Hey, I am using nexusmods since quite a long time. Started with fallout 3 I believe... And especially for fallout and skyrim I downloaded many many mods without ever using them. Now I am thinking about playing fallout 3 again and thinking about modding it too. In a more planned way as I did before... The problem, or more an annoyance, is my download history and nexus (don't know about vortex yet) asking about voting my favorite mods, which is a very long list... I would prefer a way to delete this history in the settings. Either everything or a more detailed way like choosing which mods (e.g. The ones I never used) or for a specific game (never really used any F3 mods since the game crashed, and I gave up). Maybe this option is already implemented, and I just missed it? I just don't want to "not endorse" any mods I only downloaded. Don't know if this will tamper any statistics. Also, if I choose to download the same mod again, I would like to be asked to vote again, which I don't know is possible after my first vote. Thanks and greetings