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Posts posted by MarkVarley

  1. I've removed a load of weapon animation mods and the weapon racks mod but it persists.
    I'll try a new game with these reduced mods (594 mods is 'reduced'! (455 plugins)).

    It's not game-breaking so I'll probably ignore it for the rest of this playthrough and watch for it becoming a problem early on when I next play through.

    I'll post back here if I do figure it out in cae it's helpful for people searching for answers to the same problem in the future.
    Thanks again wolf.

  2. Thanks for the info, I have some animation mods and something that gives me weapon racks (looking for it now and can't see it yet!) and some animations mods, IAF and weapon animation mods, I'll start by disabling those one by one and see if that pins it down. I have realistic ragdoll too but thats been there since I started this playthrough (as is my addiction I've added a lot as I've been playing, bad habit that).


    I'll see if I can pin it down with those mods first, thank youu for the pointers.


    EDIT: I just found the weapon racks mod I have https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42123

  3. Thanks!
    I noticed it a while ago and just thought 'thats odd' and continued playing and shuffling mods, so I can't pin down when it was, it's just recently started bothering me! I'm using Vortex by the way. I'm not averse to looking for conflicts in xedit but I don't know which mods to start looking at for this kind of thing.

    Heres my plugins list:



    *FONW - The Valley.esl
    *Train Engine - Game Jam 2015.esl
    *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
    *Corpse Collision.esl
    *CWSS Redux.esp
    *Military Vehicles Retextured.esl
    *Random Robots - True Leveled.esm
    *Loot Detector.esl
    *Snap'n Build.esm
    *Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 5.esp
    *Perfect landscape.esp
    *Wasteland Illumination Shadow.esp
    *Live Action Handy - With GlowMap.esp
    *Mama Murphys Chair Redone.esp
    *Natural Grasses & Groundcovers.esp
    *No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp
    *FO4 Landscape Overhaul HD AIO.esp
    *Langleys HD Texture Workshop.esp
    *NMC Bundle VERY HIGH.esp
    *SavrenX HD DLC Armor and Clothes.esp
    *SavrenX HD Vanilla Clothes Optimized.esp
    *SavrenX HD Vanilla Armor.esp
    *cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp
    *cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC.esp
    *Idiot flirt.esp
    *More Durable Power Armor - 90%.esp
    *More Loot in Boss Chest.esp
    *RAW INPUT.esp
    *Railway Rifle Spawn Fix.esp
    *UNnaked Power Armor.esp
    *Flicker Fixer.esp
    *Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
    *Armorsmith Extended.esp
    *3DNPC_FO4 FaceGen.esp
    *Sim Settlers Go Shopping.esp
    *Thematic and Practical.esp
    *Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
    *evan_modular kitchen.esp
    *V's Stylish Decor2.esp
    *Toxic Raider Armour.esp
    *Universal Working Bathroom Fixtures (CWSS and DLCs).esp
    *Unique NPCs.esp
    *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp
    *AA FusionCityRising.esp
    *AA FusionCityRising - HotC.esp
    *SSF - All In One (NEW).esp
    *LKsCait - Bully..esp
    *Starlight Delight.esp
    *plenty 'o' exploration.esp
    *Immersive S Boston Military Checkpoint.esp
    *Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp
    *Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
    *LOST Audio Tweaks.esp
    *Organised Vendors.esp
    *Immersive Nahant.esp
    *Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
    *More Quest Dungeons.esp
    *3DNPC_FO4Settler FaceGen.esp
    *Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul Redux.esp
    *Unique NPCs Essential Pack.esp
    *Unique NPCs FarHarbor.esp
    *Better Cooking Stations.esp
    *Better Cooking Stations - Far Harbor + Nuka World patch.esp
    *Fallout 4 AI Overhaul.esp
    *Fallout 4 AI Overhaul - Better Goodneighbor Patch.esp
    *Red Rocket Basement.esp
    *CartographersMapMarkers Commonwealth.esp
    *Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.esp
    *Armored General by Hothtrooper44.esp
    *Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture.esp
    *Brahmin Watertrough.esp
    *VFX Foundations.esp
    *VFX Foundations 2nd.esp
    *Eli_Display Shelves.esp
    *Armorsmith Combat Helmet Illumination 1.2.esp
    *Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters - AE Patch.esp
    *Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
    *Rad Radio Revolution.esp
    *FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
    *DD_AIO Test Mark 1.esp
    *llamaCompanionHeather-AE Patch.esp
    *Lazman Female Outfit Replacer.esp
    *HAAS Core Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
    *HAAS - Automatron.esp
    *HAAS Automatron Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
    *HAAS Far Harbor Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
    *HAAS Nuka World Replacer AE 2LM Edition.esp
    *Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
    *Reload Sounds.esp
    *Search and Destroy.esp
    *PA-Quick Animations.esp
    *Northland Diggers New.esp
    *Northland Diggers - Fixes (Tweaked).esp
    *MONSTERaider - Female Mannequin.esp
    *More Human Raider Loot.esp
    *Better Ceiling Fan Light.esp
    *AA Better Companions - No Conflicts - Accuracy Beta.esp
    *Better LOD.esp
    *Thaylar Lighting 3.2 Base Edition.esp
    *Vault88 - Essentials.esp
    *Light Radius Redux AIO.esp
    *Craftable Vault 81 Cure (Earned).esp
    *Crimsomrider's Immersive Market.esp
    *IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
    *Insignificant Object Remover.esp
    *LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp
    *LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp
    *MTM-Power Radius Increased and No Build Limit.esp
    *No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
    *Nability - IAF Tales from the Commonwealth Patch.esp
    *Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp
    *Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp
    *Quick Save.esp
    *Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp
    *Swinging Meat Bags.esp
    *3DNPC_FO4 FaceGens.esp
    *3DNPC_FO4 AE.esp
    *CartographersMapMarkers FarHarbor.esp
    *CartographersMapMarkers NukaWorld.esp
    *Eli_CC Tunnel Snakes Armour Patch.esp
    *Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
    *OMEGA - Slocum IAF Patch.esp
    *OMEGA - Darlene IAF Patch.esp
    *Eli Armor Compendium AE Patch.esp
    *OMEGA - IAF Heather Patch.esp
    *Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
    *Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
    *cVc Water Well.esp
    *cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC2.esp
    *cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC3.esp
    *Nability - IAF Fusion City Rising Patch.esp
    *Ghouls Revamped.esp
    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 4.esp
    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 2.esp
    *luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt 3.esp
    *luxor8071 HD Texture Pack AIO.esp
    *Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
    *Dickys Pinup Outfit.esp
    *CrimeTown [PATCH Previs].esp
    *Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - AiO.esp
    *M8r Complex Sorter.esp

