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Everything posted by CelebrateLife

  1. Hey this is my first attempt at creating a custom texture by editing the default FO4 textures using Gimp. I'm not really sure what compression setting to use when exporting. All I did to the texture was change the color slightly. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Hey guys, I looked around a bit but I didn't find anything about this problem I'm having. Everything, speech animations, fire barrel animations, walking, pretty much everything is moving really fast, even my character. In some respects this might be good, not really causing any harm but just very weird. Any suggestions?
  3. Sorry guys disregard, found the thread.
  4. Hello, I'm running windows 10 and have Fallout 3 and the Geck installled, took a while but everything is working, only one problem, when I try to load a cell in the Geck I'm getting this message c\ projects\Fallout3PC\BSShader\BSShaderManager.cpp, I'm not sure if this is a problem with an ini file or a missing dll or I have no clue what I'm talking about...please help.
  5. I recently started playing Fallout 4 and have the creation kit installed and everything is working just fine. I did some modding way back when with Fallout 3 but that system is long gone. I wanted to know if I can install and run the Geck on this system and Fallout 3 along with Fallout 4 or w ill this just cause a big mess. I'm an idiot when it comes to computers, surprising I even got this far. Need some advice before I noodle everything up.
  6. My CreationKit.ini does not have this line in there, now I remember this is what I did for F03. Not sure what to do next, putting the line in manually does not work.
  7. I did some modding with F03 a few years back so I wanted to give F04 a try and I can't figure out how to allow multiple master files for the creation kit. Any help is appreciated. Thanks WW99
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