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Everything posted by xeightballx

  1. you would have to modify WARZONES and fix the issues it's causing. And I have not downloaded or used that mod, so I can't say for sure how to fix it. Post your issue in the author's comments section with the screenshot. he ought to know what to do. And if this is an issue for anyone else, the author can fix it with an update.
  2. Make a new book -> http://www.creationkit.com/Book Then, in the next photo: http://www.creationkit.com/images/c/c5/Bookdialog.jpg on the left side there is an option that says something like "teaches: Skill Spell" check spell and then pick your spell from the list. all done!
  3. my best guess is that the issue may be with the modder's NMM installer script. try extracting the files and doing a manual install.
  4. I have to agree with Terramis on the "active file" part. I had a similar issue in TES IV: Oblivion. Only difference was that I was using two .esp files together to make a mod. When the right one wasn't active, parts of the mod I added wouldn't show up in game. one of the reasons I liked "TES Gecko" so much. I had mixed and matched some mods with edits of my own, then meshed it into one mod for myself. Worked nicely, and saved on the number of mods loaded in the game.
  5. don't quote me on this: but I think that has to do with how the item is placed on the character model. It kinda works like clothing. Each item you have has a location on the character model it is supposed to go. For 1 handed swords, the sword model is placed on the side -- for 2 handed swords, the sword model is placed on the back. Not to mention, I think all of the animations need a 3D model of the sword for swinging and such. Since it's a 2h sword, there's no info on that sword for the game to use on 1h animations. I'm pretty sure you would have to edit where the 2h sword model would be placed for that particular sword, and I think that's more work than you are looking to do. Pretty sure that's how it works. but again, Not 100% on that. may want to check my facts or get someone to back me up on it.
  6. I would try disabling the animation mods. or maybe something that would effect NPC's AI. Try disabling Deadly Combat. looks like that may be the cause. I know for a fact that It should have to do with how the NPC's spawn and start using AI. I was messing around with a mod and placed some NPC's in a cell without fully editing everything right, and that exact thing happened. If you've already tried that, test it with a clean save. might have an issue with the save files. some things won't update right if you have already loaded them once before. otherwise - I have no idea
  7. Tamb0 helped me solve it. It's not a fix that allows you to directly link the interior cell to the exterior cell, but when you are playing the game, you can't tell the difference. Here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/687648-too-many-items-in-a-cell/page__st__10
  8. Issue: CTD when leaving some cities Oddly enough, I'm just now having this issue after updating to version (can't say that that's the cause of the issue - saved character wasn't near cities after updating) I can't get past the third watchtower leaving Riften, and can't move too far from Solitude without a crash to desktop. Whiterun is fine, and so is Dawnstar, Morthal, Markarth, and Falkreath ------------------------ Now, I did messing around to see what could be causing the issue: checked game files, re-installed, etc... Then I went on to the mods. Texture and Mesh mods are fine as well, as long as they are just replacers. I found that activating some of the .esp and .esm files (mods) seem to be cause the issue. But, in my case, it appears to be several of them; not just one in particular. Keep in mind that this is with and without SKSE active. And get this: activating the .esm files for the High-Res Texture Pack DLC released by Bethesda seems to cause this issue as well! (extracting the meshes and textures from these files to the data folder fixes the issue) ------------------------ Testing the Issue: I would load a save that places my character at somewhere like riften's stables, and I would run all the way down the road. If there was no crash, I would quit, then re-load the save to make sure it worked. Sometimes I would get a crash to desktop even after it worked the first time. Mods that apparently cause the issue: Mods/Data files in use (up to date): ------------------------ Deactivating all of the mods "sort of" fixes the issue. But I've also noticed random/intermittent freezing at the same location(s). If anyone has any idea of what could be causing the issue, I would really appreciate the help. I couldn't figure what the common issue was between the mods/data files causing the issue (again, intermittently) So I didn't really think this was a "mod" issue. but who knows?
  9. nice. That's exactly what I was looking for. Seems to work the same as the "workaround" I have for my mod - ie. load another cell first when exiting. Except your way cleans it up more, and there isn't an extra door you have to open. Thanks for the help!