    PS. I'm a fairly experienced mod user, but I don't have a lot of time for gaming so I want to minimise the time taken hunting the problem down, I only have about 5 hours per week for gaming and I'd prefer to spend as much as possible playing!
    I am just looking for pointers, am I looking for animation mods or something changing nifs etc? I could do the old deactivate everything then reactivate in batches to narrow it down but that takes a lot of time (especially with 593 mods (475 plugins)).
    Weapons seem to be held properly and animate properly when npc's use them, and they're all in one piece as expected, it's just they seem to reduce to parts when npc's are dead.
  4. I have a lot of mods installed, I'm hoping someone will have some insight as to which mods I need to start looking at for this minor problem.

    When an NPC dies, the weapon they are carrying seems to be in separate parts, like the magazine and some other parts are hovering in the air a short distance from where they're supposed to be.

    I'm not sure if theres a mesh problem with weapons or an animation problem?

    Anyone have any ideas which kind of mods could be responsible?

  5. NMM 0.63.14 installation, for Fallout 4.

    Everything was working fine yesterday, I was playing F4 and all mods were there properly.

    Today I had a system crash which may have been while installing a mod still, I rebooted and opened NMM to reinstall the new mod and in the Mods tab it's showing all mods as deactivated (red crossed circle),

    in the Plugins tab it's listing what looks like the correct number of plugins,

    in my data folder it looks like the mods are all there properly,

    at the bottom of NMM it lists total plugins 249 (about right), active plugins 239 (yep), total mods 601 (ok there) installed mods 590 (ok still) active mods 0 (hell no).


    does anyone have any insight into what went wrong here? and more importantly how to fix it, is there a list that NMm refers to for installed mods that could have been messedup if the crash was during the mod install? that's the best I can think of.


