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Posts posted by Shaidon7

  1. I just stumbled upon a belly dance video, got mesmerized by it and thought... "Pehaps some skilled mod can recreate this outfit for the game".
    Hopefully. 🤩

    With physics, like 3BA for CBBE curvy, if not asking much.


    Irina Akulenko - "Justice" from "Tarot - Fantasy Belly Dance" DVD - WorldDanceNewYork.com

  2. First, sorry if this was asked million times, but I can't find a definitive answer. Also, is not actually a mod request, I'm fine with a console commands, or a bat.


    I'm looking for a way to turn a copy of my character into a settler. And can use some default settler voice.


    Long time ago, while playing as Nora, I find out that there was 2 versions of the main character. Both are equipped with the vault suit, one have the original hair and a male voice, the second is a copy of the current main character. Then I used the Workshop Synth Production mod to get the "dna", to make a synth and also a settler. But that mod is very outdated and glitchy.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. I tried SetName that is suppose to be a command that works if you have F4SE installed, but the game don't recognize it. Unless is some configuration that I need to activate.

    The problem is that there is mod that have a bug that is changing the name of some NPCs to a paramenter, and I'm trying to find a way to fix it.

  4. Have you tried to use the workshop in there instead of the V key? Pehaps might unglitch it.

    Wait for like 3 days before even come near the settlement, to see if the reset might fix it. Then go there normally from a nearby fast travel area.

    After trying these "fixes", sleep there to update the area.


    Sorry, but without knowing the mods that you are using and how that might affect the game, I can only come with theoretical solutions. =)

  5. Make a preset save of your character and apply that preset to a settler. Then tell the settler to sit in a chair.

    I was already expecting this of not work, and I was right. Tested in with the cloned settlers made by the Workshop Synth Production mod, and a normal settlement.

    First they don't seem to accept to use the "chair" on demand. They will just stay nearby while looking at me like a derp settler that they are.

    They will only use it by themselves, after I spend sometime, or just sleeping. And even so, they will leave the chair by their own will, no matter if they are assigned to something or not.

  6. So I'm creating a settlement to work as a cloning facility, and I want a copy of myself to stay using an Institute Reclamation Chair.

    Used PlaceAtMe 7 1 to make the "clone". Then SetRelationshipRank Player 4 and SetPlayerTeammate 1 to allow me to command the clone to use the chair.

    The problem is whenever I fast travel, my clone also come with me. If I set teammate to 0, it stands. And relationship to 0, still follows me.


    There is any command to tell the clone to stay in that animation and not follow me?

  7. In my first playthrough without mods, and on my new one with dozen of mods, I still have this issue. Any radio (object) that is suppose to broadcast Radio Freedom is just silent. Classical and Diamond City, no problem. Also no issue while I'm at the Castle or lissening through the Pipboy.


    Already looked for a solution a couple of times, but it just point to another issue at the Castle that I don't have.

  8. Is not about moving settlers that have preseted homes, but that limitation that gray out a setttlement location because it reached the limit (10+current charisma).

    I'm fine with this system that limits the settlement to your charisma level, that avoids overflowing a place with huge amounts of NPCs that were spawning there because of the beacon, but I still wish that I could manual move a settler from a place to another, without being limited by the menu.

    I can dismiss companions to any location, no matter if is already full. I can also send settlers that I helped through quests to any location. But I can't just move one from another settlement?

  9. I'm trying to find if there is a mod about it, but no luck. Only more posts about people asking for a way to turn it off.


    You know when you are crafting something, and the item preview (and quite possible the world model when its dropped) have this overlay to make it look like is a hologram?

    I wish a mod to turn it off, and show the real colors and shape.

    If there is mod for this, can you point it out?


    Thanks in advance.

  10. I have this issue of the game not proper starting at fullscreen, with the black screen on loading all the time. Running it borderless windowed fix it, but at the cost of some performance. The admin settings fix, don't work for me.

    But I found I way to force it to initially run windowed, by holding the cursor over other app, like a new txt file for example, till the game show the loading icon at the corner, and I just ALT+TAB to it.


    But, if possible, I wish for a F4SE plugin that would do this work for me. At least make so, that the game would be windowed at first, then I would ALT+TAB, or ALT+ENTER to go back to fullscreen.

  11. So I created another form of the psijic hood and thalmor hooded armor, what was showing normally with the Dark Elf that I was playing. But when I tested on a khajiit, the hood don't appear with both male and female. But the originals do.

    With an argonian I had no problem with both versions.


    There is some function that I need to run on CK to fix the new hoods for khajiits? Like on for the Fallout 3, when a copy of a hat was out of place.

  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Shaidon/forum/tumbleweed-gif-2_zps12867bbe.gif



    Since that no one here had the slight patience to be helpful, and that someone else might have the same doubts as me, I'm going to try to help with I got. Maybe there is betters ways, but here it go.


    If you want to make a items to be mark as quest now, seems that will only work with references, and not with the base id. That means that the items must exist somewhere in the game, and not just be data.

    On the Creator Kit:

    - go to Character/Quest menu, create a new quest.

    - on the Quest Data tab set a ID for you quest (no spaces), and the only check box that need to be ticked is Start Game Enabled. Unless you want the quest to start only after trigger something else, but I'm going in detail with this option. Also not sure about the priority effects in this case, I guess it doesn't matter. I just set it to 30.

    - go the Quest Aliases tab. You will going to creat a New Reference Alias.

