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Status Updates posted by weijiesen

  1. next EVE update coming soon. Big stuff indeed
  2. EVE is out! currently #1 for FOMT! over 125 endorsements in 3 days! thanks guys!
  3. You ain't seen NOTHING yet! BTW... EVE is gonna stand for "Epic Visual Enhancement". Because it covers more than just energy weps now hehehe
  4. Out of country for 2 weeks
    1. weijiesen
    2. olafreinhardweyer


      Happy New Year and thanks for 2010 and all your great work :) :) :)
    3. Nadin


      Holy irradiated tarantulas, that looks awesome.
  5. FOUR mods planned for NV. . .
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marz13


      Awesome :D Can't wait for the epicness!
    3. Nadin


      Just don't forget to keep modding F03....Please?
    4. ghghgh2


      Look forward to EVE:FNV……
  6. its coming along. one weapon at a time... a NEW laser gatling was finish. moving on to Pulse big-gun and Alien weapon deaths
  7. I PROMISE EVE 097 will be wrapped up and released before New Vegas' release!
    1. weijiesen


      @ CommanderCrazy

      I really love all the armor models in NV.

      I have a really big huge "DX" armor mod coming for NV, it retextures ALL armors with new high-res detailed versions.

  8. Back to modding? you betcha. Though nothing BIG until FO:NV...
  9. whatevah whatevah, i do what i want!
  10. your stuff rules. Saw your chinese LMG
  11. Minnesota. I did go there a time. Was teh Mall of USA. Twin city. SPAM and a JellyBelly headquarters. I miss USA and minnesota too
  12. that photo. you looks like JIM from the USA tv show "ghosts wisperer"
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