    {NMM and all games are installed on an SSD separate from my OS, windows 10 x64}


  6. I'd really like to have my bobblehead display shown in each of the settlements I build a display stand.

    It's not exactly immersive having effectively having a copy, perhaps something could be done with a new item such as a Holographic Bobblehead Display so no matter which stand I place some bobbleheads they are viewable in any other settlements I build a display stand.

  7. Don't you just hate it when you are out there in the wasteland, getting into firefights and your power armor is taking damage and by the time you get to where you are going you're in a power armor skeleton, if only you could repair it on-the-road without having to hunt down a repair station!


    How about a mod that allows you to craft a portable repair kit, maybe in the form of one of those red toolboxes, with a weight of maybe 5, and when you drop it to the floor from your inventory then activate it you enter the power armor repair interface, then you can use any scrap items you have scavanged on your journey to patch-up your power armor.


    An awesome idea (inspired by Gophers playthrough EP53)

  8. I was also going to suggest ED-E as a companion mod idea, obviously when the GECK is available.

    I think it's be a great companion mod, possibly with some storyline or short quest to get him up and running as-in FNV so you learn a story about how he ended up there, or even the eyebot from (I think) lonesome road as IIRC he was last seen starting to wander the world and could have ended-up in Boston.

  9. I've noticed when I look at weapons I have upgraded in my inventory they are listed with a Damage Rating in 4 figures but the info window to the right lists the same number but minus the last digit so a three digit number.






    Can anyone tell me if this is a limitation of the right-info area that can only display a three digit number? or is there something wonky about the rating on my weapons?


    I am using some weapon packs but not SkyRe or anything I know of that is messing with weapon ratings, except perhaps Community Uncapper and a high smithing level.

  10. Thanks Velve and Camaro for trying to help with this issue.

    I'm presuming that the only way to fix this would be a reset of Hearthfires.

    Anyone else coming across this thread in the future who has the same problem, heres a summary of the problem:

    I became unable to enter one of my Hearthfires homes, Lakeview, after moving around some my my loot stored within, most likely was a pile of around 1000 gems I placed in the hall and a pile of soul gems I placed (filled) in the large display case in the hall. I also had my wife, two children, a bard, a house-manager-person & a couple of followers living there. The problem manifest in an Infinite Loading Screen.

    Here are some solutions which may work for you:

    • Try entering after telling followers to Wait some distance away (so they are not loaded also).
    • Try entering by console command "coc byohhouse1falkreath"
    • Open the Console and enter "TM" and "TAI" Turns off the Menu and the Game AI.
    • Open the console and enter "PCB" (Purge Cell Buffer, frees up some memory).
    • Use the workbench outside to change something inside, such as removing a workbench from inside.
    • Install Skyrim Performance Monitor to give you more information about whats happening in terms of resources used by Skyrim.
    • Temporarily uninstall any large texture packs.
    • Temporarily stop or uninstall any mods that run scripts (anything that shows up in your MCM menu) then travel to Lakeview & spend a few minutes doing something, make two saves there, use a savegame cleaner to clean the latest one, load that save & move around for a minute or so, reload that save, then try entering). If this works you will be reloading your scripted mods having lost their settings and benefits!
    • Memory Block Log will help you identify a possible memory issue.
    • Try using Skyrim Startup Memory Editor
    • Try installing Safety Load
    • Try installing Stable uGridsToLoad
    • Create/set SKSE.ini with below info:






    I think that covers all the advice here, if this also doesn't help you, what will fix it is reinstalling hearthfires:

    1. Move any people and loot out of your other hearthfires houses, take it and them to another vanilla home.
    2. Uninstall Hearthfires (I'm not sure if simply removing it from your load order would work).
    3. Load your last save and mince about a bit, make a new save.
    4. (optional) use a savegame cleaner (I reinstalled hearthfires without this step a while ago and it worked fine).
    5. Install Hearthfires again.
    6. You'll have to go and see the Jarls and buy your land again, etc etc.

    I hope other people with this problem have more luck than me!

    Thanks again Velve and Camaro.

