Hello everyone. I am experiencing a crash in Falkreath (obviously), and it occurs on new and old saves. I messed around with renaming folders in the Data folder, and determined that my crash seems to be texture related. I have further narrowed it to my X\Data\textures\actors\character folder. I believe it may be related to 3 folders. actors\character\male actors\character\female cause my game to crash during a game load, or shortly after actors\character\hair (related to Apachii skyhair) causes it to crash within about 10 steps after loading. I have the game saved in the middle of Falkreath, during the day. I have a level 41 character. My skyrim is modded (about 120 mods), and I have quite a bit of mods installed. I believe all the items have the correct load order, as determined by BOSS, however I may be wrong because I am pretty inexperienced with this. I also haven't cleaned any mods with TESEdit yet, though boss says a couple mods have dirty edits. Anyway, if anyone has any advice or experience on this, I'd love to hear it. I also tried ThePopeKYA's fix by making a DEP exception.