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Posts posted by xeightballx



    Ok, I got one - Dragon Priest Masks re-textured

    I downloaded it a while ago, but have forgotten who from. And It doesn't appear to be on the nexus site any longer. (I could be missing it?)


    Looks like The Rebirth of Konahrik. Found with Google for 'retextured dragon priest masks'. :wink:




    Thanks! Now I can re-direct a few folks to the right author!

  2. Ok, I got one - Dragon Priest Masks re-textured

    I downloaded it a while ago, but have forgotten who from. And It doesn't appear to be on the nexus site any longer. (I could be missing it?)
    Here are some pictures:
  3. So I wanted to do a simple and quick "install menu" for one of my mods using ModuleConfig.xml - For the most part, it works, but it's just not installing the actual files into the data folder. I've got no idea why.


    Here's what I've got:



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
    <config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://qconsulting.ca/fo3/ModConfig5.0.xsd">
      <moduleName>Artifact Disenchanting</moduleName>
        <installStep name="Options">
          <optionalFileGroups order="Explicit">
            <group name="Options" type="SelectAny">
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting">
                    <![CDATA[Skyrim - No DLC required]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\basic.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\Artifact Disenchanting.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard">
                    <![CDATA[Add-on for the Dawnguard expansion.]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\dawnguard.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn">
                    <![CDATA[Add-on for the Dragonborn expansion.]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\Dragonborn.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting - Remove Restrictions">
                    <![CDATA[Add-on to remove the restrictions to armor enchantments. Place any normal apparel enchantment on any type of apparel.]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\remove.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\FormsEdit.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>




    Maybe you guys can spot something I'm missing or forgetting.

  4. This:






    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" ?>
    <config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://qconsulting.ca/fo3/ModConfig5.0.xsd">
      <moduleName>Artifact Disenchanting</moduleName>
        <installStep name="Options">
          <optionalFileGroups order="Explicit">
            <group name="Options" type="SelectAny">
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting">
                    <![CDATA[Skyrim - No DLC required]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\basic.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\Artifact Disenchanting.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard">
                    <![CDATA[Add-on for the Dawnguard expansion.]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\dawnguard.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn">
                    <![CDATA[Add-on for the Dragonborn expansion.]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\Dragonborn.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>
                <plugin name="Artifact Disenchanting - Remove Restrictions">
                    <![CDATA[Add-on to remove the restrictions to armor enchantments. Place any normal apparel enchantment on any type of apparel.]]>
                  <image path="fomod\images\remove.jpg"/>
                    <folder source="fomod\data\FormsEdit.esp" destination=""/>
                    <type name="Optional"/>




    It's part of an update for one of my current mods. But I can't get the fomod to actually install the files with NMM. Once that issue is figured out, it's getting uploaded.


    After that comes an update for the colored map markers & 3D camrea limits.

  5. So far this year I've been far more busy than expected, and apparently there are a few kinks in my mods I don't really have the time (i'll spare the details) to work out.


    So: I'm looking for someone to help out with the mods. All you really need is experience in Creation Kit. And whatever other modding tools you feel like using. Scripting isn't really required for the mods - I hardly use it anyways - but if you know how to, all the better.


    Respond to this post or message me if you want to work on editing and updating these mods. I also plan on doing a similar disenchanting mod (if I have the time after it's release) for Dragonborn DLC; so if you feel like working on that also, I welcome the help!



    And a heads-up to anyone currently using my mods: If no-one feels up to working on them, I will be setting the mods to hidden by the end of next week until I have the time to fully update everything.

  6. Fairly simple (I'm guessing). Remove the horns from the meshes.




    Yngol Helmet:


    Larger Image


    Ancient Nord Helmet:


    Larger Image


    Modded armor in the pictures


    I can't afford 3Ds Max, and I'm apparently no good with blender, so I'm going to have to ask for help on this one.

    There was a guy that did something similar, but hasn't been on in a while.