  11. Once you are all setup, Give this a run. SPM (Skyrim Performance Monitor), Run it before you do anything to the Game. Then as you add mods you can SEE what is going on, as far as your system. This is important so that you don't over do it, things don't start to "pile" up in the game till later , Scripts, Stuff...ect , ect.


    Just doing an uninstall thru steam is not enough. Very sloppy , steam and Bethesda. you are better off using this Guide to have a "Vanilla" game , this way you don't even have to download everything again. It Works , I used it for this play-thru.

    I can't seem to install SPM, I have a problem with one of the required files (see my post in their comments).

    I uninstalled my mods using SMM then renamed my skyrim folder so Steam is downloading everything that is supposed to go in there again...

  12. My recent fiddling with things has now left me with very regular CTD's, so I've decided to go with a clean download and install of skyrim and dlc's then apply a more conservative number of mods and clean the scripts from my last savegame.

    I'll be going light on texture mods this time, and I'll skip ENboost. Hopefully this drastic move will solve my Lakeview problem. Infact I may take a trip to Lakeview before I install any mods and make another save with no piles of shiny things to load in the hall.

  13. There is one mod thats specific to that house, I'll try killing that, my other mods either apply to other hearthfire houses which work fine (they're not as complete or as filled with people or stuff).

    I'll try killing the ENB too.

    I can try an older save, I'm pretty sure that the saves before I made changes to the pile of stuff in the hallway work and those since don't as it's after changing that it all went to crap.




    'Lakeview Mannequin Backroom Replacer' is the mod I have only at Lakeview, I just uninstalled it, killed ENB before loading, then tried to enter the front door and got a CTD instead of ILS......

  14. I installed SafetyLoad

    I made an SKSE.ini from your data.

    I installed Memory Blocks Log.

    Then went to try and enter my front door in Lakeview as usual, and left it trying to load for 5 minutes.

    My Block1 is set to 512MB, Block2 is 256MB

    According to the Log Block 1 got to 301MB and Block to got to 252MB

    I'm not quite sure how to interpret that, I had assumed that block 1 would fill and then block 2 would start to fill, it looks like maybe block 2 got full...

    I'll try setting both to 512MB and see what occurs.....

    .... Block1 got to 300 and Block2 got to 252.

    I'm not sure how to interpret this, does this mean it's not running out of memory?

  15. Velve666, I'll have a look into SafetyLoad...


    Camaro, I'm using Stable ugridstoload (early on modding I increased my ugrids to 9, I installed this to allow me to go back down to 5, yea I had no idea what I was messing with back then!).


    I've been experimenting with ENBoost today and I need to change the memory setting to way higher to avoid problems so that makes sense, I'll ignore that for now.


    Textures (some of these may be in the Boss list too):



    • Ruins Clutter Improved
    • Skyfalls & Skymills
    • SMIM
    • aMidianborn Caves & Mines 2K
    • aMidianborn Book Of Silence, Armors, Creatures, Dragonborn, Unique Items, Weapons.
    • Detailed Rugs
    • Grass on Steroids
    • Realistic Water 2
    • Watercolour for ENB & RW2
    • Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimised & Unofficial Patch
    • Vivid Landscapes AIO Better Performance
    • Alternative Snow vanilla res
    • Better Circlets
    • Divine Talos 4k
    • HD Ivy 2K
    • HD Shrines
    • Skyfix HD Signs & Warmaidens
    • Ultimate HD Fire effects
    • HD Baskets
    • HD Sacks






    Version 2.2.0


    Plugin Type Count
    Recognised (or sorted by user rules) 201
    Unrecognised 43
    Inactive 1
    All 244

    Plugin Message Type Count
    Warning 1
    Error 0
    All 26

    * Masterlist updated; at revision: d6b84cf89.
    * No change in recognised plugin list since last run.
    * Note: Latest BOSS thread ("http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1496999-relz-boss-for-skyrim/")
    * Note: Your SKSE is up-to-date.
    * Note: A dynamically created plugin is installed. Please refer to the authors notes for more information on determining the best load order.
    * Note: It appears you have Fores New Idles in Skyrim ("http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811") installed. Remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe every time you have installed or de-installed FNIS, or an FNIS based mod.
    * Note: The order of plugins set by BOSS differs from their order in its masterlist, as one or more of the installed plugins is false-flagged. For more information, see "file:../Docs/BOSS%20Readme.html#appendix-c False-Flagged Plugins".

