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About skullking777

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  1. I was curious if a interface for a Cyborg could be done. Whether it be through a perk, equipment, or a racial default. I had this idea for it to place a target reticle or something similiar on targets as well as various little nick nacks on your HUD. I got this idea after player Warhammer 40k: Dark Crusade? Or Soulstorm? The one where you fight the Necrons. You see the the Space Marines HUD and I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea. But I haven't really messed with UIs yet. So I was curious if someone would like to do this for me, I've got plenty of referrence Material.
  2. Alright, whether it be through scripting or whatever, is there a way to have a "Catch-All" Repair List for Equipment? Including any new mod weapon? Just make it so a specific item "Heals" Any Item or Equipment?
  3. Can't wait. ^__^ Will it be using GTS?
  4. This is an interesting concept and I like this. Will you be trying to make it as mod friendly as possible?
  5. I was curious while playing with MMM if it is possible after a battle or something, to be able to just loot the whole area at once. Is this possible? Has it been talked about before? Is it possible to do with container as well as bodies?
  6. Are you thinking about any RTS mergers? (Don't know if this has already been posted.)
  7. I am actually looking for a lot of makeshift weapons for Wasteland Engineering. ^__^ I guess it would be like kitbashing zip gun thing... but, I had ideas for Raider Powder weapons similar to Pirate Weapons, like the Blunderbuss. Also, Homemade Electromagnetic Rail Guns! ^__^ Message me if you interested.
  8. But then you found out it was all A LIE! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
  9. *looks at forum, shakes head* XD Well, I was going to post up a list of stuff for Wasteland Engineering and I came to a grand total of about a bizzilion items, so I think I am going to streamline it a little more. I've also be working with Detailed Survivor a little more as well. One thing I will say, is that I hope to actually start a group effort. ^__^ While I am a great idea man, I lack modding experience and skill. I ask if anyone would like to help me? Heck, I don't care if it is just to Brain Storm for a little while, but I really wouldn't like to climb this Everrest alone, if you know what I mean. ^__^
  10. Heck, I think it is more about being active and interested. See, I have this huge idea for FO3, but it would require months of my time without anyone else. I think a collabrative effort could only be reached if you had some brillantly laid out plan. While I think the work of entering data is drudgeous at best, coming up with the idea and sticking to it is the hardest. But, I am optimistic it could happen with FO3, people just got to be interested.
  11. Man, everytime I look to see if anyone has responded, I see another 10 views or so but no responses. PLEASE! POST! Post without remorse!
  12. Armor and Weapon Ideas! ================= Hey, I've got a bunch of weapon & armor ideas and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in making some new ones? I've gone so far as Rocket Propelled Chainsaws. ^__^ (hehe) But I was also wondering if anyone had some querky/REALISTIC Wasteland Weapons and Armor Ideas. For example, I have a huge list of makeshift bomb and grenade ideas, but one of my more querky ones was a Teddy Bear Bomb/Mine that would attracts enemies to it when they see it. Also, crossbow that can shoot bolts attacted to pipe bombs, so on. As for armors, I've got this neat idea for Underlays and Add-ons, but I don't want to clutter FO3 up to bad... But I think even after 200 years, there would still be plenty of usable materials and such, because while Drugs and Food may go bad with time, a Kelvar Vest may not (I'm not genius XD). While my new ideas for armor may not be as... vast as my weapons list, I do have ideas. For example, Wasteland Linothorax. If you don't know what Linothorax is, it is basically an ancient form of Kevlar that Greek Hoplites wore. Certainly not as strong as Kelvar, it was still effect and realitively easy to make. Now, you apply the same technique with modern material and you have a makeshift kevlar-like vest. Maybe not the best for lasers and high caliber rounds, it is still better then nothing. I think this may be an Underlay Idea because it could easily fit on the chest. You could have it supplement a Trench Coat or something. It is only limited by your imagination. Anyway let me know what you think and please post if you are interested. ^__^
  13. Alright, so I was messing around with CRAFT and here is one of my recipes. Tell me what you think. PVC Grenade: 2x PVC Caps 1x PVC Small Tube 1x Small Primer Powder 1x Small Explosive Material 1x Pin Mechanism Tools Required: Drill Plyers See, I think what I am debating with is should I make the tools apart of the recipe? Because I think I could make it so they come out with the grenade at the end.
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