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  1. Wow just checked in on this thread on a whim, and people have responded. Glad to hear I'm not the only on who likes the idea.
  2. So. It has been a minute since I've been on the forums and I hadn't realised how crazy things have been getting with the whole "console mod" thing. I feel like an ass posting this request without doing the research and I'm gonna back down. Dear mod author that have viewed this thread thank you and I'm sorry that this has been happening.
  3. Truth be told I would be happy with just some tips on how to do the leg work myself or even feedback on the concept.
  4. So yeah I have no idea how hard or simple this maybe and with the creation kit being as new as it is I'm gussing people have there own things to work on. That aside- I am really into playing a child of atom after Far Harbor. I am really into the hieratic marine armor. I have always liked the RaiderPA. So I thought to myself why not have both, we see the Children scrap build all kind of thing (Gamma guns, Radium rifles, etc) so why not some Power armor ? The designs on the hieratic armor on the RaiderPA would look awesome paired with the Inquisitor helm- So this begs the question of complexity, this could be a simple retexture but then every raider boss should suddenly be a convert, so maybe a standalone paint job and what would it do, stat bonus to endurance ??? And if we're going down this rabbit hole what about a special torso mod, radiation coils ie the same as the robot mod from automatron dlc built on the same system of the Tesla coils mod already in base game. Idk if any of this made any sense, maybe it's just a fever dream brought on by a lack of sleep and to much fog.
  5. Would it be to crazy to ask if you could rig it as a mask o-o;;
  6. Here are just a few of the many Doll faced style bad guys I could find.... The Mannequins from Condemned Criminal Origins... The Lunatics from Bioshock infinite... Dollface from the Evil within... This last one is a movie but The Strangers... (Couldn't get the photos to upload so yeah...)
  7. So this isn't a request as much as it is an idea born from from watching an Alchestbrech video. So I was watching his play through of the biotic enhancement mod by Devils wish and in one of the sewer dungeons there a ton of those doll heads, the clutter item from the baby carriage bombs, and Al was going on about how creepy they are and I was reminded of a part of the game Condemned: criminal minds where you're going through an abandoned shopping mall and some of the creepy decrepit mannequin are in fact psychos out to kill you... So to make a already long story longer what if the doll head model could be used to make a headgear in the vein of the pint sized slasher mask... Just an idea.
  8. Definitely hunting down tech and field medic relief efforts are a must. I also really liked the digging wells ideas or maybe working out a deal with Goodsprings for fresh water (they are good people, high rep could mean free water.) Another must would be building a library or even a school house and not only starting it out establishing supplies and protection etc.
  9. I think we're kind of losing focus though this discussion is about how we can enhance the FoA so that they a more noticeable and active part of the Mojave Wasteland. Things like Quest lines, Npcs, Perks, Companions, Items, Weapons, Locations, and Armor. What can we do to breath more life into this awesome faction that has been forgotten.
  10. To continue beating a dead horse... :laugh: 1. A tid-bit from the wiki "New Vegas the main Brotherhood is strongly paranoid, it not only seeks to preserve technology, but actively remove it from outsiders, is disinterested in nonmilitary assets, and engages in little if any work to actually improve their tech." I do concede the point that if the BoS thought the FoA had something of worth that they would actively try and take it from them through what ever means necessary. so in turn the BoS would be a equal threat to the FoA just as the NCR. 2.I also agree that if McNamara could be convinced/forced to lessen the BoS commitment to the Codex or at lest leave it more open to interpretation like Veronica wants. If they were to take on the mind set of Lton's pride from the Capital wasteland (Fallout3) or loosen their standerds for entry into the brotherhood like that of the Midwestern BoS (Fallout Tactics /non-canon) that the FoA and the BoS could benefit from one another. 3. The FoA are a powerful faction based in the Main NCR territories. The problem for the Mojave branch is that they are heavily under supported by the main branch back in the Boneyard. A note from the wiki (again) " Following their separation from the NCR government, the Followers(the mojave branch which is stranded in NCR territory ) are lacking in the resources and manufacturing capabilities needed to provide the supplies they need to carry out their humanitarian mission." A barrier that could be overcome through the actions of the Courier, quests and etc. 4. To clarify my claim that the FoA are anarchistic let me link a wiki page for Anarchism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism I'm not talking about chaos loving, fire bomb welding, rebels without a cause. 5.As it stand the West coast brotherhood has no design of even any concern for what the rest of the Mojave thinks of them, their mentality a close to that of the Outcast (Fallout3) Religiously devoted to upholding Maxson's vision even if is a death sentence. etc.