    SKSE Plugins

    SKSE Version:

    AHZmoreHUDPlugin.dll Version:


    Fuz Ro D'oh.dll Version:

    SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll Version:

    Recognised Plugins

    These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.

    Skyrim.esm Active

    Update.esm Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Version 2.0.2a Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Dawnguard.esm Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    HearthFires.esm Active

    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Version 2.0.2 Active

    Dragonborn.esm Active

    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Version 2.0.2 Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}

    Falskaar.esm Version 1.1.2 Active

    Wyrmstooth.esp Version 1.10 Active

    ApachiiHair.esm Version 1.4 Active

    ApachiiHairFemales.esm Version 1.3 Active

    Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm Active

    JSwords.esm Version 1.4 Active

    Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm Active

    SMPC.esp Version 1.46 Active

    Brawl Bugs CE.esp Active

    Dawnguard Gauntlets Fix.esp Active

    HeddicVolunnar.esp Active

    orc-vampire-eyes fix.esp Active

    Summerfix.esp Active

    Lava Imagespace Fix.esp Active

    Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active

    RevampedExteriorFog.esp Active

    SplashofRain.esp Version 1.04 Active

    AOS.esp Active
    * Note: See also AOS compatibility patches ("http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44541/") page on Nexus.

    AOS_DGDB Patch.esp Active

    BWS.esp Active

    Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp Active

    AOS_ICS Patch.esp Active

    RCFIS.esp Active

    BrighterTorchesBiggerMagelight.esp Active

    Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp Version 1.08 Active

    FixCombatMusic.esp Active

    Cutting Room Floor.esp Version 1.0.5 Active

    StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

    StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp Active

    StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp Active

    AllFemaleGuards.esp Active

    AMatterOfTime.esp Version 2.00 Active

    BLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions.esp Active

    Bolts For Weapon Vendors.esp Active

    EternalTorch.esp Active

    fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp Version 1.0 Active

    Guard Build (HF) 1.esp Active

    Immersive Battles.esp Active

    Immersive Brigands.esp Active

    Immersive Dawnguard.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Immersive Dragonborn.esp Active

    Immersive Factions.esp Active

    Immersive Mercenaries.esp Active

    Immersive Patrols.esp Active

    Immersive Travelers.esp Active

    Immersive Werewolves.esp Active

    Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - 2x Brighter.esp Active
    * Note: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.

    UnlimitedBookshelves.esp Active

    more plants all extra.esp Active

    moredragonloot.esp Active

    Perks Unbound - Merged.esp Version 1.2.5 Active

    Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins.esp Active

    Skippy's Book Overhaul.esp Active

    Steel Bolts For All.esp Active

    WetandCold.esp Version 1.402 Active

    WetandCold - Ashes.esp Version 1.07 Active

    Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp Active

    Footprints.esp Active

    Footprints - Ash.esp Active

    JSwords_Load_Screens.esp Version 1.4 Active

    NoxUE2.00.esp Active

    SkyUI.esp Version 4.1 Active

    iHUD.esp Active

    SaveHotKeyMCM.esp Active

    AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    ArmorOfIntrigue.esp Active

    Cloaks.esp Active

    Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Active

    Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp Active

    Daedric Extra Armor.esp Active
    * Warning: Contains unexpected (or out of order) records. A compatibility patch fixed and cleaned with TES5Edit can be obtained here. (Compatibility Patch ("http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26230"))

    DaedricCrossbow.esp Active

    j3x-autocrossbows.esp Active

    ExplosiveBoltsVisualized.esp Active

    Fgems Skimpy Armor Set.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp Version 1.8 Active

    Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp Active

    Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Version 7 Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Immersive Weapons.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Insanity's Craftable Dragonbane.esp Version 1.0 Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deactivate}}

    Insanity's Dragonbane.esp Version 1.0 Active

    JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Version 1.4 Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp Active