  10. hey guys - thanks for the replies, been a while since I've had a chance to look at this - I'll try the idea that Tamb0 had, and see if it fixes the issue when I get a chance. I have a feeling it will work. I'll update as soon as I get it fixed, or tested.
  11. Is it possible to have too many items in a cell? Here's what happened: I decided to add/edit two extra rooms to Proudspire Manor, as well as change some of the items around the house. In one room I added three bookshelves, some weapon and armor racks, and a forge. In the other, I moved stuff around and such... Turns out, that after loading/walking into Proudspire manor, everything works fine. Leaving the house causes a crash to desktop. -- This happens with and without clean saves (as in: never set foot in Solitude or Proudspire). So I did some messing around, and one bookshelf is one too many. I can add 2, but not 3. I can't say that I've ever had this problem with places like the Archmage's chambers, or any custom cells. I once tried placing something like 15 bookshelves and a poop load of items in a cell, with no crash to desktop upon exiting, so I'm not sure why I'm having such an issue... At the moment, there is a workaround where if I load a small cell first, before an exterior cell, I won't have a crash to desktop. I don't think this should be happening, but if anyone has an idea of what's causing the issue, it would be very helpful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the file: This is the "Workaround" version, and if you want to test it for yourself: - This requires a clean save - as in never set foot in Solitude or Proudspire Manor. - Remove the current exits to Proudspire Manor and place/use ones that connect directly to and from the cells "SolitudeRow" and "SolitudeProudspireManor" - Enter and exit Proudspire Manor after (or before) fully upgrading the house. - Check for CTD - any help is appreciated.
  12. Is it possible to have too many items in a cell? Here's what happened: I decided to add/edit two extra rooms to Proudspire Manor, as well as change some of the items around the house. In one room I added three bookshelves, some weapon and armor racks, and a forge. In the other, I moved stuff around and such... Turns out, that after loading/walking into Proudspire manor, everything works fine. Leaving the house causes a crash to desktop. -- This happens with and without clean saves (as in: never set foot in Solitude or Proudspire). So I did some messing around, and one bookshelf is one too many. I can add 2, but not 3. I can't say that I've ever had this problem with places like the Archmage's chambers, or any custom cells. I once tried putting something like 15 bookshelves and a poop load of items in a cell, with no crash to desktop upon exiting. At the moment, there is a workaround where if I load a small cell first, before an exterior cell, I won't have a crash to desktop. I don't think this should be happening, but if anyone has an idea of what's causing the issue, it would be very helpful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the file: This is the "Workaround" version, and if you want to test it for yourself: - This requires a clean save - as in never set foot in Solitude or Proudspire Manor. - Remove the current exits to Proudspire Manor and place/use ones that connect directly to and from the cells "SolitudeRow" and "SolitudeProudspireManor" - Enter and exit Proudspire Manor after (or before) fully upgrading the house. - Check for CTD - any help is appreciated.
  13. That cleared everything up. Unfortunately, the enchantment still doesn't work. I was almost positive it would this time. I did some testing with some items that actually had these effects plugged in through the CK before enchanting in-game; turns out they work just fine. :thumbsup: I think the problem is that the enchantment system breaks some scripts in the process of enchanting an item, which brings us back to square one. :down: There's little stuff like this everywhere in the CK and Skyrim. And as much as I want this to work, I don't really feel like an overhaul on the enchantment system. Anyways... Thanks for the help! I really appreciated it! :biggrin:
  14. Thanks again. I'll take a look when I get a chance tonight and update afterwards.
  15. Just went over everything again, and I might be reading how you described it wrong, but just so that we are both on the same page... This is the magic effect, where the script goes. (script controls magic effect) http://i.imgur.com/XsO8Ul.jpg Then the magic effect goes into the enchantment, here: (magic effect controls enchantment. Enchantments can contain multiple effects.) http://i.imgur.com/iUyJkl.jpg Conditions for the effect to be active go here: (after adding to the enchantment) http://i.imgur.com/k7Rixl.jpg Then, during in-game enchanting, the enchantment goes here: http://i.imgur.com/7xeOPl.jpg And what you are saying is that create a [new spell], and a [new effect with a script]. Then the current effect applies to the new spell Then the new spell applies to the script which is in the new effect, which applies to the enchantment. ?? So far, I've tried this and it doesn't work. I don't think I need a script that activates/deactivates a spell while blocking, but a script that activates/deactivates the effect while blocking. Also, Enchantments are essentially spells that are always active on armor. I've also noticed some scripts not working after enchanting an item in-game as well. And if you are out of ideas, that's fine. I've been trying to get this to work for a while now with no luck. I think I'll just chalk this up to a game/CK error that can't be fixed with a simple script.