    Thanks ahead of time if anyone decides to do it.

  7. Getting feedback for the next set of markers!



    I going to go ahead with three for this poll. I will make each one in the order they place.


    Polling will end 5 days from now. So pick the one you like and get your votes in!


    First pick will be will be added to the main files for download on my mod's page immediately after polling.

    Next pick will be made a few days later, and so on...








    Option 1 - By SarthesArai:







    Option 2 - By DWP420:







    Option 3 - By Gobywan:






  8. I've picked out two sets of markers for the next release.


    I would like to do both, but don't have the time at the moment.

    For now, pick the one you like the most, and it will be added to the main files for download on my mod's page.


    The one that doesn't get picked will go up against another one in the next few days.





    Option 1 - By XunAmarox:





    Option 2 - By Gobywan:







    I'll only allow the polling for the next 4 days, so get your vote in. After the 4 days are up, I won't count anymore votes.



  9. save 2300? wtf you save a lot


    lol. yup. never hurts to be safe.


    But timescale. That's probably it. Changing the timescale messes with EVERYTHING. I hate it. I've had issues with it myself.

    Changing the timescale changes how textures load in the distance, changes how actors/NPCs go about their routine, and how quests progress, and more.


    Try changing the timescale back to the default. (20 I think).


    But I don't think that will change your file size. Also, check again how often your game is set to auto-save. Sometimes the game will give a slight 'pause' when auto-saving.

  10. ...the two mannequins are missing their little platform thing that they stand on...


    The platform that they stand on are just side-tables sunk into the floor to look like a stand. If you aren't seeing them, It's probably because their 'parent object' was disabled, or something didn't activate correctly.

    Have you disabled any objects in the room recently? Also, were the stands there in a previous save?

  11. In-case anyone is still watching this thread:


    PROBLEM SOLVED................... For me


    I renamed the file map.swf from the following folder SteamApps/Common/Skyrim/Data/Interface to map.swf BAK After map.swf was removed or renamed my player and quest markers all returned....




    Your problem was that you are using an old map.swf file. There was a new one released in the latest update. Just delete the old map.swf. No real need to back it up unless you have backed up an older version of Skyrim too. After that, all your map makers will return to the normal black and white, but you will have your markers back.


    If you want your colors back, and your markers, I made a mod to do just that. Works with the latest update. [ http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26556/ ]

    I didn't want to sit around waiting for an update to the other colored map markers, so I just made my own.

  12. mini freezes after a short amount of time? sounds like auto-save. Or a slow computer trying to keep up with a bunch of mods.

    also, how the F&$% did you get your save file to 400 megabytes(MB)? I hope you mean megabits(Mb). But even so, that's four and a half times the size of my file - and I'm on save # 2300 with more than 110 mods installed.


    I think you might just have to start a new game. Or uninstall all of your mods, load a game, save, then check the save size.



    Five times the size of my save file.

  13. PROBLEM SOLVED................... For me


    I renamed the file map.swf from the following folder SteamApps/Common/Skyrim/Data/Interface to map.swf BAK After map.swf was removed or renamed my player and quest markers all returned....




    Your problem was that you are using an old map.swf file. There was a new one released in the latest update. Just delete the old map.swf. No real need to back it up unless you have backed up an older version of Skyrim too. After that, all your map makers will return to the normal black and white, but you will have your markers back.


    If you want your colors back, and your markers, I made a mod to do just that. Works with the latest update. [ http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26556/ ]

    I didn't want to sit around waiting for an update to the other colored map markers, so I just made my own.

  14. Can't complete the misc. Dawnguard quest starter - or start the next one, or get anything to progress in the dawnguard questline.

    I've done this mission once before, before I downloaded hearthfire and the latest version (v1.8.) - But now, I can't complete the mission.



    Dialogues don't initiate, activators don't seem to work, and the quest doesn't update.




