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Everything posted by xHaldir

  1. My nemesis engine is stuck at 99% and 7249 anims. Should I just wait? It has been like this for 1 hour. Here is a screenshot of it
  2. All cratures(wolves, draugr, dragons, even bunnies, etc.) are in their frozen positions. They do not move and stay the same position even after dying. When my char or any other npc performs a killmove on them they dont lose any health and dont die. Could this be a problem with MoreNastyCritters? I downloaded that mod, ran fnis and uninstalled it soon after, as I didnt want it anymore. Any Suggestions?
  3. Hello, I want to start modding as I started an apprenticeship as a software engineer and I think this would be a good opportunity to learn on the side as well. So I just wanted to ask if someone could direct me to some Skyrim SE modding tutorials, as I couldnt find any myself. I kinda got interested in Weapons and Armour modding, but any moding where i have to code will sufice. Thank you.
  4. I'm looking for a mod that added a house into the game called something along the lines of "Hjelheim". I added a screenshot of where the House was located. It also had a unique map symbol, which I also added below. I also believe it was part of some Expansion mod, that added many Quests and also other houses. I think one of those other Houses was located near Morthal. I appreciate any help or clues you can give me.
  5. I recently downloaded quite a few mods from loverslab and then wanted to activate them in FNIS, but it said that there are too many animations. So I upgraded to FNIS XXL, ran it again and now it says that I have 72% chance of ctd. How can i fix this, Screenshot attached alongside the load order.
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