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Everything posted by Wolpeti

  1. Ofcourse it gravitates to "i like this movie, but not this movie", and an objective view, one where the creators itself even intended, and admited, to bad writing, just goes over your head cause you either haven't seen it, or revisiting childhood memories is too much of a temptation.
  2. Nobody talked about the Witcher Series yet? Cause i am having a blast. It was obvious from the start that the people who created this garbage fire were not sympathetic to the franchise, to the genre, and tried on purpose to make it repulsive. Starting with the absolut abysmal Nilfgaardian Costumes and the crowning moment came when Sir Eyck, by CD Project Red depicted as a principled Warrior Chad, was made out to be a bumbling, stupid bully who dies in his own feces. The archtype of the christian knight gets just killed and thrown on the s#*! pile. It was not just bad, it was a direct "f*#@ you" to the people who were watching it. And i have to admit i was watching parts of it, skipping trough, out of morbid curriosity, cause i knew what would happen next; people would force themselves to like it. And so it happend. The month the series was released the first Witcher TV series Mods, because people for some reason wanted to bring the anti-aesthetics of that garbage fire to a gaming platform that was capable of so much more than Trash TV, faux leather armor and actresses from a world where beauty isn't created by magic. It was ridiculous! And now we learn that in deed the writers and producers hated the product and hate the fans, who frankly deserve alot of contempt for how they gobbled up this obviously inferior product. Its like when Randy Marsh in South Park has to listen to "young peoples music" and its all just s#*!, but he keeps on pretending its good, digging himself ever deeper into a pile of s#*!. And before anyone talks about the books; forgett it. The books are utterly mediocre cause the Author just copied it from Michael Moorcock's Stormbringer Series. If you seriously think that this is compatible, even referable, in the age of modern media hyper reality, youre out for lunch. Nobody cares about the books, nobody should care about the books. If anything the series, still relying on book material, showed how pointless, mediocre and boring the books realy are. I would call it an example of bad writing if the polish author would have actualy written it. And by the way, where did all the money go? The first season of witcher had an estimated budget of 80 million dollars. Does it look like 80 million dollars? No. It looks like backyard trash. Where did the money go? Where did all the money go? Did it go up the noses of netflix producers? Was it burned in a garbage fire together with a million better scripts? The only one i feel realy bad for in all of this is Henry Cavill. Hes a genuin enthusiast about the fantasy franchise despite having so much more interesting stuff going on for himself, and they lured him into this mess where he had to interfer with the script writers to salvage some of it. I haven't seen such a downer since Mark Hamil described almost stuttering and then getting more tense how Disney Star Wars literaly butchered his Character of Luke Skywalker, one of the most successful franchise IPs on this planet. These things are even more downing than knowing that non of this means anything. Big Corpo will not change this because why care about good writing and production when sicopahntic fans gobble it up anyways? After all, fan comes from fanatic, and the only thing that will realy change is that we will now see Liam Hemsworth mods on nexus, a guy whos brother was also already thrown into s#*! by writers who just wanted to humiliate an archtype, the hollywood equivalent to the cornfield scene in Casino. Mass media produced by committee will always be cathering to the lowest common denominator. The only hope for "culture", for engaging writing and depictions, will be, as it always was, the passion of a few talented men.
  3. tough luck your game is wrecked reinstall
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