Honestly, not really. Modding for Minecraft seems easy, and there's tons of them out there that add in new content and all sorts of stuff that a game that'd be difficult to mod wouldn't have. However, the one caveat is that there is no central, established way to install them. Sure, all you really do is replace files in the .JAR, but there are so many add-on "requirements" for mods that are outdated or contradictory that it would be helpful to have a Nexus site dedicated to it. Not only is the Nexus well renowned, but a central location could inspire people to maybe update their mods and content, make them less conflicting, and hell, maybe there could be a stable, easy-to-use mod manager. Not to mention that the Curse forums are just that. Forums. So you have to go through some shifty and unreliable sites to download, since the Curse forums themselves don't provide that service. Planet Elder Scrolls supposedly has modding for TES "covered", but we're still up; Or vice versa, I don't know nor do I care which came first. Point is, downloading and installing mods for Minecraft is difficult for the average person; Even someone who knows how to install and run the most demanding of Skyrim/Oblivion mods. In my case, I was trying to install ThaumCraft, which requires 3 different files as well as the actual mod, that don't seem to do anything, and sure don't work well as "mod managers". I've tried several versions of the three files, but none of them worked, and there is nowhere in existence to download past versions of the mod itself. These kinds of frustrations could be remedied easily with a central and reputable name like the Nexus; and really what downsides are there?