  11. Second paragraph from the FoA wiki page. "Forgoing preaching in favour of humanitarianism, the Followers are generally welcomed by the inhabitants of the wasteland. Wherever they go, the Followers seek to provide services to those in need, namely medical care and agricultural instruction. Those in positions of power often regard them as seditious anarchists; though such accusations are not entirely without truth, the organization as a whole has no interest in seizing power" Third paragraph "Although pacifists by nature, the Followers will not hesitate to defend themselves against attackers, and will take up arms against those who threaten their ideals. Often times they will be seen with hired guards adding much needed protection and firepower to their organization." Sixth paragraph "Although pacifists by nature, the Followers were determined to stop the Master's plans by any means necessary, even if it meant resorting to armed conflict. They began secretly gathering intelligence on the organization that could prove useful in the upcoming showdown, using one of their members to infiltrate the organization and spy on them." Ninth paragraph "Ideologically, the Followers' principles bear some resemblance to secular-humanism. Above all else, they support pacifism and cooperation, and oppose those who seek to subvert these principles. Though they loathe violence in all forms, they will defend themselves against those who seek to take their lives or otherwise jeopardize the future of humanity " Just some highlights for you guys.
  12. The misconception is that by virtue of being pacifists that the FoA aren't armed and can't defened themselves, true they do not go looking for conclict but I don't think they would be a push over at mass. Sadly the mojave branch seems to be heavily under supported to the point of having to hire outside protection for their members. As for their conficts with the BoS, the tech that the FoA is after is of little or no vaule to the BoS. The BoS wants weapons, they want armor where the FoA want history, medicine and things that will help stabilize the wasteland. I don't see much of a problem unless the FoA start stepping on the BoS's toes such as sending scavengers in to a (unknown to the FoA) occupied BoS bunker looking for tech. I also think that something that we all forget is that the FoA are anarchist, they act in a way as to defy controlled system such as the NCR or BoS opting instead to have no defined hierarchy and lead from a place of natural selection. Julie Farkas wasn't elected to lead, the Mojave FoA chose to follower her. Think of the Chaotic Good alignment, they act unburdened by the laws and values established by any other system outside of their own and that trickles down to a person by person level. Each FoA member doing whatever is in there power to up hold the ideals of what they think they FoA is. No one has ever been kicked out of the Followers and they except all comers not mater their history. EDIT: In addition we have canon proof that the FoA aren't and campfire songs and stimpaks. They have employed spies http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Laura_(Fallout) to infiltrate groups that they see as threats and have even gone into full on life and death combat for the sake of the wasteland. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Follower_invader The FoA maybe kind and care and vaule all life but by no means are they meek, they are fighting for change. Every smile, every full stomach, every open mind and touched heart is an act of rebellion against "the dog eat dog" sickness that has waste over the waste since the great war. In the words of the FoA founder Nicole "We want to bring peace back to this wasteland. The world tends toward destruction, so we try to make a difference."
  13. YES There is so much more can be done Some simple fetch/collect/repeatable quests Sorry for the crap format Name: / Location: Type of Quest:-Reward: Blood Drive - ??? maybe 188 Trading Post -Collect: Turn in X number of blood bags- Reward: (??? maybe perk) -Repeat: Donate you own blood once every 3 days - Reward: Food items and Exp (MuteFruit Juice and Sweet Rolls) influence: Red Cross blood drives. Bullets for Books - ??? maybe FoA School house -Collect: Turn in X number of prewar books- Reward: ??? -Repeat: Turn in Prewar book for a small a bit of ammo -Repeat: Turn in Skill book for a larger bit of ammo -Repeat: Donate chunks of ammo for skill mags Healing by the Numbers- Old Mormon Fort / FoA clinic -Collect: Turn in X number Medical clipboards for reward- Reward: ??? -Repeat: Turn in Med Clip Board for one stimpak -Repeat: Turn in Med Skill Mag for three stimpak -Repeat: Turn in Med Skill Book for Doctor Bags/ Super Stimpak Taking it to the Bank "Food Bank" - Outer/West/North Vegas -Collect: Find and turn in a Food Snitizer- Reward: ??? -Collect: X number of food items to build up stock for karma/exp -Repeat: Recive X number of food items every three days Just some base skeletons of simple quests
  14. Alright so what area do you want start with? Gear ? NPCs ? Companions ? Missions ?
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