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About dmtzcain

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  1. The tools available for texturing, modeling, etc. differ in quality only at the highest level of results. In my perspective, there are far more “human” obstacles (like “talent” or lack of time/practice, motivation, etc.) to achieve a good work than the obstacles the tools might impose. For example: There are some amazing things done with MS Paint and the difference between Paint and Photoshop is abysmal.
  2. I appreciate everyone’s the advice. The list of things needed to succeed is growing, but I got the patience and dedication. Just started to learn Blender and find it really interesting. (My first human model) A game asset inserted in a videogame from a third party could be called a mod, but I think mdale13 is right; it’s time to start using a precise terminology. Maybe surfing the request forums might be a good way to practice.
  3. Very useful replays, thanx. I'll focus on Blender and guess i'll ask for help with scripts. Never thought to improve storytelling, thanks for the tip. Guess i'll be posting more specific questions on this forums. =)
  4. Hi, my name is David, I’ve been a fan of PC games and their mods for a long time, always consuming fan content for every game that allows them (and some which don’t); and now I want to give the community back. My plan is to learn the necessary skills to develop quality mods for Skyrim. I’m willing to take diplomas or classes to learn and also, to meet people who may help with the development (I’m aware I won’t be able to do everything myself). My question is: What set of skills do you think are needed to succeed in making good mods for Skyrim? P.D. I'm good at art and made some mods before, I just want to get better.
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