    NightingaleArrows.esp Active

    NightingaleCrossbow.esp Active

    nightshade_armor.esp Active

    TorchArrow.esp Active

    Unique Uniques.esp Version 1.5 Active

    Unique Uniques - Craftable Dragonbane.esp Version 1.0 Active

    VampireLeatherArmorSet.esp Active

    viciousdawnbreaker.esp Active

    ImmersiveArmorsNPCs.esp Active

    Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp Active

    Equipping Overhaul.esp Active

    HarvestOverhaul.esp Version 2.8.2 Active

    HarvestOverhaulCreatures.esp Version 2.8.2 Active

    ACProudSpireManor.esp Active

    AllStonesAreGaurdianStones.esp Active

    Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp Active

    Hearthfire Cheat Chests.esp Active

    HearthFiresEnhanced.esp Active

    IC-HearthfireEmittanceEnhancement_Blue.esp Active

    Lakeview_Extended_BackRoom.esp Active

    My Home Is Your Home.esp Version 1.21 Active

    OBIS.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    OBISDB.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    SkyFix - Tidier Warmaidens Workshop.esp Active

    The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp Version 1.2.7 Active

    female mannequins in homes.esp Active

    female mannequins.esp Active

    AchieveThat.esp Version 3.2.1 Active

    Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp Active

    BetterQuestObjectives.esp Active

    BetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp Active

    BetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp Active

    BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp Active

    Book Covers Skyrim.esp Active

    BlockSparkles.esp Active

    Connys Improved Hearthfire.esp Active

    Differently Ebony.esp Active

    dynamic fires.esp Active

    FalskaarDawnguard.esp Active

    FireAndIceOverhaul.esp Active

    AOS_FIO Patch.esp Active

    GoldenVendors.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    GM-CookingRebalanceFinalHearthfire.esp Version 1.05 Active

    GrassOnSteroids_Short.esp Active

    Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active
    * Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.

    IslandFastTravel.esp Active

    noguardhelmets.esp Active

    nosalt.esp Active

    PotemaCrashFix.esp Active

    Proper Aiming.esp Active

    Rebirth Monster.esp Active
    * Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp Active

    Convenient Horses.esp Version 14950 Active
    * Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.

    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

    dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp Active

    AOS_EBT Patch.esp Active

    TorchRadius.esp Active

    UnreadBooksGlow.esp Version 2.2.0 Active

    skyforgedWeapons.esp Active

    aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Active

    SoS - The Dungeons.esp Version 1.23 Active
    * Note: Do not use the Crash Fix ESP for this mod. It is flagged as a master and is only meant as a last resort for fixing crashes.

    SoS - The Wilds.esp Version 1.13 Active
    * Note: Do not use the Crash Fix ESP for this mod. It is flagged as a master and is only meant as a last resort for fixing crashes.

    SoS - Civilization.esp Version 1.02 Active
    * Note: Do not use the Crash Fix ESP for this mod. It is flagged as a master and is only meant as a last resort for fixing crashes.

    StaminaCarryWeight_25.esp Active

    Predator Vision.esp Active

    Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp Active

    FNISspells.esp Active

    CombatDramaOverhaul.esp Active

    DragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.esp Active

    The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp Version 1.8 Active

    _BEEMod001.esp Active

    dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp Active

    FAMP2.esp Active

    3DNPC.esp Active

    ErynielElfV2.esp Active

    VendorSaleDelay-Gone.esp Active

    Companion_Ari.esp Active

    MHBArganna.esp Active

    MHBCalderenne.esp Active

    MHBIona.esp Active

    MHBJordis.esp Active

    moveitLWT.esp Active

    AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Active

    BetterQuestObjectives-AFTPatch.esp Active

    dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp Active
    * Note: Ragdolls will conflict with other mods that change the skeleton.nif. Check Custom Skeleton Replacers ("http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16712") for compatibly with other skeleton.nif.

    SmallElvesAndWomen.esp Active

    TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp Active

    shorter_respawns.esp Active

    Immersive Interiors.esp Version 0.2.5. Active

    RealShelter.esp Version 1.2 Active

    RealisticWaterTwo.esp Version 1.11 Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp Active

    RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp Active

    AOS_RWT Patch.esp Active

    Alternate Hearthfire House Map Marker Optional Version 2.esp Active

    Atlas Map Markers.esp Version 1.64 Active

    JiubQuestMarkers.esp Active

    PlayerHomeMapMarkers.esp Active

    FollowerCompatibility.esp Active

    Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp Active
    * Note: In case of persistent zoom-in issues, consider creating and using a Userlist to load the map lower, below any dynamic plugin(s).

    warburg's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp Active

    Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Dragonborn.esp Active

    Automatic Variants.esp

    Unrecognised Plugins

    The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed.

    Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp Active

    AI Overhaul.esp Active

    Hearthfire Girls.esp Active

    SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp Version 3.0.esp Active

    SkyFalls DB + FS Small Waterfalls.esp Active

    SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp Active

    SkyFalls Falskaar Small waterfalls.esp Active

    Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp Version 2.3 Active

    Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp Version 2.3 Active

    iNeed.esp Version 1.12 Active

    AHZmoreHUD.esp Version 1.3.2 Active

    HearthfireBasements.esp Active

    MoonAndStar_MAS.esp Active

    WhiterunBoardwalk.esp Active

    RGMsAlchemistsCompendium.esp Active

    Falskaar Wildlife.esp Active

    bigredsManniquins.esp Active

    RavenscaleCastle.esp Active

    CL Ebonyblade2Hand.esp Active

    LC_BecomeJarlofIvarstead.esp Active

    LCJarofIvarsteadExpansionGirlsPack.esp Active

    BosmerHuntsman.esp Active

    DarkwaterDen.esp Active

    AncientTonguesSword.esp Active

    Vivid Landscapes.esp Active

    Guildmasters Quarters.esp Active

    AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp Active

    RekoHobbit.esp Active

    RBB - Row Boats - Hearthfire Hotfix.esp Active

    RBB Long and Row Boats - Lands with Snow.esp Active

    OBIS Redone.esp Active

    SkyrimHighDefinitionLODs.esp Active

    SkyrimHighDefinitionLODsDragonborn.esp Active

    dragonstrikebow.esp Active

    LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp Active

    ScopedBows.esp Active

    ScopedBows_LL.esp Active

    Ghosu - Auriel.esp Active

    Rigmor.esp Active

    BP2RabbitFollower.esp Active

    Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins for USKP.esp Active

    FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp Active

    Immersive NPC in the dark.esp Active


  16. I hadn't adjusted any values in SSME when I installed it but I spent some time playing with larger values but nothing significantly larger would load the game but slightly larger values didn't help the problem.


    I've been monitoring my system when playing the game, including trying to load this area, and I never run out of RAM so my upcoming memory upgrade is unlikely to help. Although my CPU does max-out all four cores when loading areas so I guess that upgrade may make a difference so there is some hope there. My main shortcoming for gaming is my Graphics Card having only 1GB or RAM onboard, but I don't think thats an issue in this case as I think that only effects textures etc being loaded but I won't be able to upgrade my Graphics Card for quite a long time anyway.


    I have ENBoost installed, I'm using Seasons of Skyrim ENB with Performance options, and of course SSME. I don't think there is anything else I can try except maybe uninstalling all of my mods so there is less to load when trying to enter the area, or reinstalling Hearthfires and having to start all that again from scratch.


    Does anyone have any other ideas I can try please?

  17. I do have that, I've not tried changing any values there... I'll take a look.


    Edit: I think I did set values in that file when I installed it but I'll check again.


    I'm upgrading my system from 4-core to 8-core and 16gb to 32gb RAM soon, is there much chance that upgrade will help this problem?


    Am I likely right in thinking that the amount of stuff to load is the problem? and that is a memory issue?

  18. I've acquired the inability to enter my main home, Lakeview, possibly because there is too much too load.


    I've left it trying to load for several hours so it's not just slow.


    I have my wife, two children and 3 followers living there and alot of stuff.

    The problem began when I took my vast loot puke of hundreds of gems and made a big shiny pile of them in the hall, added to my full library and armory and residents I suspect it's just too much too load and I can't get in!

    I've tried other doors and loading the cell from the console but the problem is the same.


    My system spec is quad-core CPU, 16gb RAM, 1g graphics card (gtx 560 ti).

    My game is legit with all dlc's and around 250 mods, managed with NMM, sorted with BOSS, cleaned when necessary with Tes5edit, saves are also occasionally cleaned of old scripts.

    It's otherwise smooth and stable.


    Can anyone suggest anything I can try short of removing and reinstalling hearthfires?

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