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  1. Maybe ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated is what you need.
  2. Open the mod with FNVEdit, then open each of the entries in Weather (NVWastelandClear, etc.) Scroll down to find Day - Far and Night - Far, which should be highlighted in green. These are the values you'll want to reduce.
  3. Interesting theory. I've just tried running the game with no mods at all, but the sound is still there. If anyone wants to experience the sound, fast-travel to vault 3 and you should hear it shortly.
  4. Nope, it can't be Candlejack, like I said it's more of a
  5. I have fraps, but I can only record clips of 30 secs, during which the mysterious growl of course wouldn't appear, and even then I'd have to find a place to upload it, and that means effort. But I'm curious about that throat clearing sound, I've never heard it. Or is it the same mysterious sound ?!
  6. Yes but which file is it..? I want to make it shut up -- forevarr.
  7. I can't make a clip, sorry. I'm starting to think it's definitely a metal squeak of some sort. You can hear it often in fiend territory, near vault 3 and around.
  8. OK, there is a mysterious sound in the wasteland. It sounds like a rattle, or a growl. At first I thought it was some coyote sneaking behind me, but nope. Then I guessed it was Rex randomly growling, but nope. Then I thought it had to be an ambient noise of some kind, maybe a metal sheet... I started listening to the whole extracted sound folder, obsessively trying to track down that sound. But nope. Does anyone know what I'm talking about ? Is it IRL ? Is it in my head ? ZOMG SOMEONE HELP PLZ
  9. Hello, first of all english is not my native language so sorry about the horrible grammar errors I'm about to inflict you. I'm trying to make a simple mod to crouch /sneak when I press the control key, and and stop crouching when I release the key. I've come up with that: scn HoldSneak int bIsCtrlPressed begin GameMode if bIsCtrlPressed != IsKeyPressed 29 set bIsCtrlPressed to IsKeyPressed 29 if bIsCtrlPressed Tapcontrol 08 else Tapcontrol 08 endif endif end Since I'm only poking around and testing atm, I associated it with bobby pins. To my surprise it did seem to work at first, but no. When I jump while crouching it sometimes gets stuck, or when I run, or randomly it seems. If anyone could help I'd be extremely grateful.
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