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Everything posted by danikacsa91

  1. First! Copy your Original (yeah! Buy it from Play Store!) obb files from your Android device. After that drag one of obb to Sewer.exe than you will have in a new folder what you need. Find the Coalesced_INT.bin file than drag and drop over Decryptor.exe than over Coalescer.exe and you will have a folder named Coalesced_INT. Modify your files what you need. After just drag the Coalesced_INT folder to Coalescer.exe. After that the Coalesced_INT.bin (wich now is modified) drag to Encryptor.exe than copy and overwrite the original Coalesced_INT.bin with the original one in the main.17.com.tt2kgames.xcomew. After the modified "main.17.com.tt2kgames.xcomew" folder drag to Sewer.exe and voila. Just overwrite on your device the modified .obb file and enjoy!
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