    Walking into the Dawnguard worldspace/main base/whatever, you are supposed to meet Agmaer and "sort-of" have a conversation with him walking up to the fort.

    -Never happens.

    He stands there staring at me and talks about wanting to help out.


    If you to Durak about the crossbow he is using, he says something along the lines of "here, take one".

    Crossbow never gets added to the inventory.


    I seem to a remember a conversation at the front door.

    -Nobody ever shows up.


    There is supposed to be a conversation between the leader of the Dawnguard and a Vigilant of Stendarr.

    -Never happens.

    They stand there silently looking at each other until I talk to one of them. Agmaer doesn't have much to say either.


    Eventually, the misc. quest gets marked as completed, but no new quest starts. and the Vigilant just sits down in the Fort. Nothing progresses.




    Any Ideas on how to fix this, and get the quests back on track?

    Using "setstage" command on "DLC1VQ01" (Awakening - The second quest) doesn't work. It just moves that quest to the completed quests section. Also, I tried the unofficial dawnguard patch. Didn't work.


    thanks ahead of time for any help!

  15. None of the saves appear in-game, only in the save folder.


    So move all of the other save files (the ones that you don't want) to a separate folder, call it "Saves2" or something, and place it in the same folder "Saves" is in. Then load your game.


    If no save files show up at all, then the saves are corrupted and you are SOL.

    Otherwise, the saves are there, and just not in the right spot while in-game, probably lower in the list.

  16. I'm not sure why it would change time during the session when its worked for so long... or am I misunderstanding the gravity of what your saying here?


    you might be misunderstanding what I am saying. It's not the game time that changes, it's the system time (time/date in the corner of your PC). If you were ever disconnected from the internet, and your system time was changed, it would change how the saves are loaded. The exact same thing happened to me previously, and my time somehow got set a day ahead of normal while playing. Then I fixed the time and all of my saves were moved to the bottom(or near the bottom) of the load list. I couldn't figure out why the saves kept disappearing until I fixed the time.


    It's kinda odd how saves are sorted in-game. Long story made short: They are sorted by the time-stamp, and not the save number, or which was the last one saved.


    Since both saves would have conflicting dates, the latest save would appear on top, the missing ones would be down the list.


    If the quick saves are there, so are the others. When you get back into the game, simply scroll down further than you normally would. Eventually you will find them.

  17. I think it may be a time issue - if the time settings on your computer were changed while you were playing the game, the new saves would show up before your old saves in-game.


    example: your computer's time/date was set to 11/2/2012 1:20 when you were playing yesterday (today is the 2nd), then any saves you made today will show up before the old ones in the load list.

  18. Well that's an unusual way to log in to Skyrim Nexus: by logging into Fallout3 Nexus - the only way I could get in...


    This worked for me, even though I had a different problem. (logged in through oblivion nexus, then switched to skyrim nexus)




    The issue:

    I've tried logging in on multiple computers, and different browsers, but still can't seem to log in. Type in username and password, then hit log in, screen loads, then takes me back to the main page, but not logged in.


    What Operating System and version are you using? Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit / Mac OSX

    What browsers and versions have you tried? Firefox (latest), Internet Explorer (latest), Chrome (latest)

    Are you running any browser plugins that might be blocking cookies or JavaScript like AdBlock or NoScript? No - tried it with and without addons running

    What anti-virus software and version are you using? Avast

    Have you tried to login on a different computer? Yes, also tried on different network/internet connections

    What URL / Link are you having a problem with? skyrim.nexusmods.com

    What is the exact error message being displayed? None. Takes me back to main page

  19. I can't tell you exactly how to do it (I'm not the best at this) but try working the characters together like traps.

    Walking into the room would set the trap trigger, which would then activate the draugr spawn.

    Killing the draugr would activate the trap link to activate the next draugr spawn, and so on...


    I'd take a look at the cell "ShroudHearthBarrow02" It does exactly what you are looking for if you want a good look at an example.

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