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About xjapan171

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  1. I wish Bioware will include customize head save features in next patch! If they won't, let's hope someone with DAI tools can make a mod to put customized heads into Character Creations.
  2. Really need a mod for NPC faces and hairs in Character Creation presets like DA:O
  3. Dunno what to say.... this is placebo or fake or someone finally fixed skyrim? Specs: 8.1 win, i5K, 16 gb ram, 290 Radeon, SSD 128. Still NO CTD with following craps I did: 1. Installed 4K texture and Skyrim Flora Overhaul (4K & Flora overhaul = CTD 100%) 2. high speed scrolling of 100 items on blacksmith crafting (usually CTD 100%).3. fired 100 arrows with faster arrow 100% mod. (Usualy CTD with faster Arrow). 4. running back and fort riverwood to whiterun. (usually CTD when close to wolves and giant with companions). FPS = 60 stable, ENB is PoloENB v.5 (fully loaded), UGrid = 5. Apologize with my grammar, I skipped many English classes.
  4. Dear ladies and gents, I need some closure for this random and yet consistent CTD when traveling from Riverwood to Whiterun around two wolfs with elks and around zig zag slope near waterfall before some npc. Only use 4 mods via MO: skyUI, alternate start, official hd dlc textures and unofficial skyrim patches. Running on 1920 x 1080 ultra, no enb, frame rate limit to 60 fps, grid is 5. My specs: win 8.1 64 bit, i5-4670k cpu, msi r9 290x gpu, 256 ssd, 16 ram, msi gaming z87 mb, max cpu and gpu temp 28 deg celcius I don't understand why these particular area always have CTD while other areas are fine. Please advice , thank you.
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