  16. Thanks for that! I'll look into it. I was honestly hoping to avoid scripting. But it was probably unavoidable anyways. Steam's workshop got funky on me last time I tried to upload any loose files with the .esp. If I get this to work, maybe this will be just Nexus exclusive.
  17. I need some help solving an enchantment issue. Creating one that uses conditions specifically. I was working on the Spellbreaker enchantment and trying to make it into an enchantment that works on regular armor/shields/etc... i.e. You can use it to enchant your armor or shields at an enchantment workbench. (so far, I can see why no-one has done this yet) The only problem is that the 'conditions' for the enchantments don't apply after you enchant an item (in-game) with the effect. - If I set the "isblocking" condition to 1, the enchantment/effect is always on. - If I set the "isblocking" condition to 0, the enchantment/effect is always off. http://i.imgur.com/k7Rix.jpg Also, I tried adding the "isblocking" condition to the magic effect instead of the enchantment, but it does the same thing mentioned above. So what i'm guessing is that, for some reason, after an item has been enchanted with an effect (in game), the conditions for the enchantment go out the window. And as far as I can tell, this is the only thing preventing making Spellbreaker "disenchantable" and having it work properly. SO: Does anyone know a way around this? or how to fix it? Or is this just one of those quirks in the game and is not possible? ***SIDE NOTE*** if you apply the spellbreaker enchantment to any other item using the CK, (go to 'Enchanting' in the object's menu, and select "DA13SpellBreakerEnch") it works fine. There are no scripts, quests, etc. attached to the shield that would effect the enchantment; or vice-versa. I also did a quick look-through of the CK wiki on scripting and didn't see an "isblocking" script or something along those lines I could use. - maybe I missed something, but I couldn't find anything useful.
  18. Nope Creation Kit is definitely not it. Not unless the Creation Kit can merge two .esp files. The original was on TESNexus, HERE
  19. Is there a TES5-Gecko out? or something like it that I haven't found yet?
  20. I have no idea what this should look like. I leave it up to the artist's discretion on how this weapon should look, on one condition: It should look like one bad ass bone-saber. A mythical weapon, forged in the most remote region of Tamriel to slay a monster of unspeakable power.... ----------------------------------------------------------- -The Remonster can only be killed by stabbing him in the heart with the Ancient Bone-Saber of Zumakalis! Or probably his head and lungs, too. Just stab him wherever, really... -And the saber probably doesn't have to be bone. Yeah, really just anything sharp just lyin' around the house... -You could poke him with a pillow and kill him. -----------------------------------------------------------
  21. Ysgramor's Armor. The armor that is depicted on his statue With all the other new armor mods out, kinda surprised this one hasn't shown up yet.
  22. Was just messing around with the concept. (again, I'm not an artist) Thoughts on these? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bonesword 1 http://imgur.com/E0nu6 bonesword 1-3 http://imgur.com/IbfVW bonesword 2 http://imgur.com/IcHA1 bonesword 2-3 http://imgur.com/Hro9J ------------------------------------------------- alternate 1 http://imgur.com/X4jVj alternate 1-3 http://imgur.com/BVbmH alternate 2 http://imgur.com/7tZFM alternate 2-3 http://imgur.com/KXfgL -------------------------------------------------- [Album Here]
  23. Nope. didn't work. Most of those adjusted camera movement (not the restrictions), or aesthetics of the map, and one adjusted clipping. but that's it. I'm stumped now. If there aren't any settings to change in the ini file, it might have to be something that is worked out with the CK later. That's all I can think of at the moment.
  24. alrighty. I'll give it a shot.
  25. Thought about that toooo... I tried placing it under the [MapMenu] section in the skyrim.ini file, but it didn't work. I figured that there had to be something similar that you could put in there, but I don't think anyone knows what it is. I even tried just shots in the dark like "bMapWorldBorderRegionsEnabled=0" and stuff like that, but to no avail.
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