    - give a unique Alias Name to your character. Like MyQuestPlayerAlias. Tick the Unique Actor and select Player. This alias is just to be used to tell the game to spawn the quest item in your inventory. If you want to be in a chest, for example, you need to use Create Reference to Object, I believe. Also, careful to select Player, and not PlayerInventory (tried this at the first time, and didn't worked).

    - create another alias, now will be for the item. Again a unique Alias Name. Check the Quest Object box at the top right corner. Now tick Create Reference to Object, select the item on the drop box beside it. Level can be Easy. Tick Create/In, and select that alias that you create to your character (MyQuestPlayerAlias).

    And is done. When you start the game, you will notice that the item is already in your inventory and marked as Quest Item.



    Now to create ways to manage this item. Peace! =)

  13. I used to script and edit with Oblivion and Fallout, but things changed so much! Trying to read and understand the new tutorials, and my head is spinning!


    OK, here is the thing, I want to make certains items, an amulet and some misc items to be set as quest items. Before I just need to check a box, but now seems that I need to create a quest and alias, but I still didn't get to work.


    I just want these items to be unremovable from player inventory, and only added/removed through console commands. What I'll later try to make it through a spell that opens a menu (that btw, is another thing that I need to understand how done now).

  14. Trying to create a mod for this game but I'm already having issues.

    First, was this limitation for opening master files, that I find out how to fix it, with an option on GECKCustom.ini that is generated on the FNV save folder.

    Now I'm having trouble to set the author (Created by) and summary of my mod. In the other games I just need to type anything there while opening the master/plugin files, that autosaves. But doing that now seems to freeze the GECK. If I click anywhere on the screen I'll get some windows error sound.


    So, there is any tool that can help me edit these two boxes anytime I want? Or maybe some fix for this GECK.




    Nevermind, I just realized that must be a W7 64bits bug as usual, and changed the compatibility to Windows XP SP3. Sorry, still learning how to tame this beast. =P

  15. Yo, Cipscis!


    It's that I started a GoTY version of my cheater mod from the scratch, and I want to add all DLCs items together with the core items in one container. There was no issue with the container with just the core items, but who knows?

    Didn't want to have all that work and the container start to crash the game or items disappearing because of some limit on the hex value. =P

  16. OK, so I did changed the script. I won't use OBSE, and your script wasn't removing the ability when standing, so I did a few changes:


    ref iUser
    short iCTOequip
    Begin OnAdd
    set iUser to GetContainer
    Begin OnEquip
    set iCTOequip to 1
    Begin OnUnEquip
    set iCTOequip to 0
    if iUser.IsSpellTargetEditorIDAbilitySpellName > 0
    	iUser.RemoveSpell EditorIDAbilitySpellName
    Begin GameMode
    if iCTOequip > 0  
    	if iUser.IsSneaking == 1
    		if iUser.IsSpellTarget EditorIDAbilitySpellName == 0
    			iUser.AddSpell EditorIDAbilitySpellName
    	elseif iUser.IsSneaking == 0
    		if iUser.IsSpellTarget EditorIDAbilitySpellName == 1 
    			iUser.RemoveSpell EditorIDAbilitySpellName


    The OnAdd block is required to make it work on NPCs, since they seems to skip OnEquip blocks.


    More 3 things:

    1 - It's necessary to use > and < isntead of ==?. Because I'm not sure if a spell can be added more then once.

    2 - the condition on the OnUnEquip block is required?

    3 - so, this version of the script is more clean right?

  17. Hmmm... and how can I clean the reference iUser. By the way, I'm using the same reference to any script that require that.

    Maybe adding a "set iUser to" something else on the OnUnEquip block?


    And, it's considered to be bad scripting by adding the condition for for the weapons be equipped as the solution? Because I don't want the save to get bloated with a lot of useless pieces of script. :tongue:

  18. That is the weird part! The ability is getting removed, or else the character should be invisible don't matter if standing or crounching, since there is no condition on the spell making. The condition to make it work is only on the script, so how can it work without the weapon?


    Here is my script:

    ref iUser
    short iDoOnceTO
    Begin OnEquip
    set iUser to GetContainer
    Begin GameMode
    ;if iUser.GetEquipped EditorIDWeaponName == 1
    	if iDoOnceTO == 1 && iUser.IsSneaking == 1
    		iUser.AddSpell EditorIDAbilitySpellName
    		set iDoOnceTO to 0
    	elseif iDoOnceTO == 0 && iUser.IsSneaking == 0
    		iUser.RemoveSpell EditorIDAbilitySpellName
    		set iDoOnceTO to 1
    Begin OnUnequip
    iUser.RemoveSpell EditorIDAbilitySpellName


    EditorIDAbilitySpellName is a spell selected as ability with only Invisibility.

    Now adding the condition for the EditorIDWeaponName equipped, it will work, like I said, but without it, the script keep running like I had the weapon, don't matter how my character is equipped.

  19. I'm working on a weapon script that add and remove an invisibility spell (ability) when ever who had it equipped enter in sneaking mode.

    It's working flawless until I noticed that even with the weapon unequipped or dropped, the script remains. The character can go stealth sneaking and normal don't matter what he have equipped.

    It's just don't make sense! At least, I can't figure out. The effect don't work if I just added the item, just when it is proper equipped at first time.

    It's like the script got stuck, because the ability should only be added if the character was sneaking. I tested it with different saves and a new one, and all have this bug.


    I can fix it by adding another condition to work only if the weapon reference is equipped, but still the doubt remains. Why is the entire script still working even without the scripted item?

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