Well, first off, I couldn't find a request forum for Morrowind Mods(And if there was one I overlooked, I apologize, I just woke up.) But more to the point, recently, with the announcement of Skyrim being released this coming November, I've rekindled my estranged relationship with Morrowind. I've never beaten the main quest, or anything but the thieves guild faction. Originally, I had stopped 'cause I was spoiled by Oblivion's Graphics. But when I found the Morrowind Graphics and Sound Overhaul, I decided to pick it up again. So, I've been playing through it these passed few days, doing many random things and installing a few other mods here and there, and now, I find my self shocked, with all the mods for Morrowind, and Oblivion. That there is NO mod to join the Camonna Tong. I've looked in 3 different locations, and there's probably several other ones I've yet to find, but I digress. The point is, I found myself amazed, noone ever thought to make a Camonna Tong mod. I mean, we have mods to join the Sixth House, and do random little quests for money. So why? Why did noone decide to make this? Granted, I'm sure there may have been ones in progress when Oblivion was released, and have since been scrapped in favor of the newer shinier game. But really, was it because that of the Lore? 'Cause there's ways around that. Or was it something more? Whatever the case, I would love to see one. And will try to help any way I can. Though I'm not a modder.