websites, like the Nexus (unless the modder takes it back from Valve). Am I on the right track? That is a pretty bad worst-case scenario. If I were to make a pretty large mod (like OOO for example), I would never upload it to steamworks. I also concur with the paypal donation button option. Nothing wrong with rewarding the people who make exceptional mods. I don't do a whole lot of donating but I would donate to people who put in a lot of hard work and time and it is one of the mods that I have to install right away if I ever need to reinstall skyrim. I'll be honest: I'll try out a mod or two from steamworks and see how it compares. I've used nexus over the years but if there's a mod on steamworks and not here that I want, I'll get it from there. Also I'd be looking to compare the mod manager experience. Nexus is updating the NMM a lot, but it's still quite an iffy experience. Nexus needs to standardize versions somehow. Mods like the 4gb patch also don't work when activating through NMM. Nothing wrong with some competition I suppose. I know in the end the community here is way too much of a pro to outweigh any cons vs steamworks.
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