I want two of the amazing Spider-Man's both from the 1970s featured in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered. One being Nicholas Hammond from the 1977 TV Show, and the other being the Japanese Spider-Man from 1978. Even though both Costumes are identical, the Hammond one has dark round eyelids along with the web shooters on both wrists and a utility belt around his waist. While the Toei one just has the thin white eyelids and the Spider Bracelet attached onto his left wrist. I think both of these shows are memorable, but I would prefer the Japanese Spider-Man because of the closest to being the comic design, even though the Hammond version is a bit underrated but still a little cool. I have the model of Nicholas Hammond's Spider-Man here: https://www.deviantart.com/chrisnicholsart/art/Nicholas-Hammond-Spider-Man-XPS-806748683